Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Like after the make out session in the crib, I think that’s honestly the best situation to just wio. Especially when they were in bed.
Concur, start feelin on the yambs and pull shorty over to you or slide up next to her. You good.
Like after the make out session in the crib, I think that’s honestly the best situation to just wio. Especially when they were in bed.
Never whipped it on any shorty in my life. Not tryna end up on the news.

What always works for me is playing with their hair. Run your fingers through it. Massage the scalp. The sensation is powerful
I don't think I'm going to settle again when it comes to women. I don't have ridiculously high standards but I definitely know what I want.

executive76 executive76 will clown me but I really want the one Hispanic chick I went to school with...tried to reconnect with. She's in a relationship though but responsive every time I reach out on Snap. I don't really know her much personally but beauty wise she's ideal.

Not forcing anything of course and will seek out other options as well.
I don't think I'm going to settle again when it comes to women. I don't have ridiculously high standards but I definitely know what I want.

executive76 executive76 will clown me but I really want the one Hispanic chick I went to school with...tried to reconnect with. She's in a relationship though but responsive every time I reach out on Snap. I don't really know her much personally but beauty wise she's ideal.

Not forcing anything of course and will seek out other options as well.

Speaking of fumbled yambs, this is a follow up to this story from last year

So about 2 days pass. I send her a text on Tuesday saying " i was thinking about you" and how I had fun hanging out with her that Saturday. She responded immediately saying that I made her "cheesy smile"
. So I'm thinking I still got a chance with her. For context this was Inauguration week for President Biden. So we were talking about how we were going to watch it. She took the day off work and was going to have some friends over to watch it with her. I watched it with my fellow NTer's in the political thread. So I ask her to meet me at this burger restaurant the following Saturday. She agrees.

So Saturday arrives. I had on a printed button down shirt, my favorite pair of jeans, and my Jordan 5 international flight. I'm feeling good about this night.

I arrive to the restaurant early. While I'm standing in front of the restaurant A random parade rolls down the street (this in New Orleans. Random s*** like this happens all the time). She shows up 20 minutes later. We get our seat and order our food. We sat in the restaurant for about an hour and half just talking and feeling each other out. I pride myself on being a good listener and conversationalist, so I was looking for topics to zero in on. Touched on some deep subjects and parts of her past (was able to figure out that she has some abandonment issues and has an anxious attachment style).

But we finished there and started walking towards bourbon street. At some point while were walking she grabbed my hand and held it. At that point I was on cloud 9. Just had a good meal, had some good alcohol, and I'm strolling the streets with this woman that was into me.
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An hour passes and I'm walking her back to her car. We get there and she starts fumbling around with her keys and hair and leaned against the door of her car. Internally I'm trying to figure out what she's doing. And then it hits me...............KISS HER!!!!!!! So I plant one on her and she started reeling from it
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She says " you want to come over and watch a movie?". I said HELL YEA!!

I get to her house and those same 2 dogs greet me by barking at me again. When in walk in I notice that she has this huge grin on her face. I take my coat off and sit Indian style on the floor. She literally sat right in front of me and we started making out. A couple minutes later and she asked me if I wanted to watch Promising Young Woman. I'm like sure, lets do it. Watched the whole thing ( good movie, but I didn't like the ending). Now, it's about 11:45pm. She asked me if I wanted to sleep over? I'm like.........
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She even gave me a pair of pajama pants to wear. So, I change into the pants and head to her bedroom. She has this giant white California king size bed. I get in and she joins me a minute later (she had to set the alarm and put her dogs to sleep). I'm laying on my stomach waiting for her. She gets in, turns off the lights, and puts her arm on my chest. I'm grinning because I know what's about to happen.
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About a minute passed I and start to caress her arm. But I didn't get any feedback. I look and she feel asleep!
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After accepting my L I turned my head and went to sleep myself.
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The next morning we ended up laying in bed for a couple of hours talking. Eventually ended up grabbing some pizza and ended the day sitting at the lake for another couple of hours. Needless to say, I only saw her one more time and eventually she hit me with a text saying she wasn't feeling a connection and that I'm a great guy........ blah blah blah.
If you're not good a reading between the lines or if you're unsure if a woman wants to take it to the next level, ive found the best thing to do is ask questions. For example...when you're sitting on the couch watching netflix, ask "do you mind if I rub on your leg?" It allows her to make the decision and you dont come off too strong. Sometimes I say something like "so im about to rub on your leg because they're lookin real good right now...can I?" Another thing to do if you're unsure if she wants to take it another level is to mimic what she does. For example, when she was rubbing your chest on the bed, rub her chest too. If she plays with your hands, do the same to her. It keeps you both on the same level of comfort and opens the door for you to take it up a level.
I don't think I'm going to settle again when it comes to women. I don't have ridiculously high standards but I definitely know what I want.

executive76 executive76 will clown me but I really want the one Hispanic chick I went to school with...tried to reconnect with. She's in a relationship though but responsive every time I reach out on Snap. I don't really know her much personally but beauty wise she's ideal.

Not forcing anything of course and will seek out other options as well.
Years ago 2009ish I reach out to a mexican chick I would make out with on the bus during 10th grade 97ish. I used to make out with another Mexican chick until she told me she wanted to stop but that her cousin liked me. So I began making out with the cousin. Some reason we stopped, maybe I got tired. I changed schools bumped into her at the mall and she flipped me off. Years later I friend her on facebook and one day she posted a pic and I decided to tak a chance and hit her up. She reply‘s and I get the number and everything was cool until I asked her To meet up. She tells she doesn’t know why she gave me her number, becasue I was the biggest waste of her time. She proceeds to tell me, she really liked me in high school and I played her. I’m confused and she goes into how I would ask her if could hit if I got off at her stop. She would get excited because she saw it as us in a relationship. Told all her friends we were having sex, but I never got off the bus. I tell her, I thought all she wanted to do was make in the back of the bus. She says, this isn’t going to work, have a nice day and hangs up.
She's in a relationship though but responsive every time I reach out on Snap. I don't really know her much personally but beauty wise she's ideal.

Not forcing anything of course and will seek out other options as well.
Don’t get too caught up in looks, besides, she’s in a relationship. There’s no shortage of women so keep looking. Having options is a great feeling.
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