Holy Venessa Bryant. SMH this dude Kobe

Originally Posted by Nktran001

My girl >
Team Pics or Die
C'mon son, it never happened.


Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by FudgeMoney24

Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by Chadleroy

Vanessa Bryant > anything anybody on here got going for them right now

Kobe won...again
You licking on buddy's scrotum better than Vanessa can.


I am sorry but.....

if hes licking then what are you doing?

C'mon guy, how many times are you going to point that out?

It's a screenname for crying out loud.
I forgot that you're one of "those" fans too.
You have a Lil B quote in your sig too, though.  With that combo it's hard to take you seriously.
You're a Lakers "fan" though. It's really hard to take all of you seriously.

Generalizing all Laker fans in a negative light as so many of you haters do is as ignorant as believing in any racial stereotype.
Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by FudgeMoney24

Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by Chadleroy

Vanessa Bryant > anything anybody on here got going for them right now

Kobe won...again
You licking on buddy's scrotum better than Vanessa can.


I am sorry but.....

if hes licking then what are you doing?

C'mon guy, how many times are you going to point that out?

It's a screenname for crying out loud.
I forgot that you're one of "those" fans too.
You have a Lil B quote in your sig too, though.  With that combo it's hard to take you seriously.
You're a Lakers "fan" though. It's really hard to take all of you seriously.

Generalizing all Laker fans in a negative light as so many of you haters do is as ignorant as believing in any racial stereotype.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

No. If you are going to tap some on the side, always go above what you are dealing with in the present. You never tap something that you cannot walk around with in the daylight, as you can never tell the woman you are dealing with that you hit someone else, due to the fact that they were so damned ugly.

One should never stoop, in order to conquer.
Horrible logic. You make it sound like if the side chick looked good then you should have no problem telling your main chick about her.

It's only horrible logic to those who don't have the balls to be honest. Be with the woman that will allow you to be who you want to be.

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

No. If you are going to tap some on the side, always go above what you are dealing with in the present. You never tap something that you cannot walk around with in the daylight, as you can never tell the woman you are dealing with that you hit someone else, due to the fact that they were so damned ugly.

One should never stoop, in order to conquer.
Horrible logic. You make it sound like if the side chick looked good then you should have no problem telling your main chick about her.

It's only horrible logic to those who don't have the balls to be honest. Be with the woman that will allow you to be who you want to be.

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