Homeless man with golden radio voice (vid)

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

. I almost didn't expect that.

I'm sure by the end of the week, we'll hear about him working for a radio station.

Seth Macfarlane get this guy on one of your shows asap, he definetly has alot to offer in this world, not just for television,or radio, he can be a motavational speaker,against drug abuse...yes,thats it!
Seth Macfarlane get this guy on one of your shows asap, he definetly has alot to offer in this world, not just for television,or radio, he can be a motavational speaker,against drug abuse...yes,thats it!
Whoa, dude really does have a great radio voice!
its a shame what drugs can do to a life. He seems very sincere about getting back on his feet, hope someone picks him up.
Whoa, dude really does have a great radio voice!
its a shame what drugs can do to a life. He seems very sincere about getting back on his feet, hope someone picks him up.
The other vid on YT is exploding. I'm gonna say it now, 500,000 by the end of tomorrow. This has officially taken off.
The other vid on YT is exploding. I'm gonna say it now, 500,000 by the end of tomorrow. This has officially taken off.
youtube will give this guy a career. someone out there will take notice

godspeed buddy
youtube will give this guy a career. someone out there will take notice

godspeed buddy
lol thats so trippy! Its really like listening to the freken radio... i hope something positive happens to him after employers see this vid.
lol thats so trippy! Its really like listening to the freken radio... i hope something positive happens to him after employers see this vid.
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