Homework With or without music?

its either downtemp/chillout or jazz...music w/ lyrics mess me all up

but I have to have some type of music playing
if the homework involves simple number crunching or something repetitive and tedious, then music all the way.

if it involves critical thinking, memorization, reading comprehension, etc, no music OR natural water sounds like waterfall and raining sound clips.
Originally Posted by lookfrancisison

as much as i know music is a distraction to reading i still do it. but yeah, i hear classical or any instrumentals help.

thats why i throw on some of this...


or any other nujabes

this dude knows what's good... nujabes all $@+#%+@$%+*@* day!
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by lookfrancisison

as much as i know music is a distraction to reading i still do it. but yeah, i hear classical or any instrumentals help.

thats why i throw on some of this...


or any other nujabes

this dude knows what's good... nujabes all $@+#%+@$%+*@* day!
the truth.

i think 90% of the time, music helps me get into a "work" groove, or at least helps me ignore tedious tasks
. if i'm working on something confusing or really critical, i might lowerthe volume real low, or turn it off if i'm frustrated. lyrics don't bother me, as long as it's a song i'm familiar with. throw in anunfamiliar song and it's game over haha
preferrably without

i do leave in my headphones in with nothing playing when studying though to drown out the noise around me

if everyone gets too loud the music comes on
if theres music its all on speakers, no way can i go with earbuds

its just too much of a distraction. yet its just something hard to go without, because it gets boring after awhile

studying/ memorizing should be a NO too. but again its addictive to have something playing around you. Mostly stick with the Ambient stuff!!!
when Im writing an essay i usually have viva la vida by coldplay on replay, don't know why, but it helps me be more productive and build strongerarguments.
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