Hot 97 DJ Mister Cee Arrested For Gay Sex Act

Originally Posted by Milkman Dead

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Well you seem to correlate feminine behavior with homosexuality, which is why you posted in this thread. Is that fair?

That is the case from my standpoint.  Seriously, would it be a surprise to you or anybody else if lets say Kanye or Chris Brown said they were gay...........the signs are there for those two would you not agree to that??

And anyways, being "emo" is part of life. Dealwithit.
Didn't mean to offend you if YOU yourself are gay, or "emo" as you might say
.  If you shop in the women's section of a store more power to you.    

I read all your comments and I have a question: would you have a problem with a rapper who who carried himself like a Black Thought or someone, made good music, but was openly gay? Is that a better role modal than someone like Kanye who is not gay but is feminine?

That's a good question champ.  Truth be told I would have somewhat of an issue with both, but I would have more of an issue with a guy like Kanye given your example of him being feminine and not gay.  Reason being a guy like Kanye has more of an influence on the youth, and to me we have too many young dudes acting like punks, with the feminine behavior and it's disturbing to say the least.  Even if they declare themselves not to be gay, they look and sound the part to be flaming which is what I take issue with.  Too many young black dudes are getting their "Men on Film" from In Living Color on these days.  When I say young dudes  I'm referring to 21 and younger.  

For the other example you provided, Black Thought is a bit older and doesn't have the same effect on black youth like Kanye does.  If a guy like Black Thought or someone his age is gay they most likely are more comfortable or more assured that they are gay versus a young guy that's maybe 16 or so that's displaying feminine behavior or thinks of himself to be gay as they are discovering themselves as a person.  

Whether folks want to admit or not this is a major issue in the black community, be it either feminine behavior among men or gays.  Reason being is this is the future head of the black family/household and they are disappearing day by day.  I know other races may not see it as such or may not have this same issue but speaking as a black man I find this to be something that is destroying the black family.  We either have blacks males going to jail or even route to being incarcerated, dead, or gay........and this is all before the age of 21.  Does anybody else find that alarming besides myself??  We see the numbers and we see the results.  Also, for any black females that are reading this post you might want to chime in as well because as alot of black females say when they get older as they are trying to find a black man to settle down with they can't seem to find any.  That's most likely do to them being in jail or on their way, dead, or gay as I stated earlier. 
bruh, noone is outraged over homosexuality breaking up the head of white households

more black dudes are in jail, unable to head households than are gay, unable to head households

you have a prejudice vs. gay people....

i simply dont care about gay people either way.

you're no different from liberman blaming the downfall of society on rap and videogames

if a kid is sucking penis, i have a hard time believing its due to kanye west being soft....

just like i have a hard time believing the kids at columbine did it because of manson and DOOM

at the end of the day, the issue you have with african american homosexuality maybe valid, but it has nothing to do with what a celebrity rapper is or isnt doing.

especially when its not even being explicitly said, these are ASSUMPTIONS youre making based upon ACTIONS of dudes with experiences we can never truely even fathom, let alone understand...

Kanye west rushing a stage or chris brown raging backstage have nothing to do with sissy $*$+*% blowing johnson
bruh, noone is outraged over homosexuality breaking up the head of white households

more black dudes are in jail, unable to head households than are gay, unable to head households

you have a prejudice vs. gay people....

i simply dont care about gay people either way.

you're no different from liberman blaming the downfall of society on rap and videogames

if a kid is sucking penis, i have a hard time believing its due to kanye west being soft....

just like i have a hard time believing the kids at columbine did it because of manson and DOOM

at the end of the day, the issue you have with african american homosexuality maybe valid, but it has nothing to do with what a celebrity rapper is or isnt doing.

especially when its not even being explicitly said, these are ASSUMPTIONS youre making based upon ACTIONS of dudes with experiences we can never truely even fathom, let alone understand...

Kanye west rushing a stage or chris brown raging backstage have nothing to do with sissy $*$+*% blowing johnson

Dude, I'm not directly blaming Kanye West, Chris Brown or anybody of the such for homosexuality in the black community.  Homosexuality or even feminine behavior was an issue before any famous rapper stepped foot on stage.  However, in this day and age alot of blacks come from a broken househould which no father in sight or around to teach and guide them.  They have no real connection to a father figure or male role model in their life on daily basis.  So then what are they left with to connect with or visualize themselves to be.  If you honestly don't think or feel that an entertainer has some type of influence be it large or small on the youth and how they carry themselves then we just have to agree to disagree.

at the end of the day, the issue you have with african american homosexuality maybe valid, 
That's all you really had to say, you should have just left it at that. 

Dude, I'm not directly blaming Kanye West, Chris Brown or anybody of the such for homosexuality in the black community.  Homosexuality or even feminine behavior was an issue before any famous rapper stepped foot on stage.  However, in this day and age alot of blacks come from a broken househould which no father in sight or around to teach and guide them.  They have no real connection to a father figure or male role model in their life on daily basis.  So then what are they left with to connect with or visualize themselves to be.  If you honestly don't think or feel that an entertainer has some type of influence be it large or small on the youth and how they carry themselves then we just have to agree to disagree.

at the end of the day, the issue you have with african american homosexuality maybe valid, 
That's all you really had to say, you should have just left it at that. 
but its completely unrelated to this post.

except the fact that this was a homosexual act between two african americans....

so, nah, that's not all i had to say.

i mean it maybe a valid problem facing african americans but this post isnt the platform in which to discuss it...

which is all i was saying anyway
but its completely unrelated to this post.

except the fact that this was a homosexual act between two african americans....

so, nah, that's not all i had to say.

i mean it maybe a valid problem facing african americans but this post isnt the platform in which to discuss it...

which is all i was saying anyway
Hot 97 is the better station by far but with that said ive been waiting foreva for dudes to finish flex and these dudes have the avenue to do so
Hot 97 is the better station by far but with that said ive been waiting foreva for dudes to finish flex and these dudes have the avenue to do so
Originally Posted by tyisny

Hot 97 is the better station by far but with that said ive been waiting foreva for dudes to finish flex and these dudes have the avenue to do so
Not happening. For better or worse Flex got the game on lock. The hell is Clue or any of them dudes gonna do about it?
Originally Posted by tyisny

Hot 97 is the better station by far but with that said ive been waiting foreva for dudes to finish flex and these dudes have the avenue to do so
Not happening. For better or worse Flex got the game on lock. The hell is Clue or any of them dudes gonna do about it?
Originally Posted by tyisny

Hot 97 is the better station by far but with that said ive been waiting foreva for dudes to finish flex and these dudes have the avenue to do so
agreed man.. waitin for his bumb ____ to get off the radio, his annoying voice, dropping bombs for no reason and just being a lame..

the best DJ IMO right now (coming from a fellow DJ himself ) is DJ Self.

doesn't talk too much, plays a bunch of good music, and just keeps playing stuff I wanna listen to.
Originally Posted by tyisny

Hot 97 is the better station by far but with that said ive been waiting foreva for dudes to finish flex and these dudes have the avenue to do so
agreed man.. waitin for his bumb ____ to get off the radio, his annoying voice, dropping bombs for no reason and just being a lame..

the best DJ IMO right now (coming from a fellow DJ himself ) is DJ Self.

doesn't talk too much, plays a bunch of good music, and just keeps playing stuff I wanna listen to.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by rocathajordans23

Stop that bomb! Drop that Bomb! NAHHHHH stop that bomb!

�dude is soooooo corny.
This can't be life... Son...what the hell kind of threat was that...
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by rocathajordans23

Stop that bomb! Drop that Bomb! NAHHHHH stop that bomb!

�dude is soooooo corny.
This can't be life... Son...what the hell kind of threat was that...
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