House Burned Down, Restarting my Collection. updated 1/2/09

so did you actually have insurance on your kicks? or did the homeowners insurance just cover that as part of the property inside of the house?

i dont have a crazy amount of kicks...maybe 70 or so, but it makes me think if I should add that to my homeowners policy. what have the rest of you guys done?

and tyler...real sorry to hear about your house bro. awesome start to the new collection!
Tyler, nice way to start the collection back up.

I would be crushed if that happened to me. Props man
I admire your determination and strength homie... you have what alot of people can only dream of... and that alone is priceless
Originally Posted by Vietishi

Dam dude sorry bout the house

yeah... & way to get back in the game.
dude sorry about your house

And also your collection back then. Whether it had heat or not, it's still YOUR collection. you know?

Dope start.
Thats crazy, i was just thinking to myself...what would I get(moneywise) if my house burnt down for all my shoes. How many pairs did you have exactly? At leastyoure all in good spirits id be heated.
DANG sorry about the fires! were you in cali? cuz the crazy fires were by my house and good thing they didnt reach! i would've gone crazy if my collectionhad been burnt down
damn dude.. sorry to hear. but nice restarting collection? lol
good luck with everything
Sorry bout the fire bro. At least you got the right mentality. Keep your head up and I hope everything can work itself out.
Originally Posted by islandfeeling

great looking start...unfortunately most of the new stuff is crap

crap? really? my XIIs might be the best shoe in all of the CDPs quality wise. The DB1s are awesome.. and the XX3s have jumped into my top 3 jordans of alltime. Thats not crap to me. I think this was a good time for me to have to restart.
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