House of Hoops releases: information ONLY!!

Vinsanity tried really really hard to help me out a couple times and i showed my appreciation.

Searchinforjays helps me out on the regular, if it wasn't for him i'd prolly not even collect shoes anymore.
Originally Posted by shaqrules

whoa rock...hell yeah there was. it turned into the "tennis ball" thread...haha. the hypermax pe cw that were released were: pau home, jo6 home, dwest away and boozier away

here's the link:
Offical Nike Hypermax Thread, Tennis Balls are Dropped Did you get your pair?

the first 2 pages show just about all of the cw that came out. page 2 actually shows the pe cw released (including the players' logos)
Thanks Shaq...

Here I thought that thread was only Tennis Ball focused.... I guess there is NO Chance those D West Hyper Maxes are available eh? I guess I am going to beonly interested in Away versions with Patent. Call me old school.. lol I like Shiny.. lol
What available at HOH NY that would surely Break necks? Since my Bro is in the US and I asked him to buy me some pairs...TIA
Did those UCONN Hyperize drop? I am seeing USCs showing up on ebay but I havent seen any UCONNs. Some nut on there thinks he is gonna get 250 for USCs LOL.Wouldnt mind picking up a pair of the UCONNs for a decent price though.
^ not much.they still have penny 2s and uptempos i believe. idk if itll "break necks"

Vince,thanks bro.preciate it. hows everything your way?
i try and help out when i can. i help out peo0le who i see i help out others here on NT.
i know if i didnt have a HOH in my state, Id want someone to help me out also.but as always,need a favor? make sure to return the favor.
Still trying to decide on whether to pull the trigger on the Akron Soldiers or USC hyperize to ball in......
BBall kid.. Im a fan of the Hyper Look.. but not the hyper Performance. I wish during times like these, that the Professor still had his Kicksology Site going,so he could speak on these.

I really wish they gave the Hyper upper the Platform they deserve. When Retro gets a hold of these years down the line.. I hope they do whats right.
^^^^Kicksology was an amazing website earlier this decade
Before Steve was outcast by NT, only 2 become 2 rich and acquired Professor K
Knowing the truth in history FTW
^^^ Thanks fellas.... I like the look of the Hyper's also but performance is a must... Looks like I might be going with Soldier III's.....
Originally Posted by only MJs collected

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by only HoHs collected

what chu want champ?

Frank has always been good to me. Just a little slow on responding sometimes. I am looking for the USC's in a 15. Frank or anybody else get at me.

Tupac- I don't understand... I posted that nothing released this weekend here. So we might not get them if they did already release. And I doubt Rivera will be able to help you out since I'm sure he'll be looking to make a profit and I get releases for you at cost. Silly dike stay in your lane ahahaha

My bad frank. I didn't see that post. You are good in my book. You have always taken care of me but sometimes the responses have been slow.

You have been my biggest help since I have been out sea. You and Harlem always help so I just want to thank you again.
Professor K has since moved on to work at Nike as a PLM a few years ago. He can actually ball too. You'd never know it just looking at him but he's gota jumper fo yo ace.. lol
^^ It's all good Pac! I'm sure by now i have sent you my number plenty of times but then again if your at sea i can see how PM's might be your onlysource of communication.

To the guy that said thats typical of me - Well all i can say is damn right! When i have 15+ messages everytime i log in to NT i have to decide to go throughthem all or browse the site... most of the time i do half and half... I mean I'll be the first to admit that i aint on this 24/7 especially when my jobalone takes up 14 hours of my time Plus i have a family and house to attend to... and on the shipping i'm usually on point and have countless messagesabout how fast NTerz receive their packages but IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN COMMUNICATED TO MY PEEPS THAT I CAN USUALLY ONLY SHIP ABOUT 4 SHOES A DAY SINCE I TAKEPUBLIC TRANSPORTATION TO WORK AND THAT IS WHERE I SEND THE SHOES OUT FROM. Unless of course i happen to work from home then everything is boxed and shippedonce I log off.

Shaq - Once i received this message from you
"hey bro...all the shiekhs that i checked out only had a couple of blues and yellows left in xl. all the reds were either sm or med. sorry...
not to turn on you or anything, would you still be able to help me out w/ the MLK mambas in a 14? lemme know...thanks "
I pretty much had to get one somewhere else... Now you did message me a few days later stating you could get a hold of one and at that point i asked howmuch... cant remember if i stated to grab it or if you did it on your own but if you do in fact "still have it" then by all means get at me ... theregoes the time i had to get through this mornings message hahaha
oh and about the rep bashing and %$$# move well it would take a lot more than that to shut me down... I'm just glad my posse is now globalized to get mevirtually every release i need... my mission is accomplished
^ then according to you and all the other haters....I'm on point right?! HAHA If we keep this up we can get you back to your old post count in no time...ido what i can for my fellow NT'ers... even you
^^^^^ this is worse than watching "Desperate Housewives" with my least then I can google over EVA......

Please everyone get back to the shoes......
Originally Posted by only MJs collected

i do what i can for my fellow NT'ers... even you

In the end isn't that what it's all about though? Egos aside can't y'all just agree to disagree. I've never messed with Frank but I seewhat he does for others and have no doubts that he's legit, Will is cool peoples and I know he's legit. I'm jus happy we have y'all and otherslike Joe who continue to help out me and fellow NTers. I know there's others who help out but these are people who I mess with (pause)
Yeah... can you guys e- Hug It Out?? lolol...

Everyone here has the same love... Sneakers.. Weather it be helping.. wearing or re-selling for a grip. Its all about the shoes...

Some of you guys I'd let over my house and eat my food... Some I wouldn't let you sleep in my backyard or eat out of my Dogs bowl.....if I had one.. Itis what it is.

Just shoes.
Too many many people acting like hos in this thread. Nike is the pimp getting that money, while all of you, his hos are bickering over resale prices like youare negotiating tricking prices.
It is about time some genuine comments are manifested in this thread
special shout out 2 all the NT members that "need" all the new releases
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