Houston Rockets @ PHX SUNS Wed 11/28 ( STAT Owns Yaoming)

Yao Meng facialized by STAT again
Stat facialed Yao twice.
However, Steve's playing well and Tmac's forcing the issue at the end a little bit.
Let the game come to you, and please hit your free throws.
Rockets looking good this half.
ehh im watching it on sopcast, better than nothing. I like the way we are playing. I hope we can keep it up in seocnd half
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Lets see how Rockets do in the fourth, good luck to both teams.

That's basically what it comes down to for the Rockets. 4th quarter play.

We'll see.
STEVIE FRANCHISE IS HAVING A GREAT GAME SO FAR! I hope the Rockets can finish this game off.
Steve doin it on both sides of the court, see thats why the city loves dude (nh) always gives HOUSTON 100%!
Not often its' the Suns that choke, nice two game slide for them.

Good job Rockets! Seems like if Francis plays well, the other two guards will play well.. T-Mac's shot was a little off, but everyone else was on point.

Good job again guys.
The Roc Boys in the building tonight.


Great win for the Rockets.

Great PG play from our three headed monster.

Rafer with back to back good games.

Franchise slowly working his way into the rotation.

Yao all up in the paint, making it rain over Amare.

Bring on the Warriors.
Franchise made it happen tonight. A change of game plan when Adelman went ahead and established Yao early and was effective throughout the game.

I haven't been so pumped up for a win in such a long time.

Everybody played just unbelievable tonight....tho Tmac disappeared in the second half.

Edit: The interview with Steve after the game was great. Boy I miss seeing him in a Rockets uniform!
I think as long as Zoddog/lute/nbadot keeps hating on opposing teams the suns will lose. Good win for Rockets
Good win tonight on the road, gotta beat the Warriors tomorrow. As long as Francis can somewhat play like he did tonight, he should be starting in no time. Although Rafer wasn't that bad tonight.

Did Nash really kick Yao? Man I missed the whole thing
barbosa is garbage..i dont know how many times i have to say that this man is toooooo ouutta control for his own damn self! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHYFREAKING RAJA BELL IS CHILLIN ON THE BENCH WATCHING THIS WHOOOOLE GAME! Barbosa needs to get traded soon... how bout for monta ellis?!??!! please. I swearthis Leandro Barbosa character thinks he's Michael Jordan.

i dont care that we lost, i rather have posterizations than a win.. Amares three made my day

Jdiddy931 wrote:

barbosa is garbage..i dont know how many times i have to say that this man is toooooo ouutta control for his own damn self! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY FREAKING RAJA BELL IS CHILLIN ON THE BENCH WATCHING THIS WHOOOOLE GAME! Barbosa needs to get traded soon... how bout for monta ellis?!??!! please.

i dont care that we lost, i rather have posterizations than a win.. Amares three made my day

Amare's three.

He did facialize Yao a couple times, too.

I like Barbosa though. He's just a Grant Hill injury away from getting into the starting lineup. And when Barbosa starts, he usually puts up
type numbers.
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