Houston Rockets @ PHX SUNS Wed 11/28 ( STAT Owns Yaoming)

Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

i dont care that we lost, i rather have posterizations than a win.. Amares three made my day

Sounds like a Suns fan.


What a terrific game defensively and offensively. Suns play little defense so I thank them for that.
Francis with more assists then Steve Asse.

What a great game.

i rather have posterizations than a win

Suns fans with their crazy antics. Can't wait till your dad comes in here Jdiddy931 with his excuses.

He should be starting by the end of the month...Offense just looks a lot better with him in, and Skip/James can't make that move to the basket in theclutch.
starting lineup should be... Nash. Bell. Marion. STAT. and Skinner. Boris is soft. Barbosa is going over the speed limit to play. Hill doesnt like passing theball for some reason but i still like the guy. Skinner can play d.
stat owns yao?

yao draws double/triple teams. stat draws well, whoever is guarding him.

man i'm telling you, now that adelman is incorporating francis, this team is gonna roll right now and they're still learning the O. at the start ofthat 3rd quarter, they looked VERY confused on what to run.
Just saw the high lights on ESPN.

Glad to see steve got some burn.

How did he do throughout the whole game?
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

i dont care that we lost, i rather have posterizations than a win.. Amares three made my day

, maybe one of the dumbest thing I've heard from a fan.Why would you want to watch the game then if all you care about was style points? Save yourself the time and watch sportcsenter instead.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Just saw the high lights on ESPN.

Glad to see steve got some burn.

How did he do throughout the whole game?

he really knows his role, played very composed and made all the hustle plays. he was doing the shaq gorilla when he blocked amare

that last play exemplified why we need steve. when teams lock down on tracy and yao, when we pass to rafer/or other role players, they can only shoot =>steve can penetrate.

this team is going to be SCARY good.
Yao of Amare and Skinner

Francis layup

Francis' strip on Amare

The W

Man Suns fans need to just man up and quit making excuses, a loss is a loss. Man up!
If anybody actually saw it, did Nash really tried to trip Yao towards the end of the game? I heard the annoucers say it but they never replayed the incident.
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

hey buddy pancakes you forgot one thing... but don't worry i got your back


i thought u said reg. season wins don't matter, why bring up a REG. SEASON RECORD?
LOL. What happened to regular seasons win don't mean anything? Dead yourself.

Suns and their fans got fed horse manure tonight.
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