How accurate is this portrayal of Muslims?

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Okay, replace the rape with consensual sex where its some of that kinky +%@% with your mom tied up and being slapped around. I guarantee you a few people would freak out and want to kill the dude after watching him and their mother do the deed like that. Its an unprovoked insult and sometimes there are gonna be repurcussions and you cant act all surprised and innocent when they occur because you knew ahead of time what you were doing by sending the video to that moms son, or in this case making some video that you are well aware will offend millions of people worldwide by striking at that which they hold highest above all else, above their own lives.

yea but according to the law of that particular country, and in the hypothetical situation you gave retaliation with violence is a crime deserving of punishment. You can't come into someone else's country expecting them to adopt your religious views especially when it conflicts with their laws.

People get hung for blasphemy in Muslim countries, you can't expect everyone to adopt such sentiments in a foreign society.

Now if my man goes to Pakistan holding a big *** poster with a carcicature of Muhammad, although fundamentally him being put to death is wrong in my eyes.....I would be more inclined to say "he asked for it".
Yes, yes. This, I wholeheartedly agree with. 

Nevertheless, it's not so cut and dry. Assume arguendo that those students were naturalized Swede's or let's say they are Swede's by reason of jus soli, in which case they are not expecting "everyone to adopt such sentiments in a foreign society". They are in fact, demanding their own country accede to these (infantile and borderline ******ed) demands.

I guess the point I'm torturing is that whilst I agree with you wholeheartedly, the issue is a bit more complicated than it appears.

Perhaps Samuel Huntington was right about the "clash of civilizations" . . . .
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Let me say this, Scandinavia is one of the least racially sensitive places. Its been almost all locals until like 20 years ago when real immigration started, as a result people havent adjusted at all. Racist jokes are still socially acceptable. CEOs of companies will crack black jokes with their board of directors, my grandma will talk about "those dark people" and how mean-spirited they are right in front of them at a gas station etc.

In Scandinavia people dont try to be politically correct at all, in fact they'll go out of their way to make racist comments and the like just to provoke minorities. Id say a good 95% of the population finds it perfectly acceptable to be outwardly racist. Im Danish and I know this first hand.

Most likely, this Lars guy who made the movie was trying to be as offensive as he possibly could for the +%$% of it. Its just like when the Danish cartoonist drew the prophet mohammed wearing a bomb on his head instead of a turban. Honestly, it wouldnt surprise me for Lars to get killed or at least someone to attempt to kill him like they did the Dansih cartoonist, and when its all said and done Ill maintain that he earned it.
Wait...what?  You support the death of another human being over something like this?

It's ok for Muslims to murder people they disagree with?  Are you listening to what you're saying? 

The quesion is are you listening to what Im saying? I said he will have earned his death. Take something millions of people prize as the greatest thing in the world, %@%+ on it, +*!% it up, and then burn it and you must expect a few people out of those millions will try to kill you, and I wont agree with killing him, but I cant blame them.
Son are you serious? Making a video to @$+$ with ppl by attacking their beliefs earns them their death? The amount of ppl who belief in it do not matter. Expecting violence for an action is not equal to earning death for an action.

What the @$+$ do you mean you can't blame them?!!! You can't blame a group of ppl so enraged over a video even after there's been a gap of time from seeing it that a person can methodically plan out that person's death or a group committing a mob killing? You can't blame them for that?
Im saying theres gonna be one or two dudes in a milli that want him dead.

If videotape yourself raping 100 peoples moms, then defecating on them afterwards and send the video to each of their houses with your return address on there, you oughta expect a few of them will want to kill you, and I cant even be mad at them for that.
Making a video isn't the same as rape or consensual sex. Expecting someone to harm you physically or kill you because of your action is not the same as earning death because of an action. Nor is the former a situation where you can't blame them for their excessive overreaction.

no but sending that video to someone taunting them wouldnt be an action you would carry out without expecting some receivers of that video to try to hurt you

in the same way that sending the message in this video taunting the muslims wouldnt be an action you would carry out without expecting at least a few of the muslims seeing it try to hurt you
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Let me say this, Scandinavia is one of the least racially sensitive places. Its been almost all locals until like 20 years ago when real immigration started, as a result people havent adjusted at all. Racist jokes are still socially acceptable. CEOs of companies will crack black jokes with their board of directors, my grandma will talk about "those dark people" and how mean-spirited they are right in front of them at a gas station etc.

In Scandinavia people dont try to be politically correct at all, in fact they'll go out of their way to make racist comments and the like just to provoke minorities. Id say a good 95% of the population finds it perfectly acceptable to be outwardly racist. Im Danish and I know this first hand.

Most likely, this Lars guy who made the movie was trying to be as offensive as he possibly could for the +%$% of it. Its just like when the Danish cartoonist drew the prophet mohammed wearing a bomb on his head instead of a turban. Honestly, it wouldnt surprise me for Lars to get killed or at least someone to attempt to kill him like they did the Dansih cartoonist, and when its all said and done Ill maintain that he earned it.
Wait...what?  You support the death of another human being over something like this?

It's ok for Muslims to murder people they disagree with?  Are you listening to what you're saying? 

The quesion is are you listening to what Im saying? I said he will have earned his death. Take something millions of people prize as the greatest thing in the world, %@%+ on it, +*!% it up, and then burn it and you must expect a few people out of those millions will try to kill you, and I wont agree with killing him, but I cant blame them.
Son are you serious? Making a video to @$+$ with ppl by attacking their beliefs earns them their death? The amount of ppl who belief in it do not matter. Expecting violence for an action is not equal to earning death for an action.

What the @$+$ do you mean you can't blame them?!!! You can't blame a group of ppl so enraged over a video even after there's been a gap of time from seeing it that a person can methodically plan out that person's death or a group committing a mob killing? You can't blame them for that?
Im saying theres gonna be one or two dudes in a milli that want him dead.

If videotape yourself raping 100 peoples moms, then defecating on them afterwards and send the video to each of their houses with your return address on there, you oughta expect a few of them will want to kill you, and I cant even be mad at them for that.
Making a video isn't the same as rape or consensual sex. Expecting someone to harm you physically or kill you because of your action is not the same as earning death because of an action. Nor is the former a situation where you can't blame them for their excessive overreaction.

no but sending that video to someone taunting them wouldnt be an action you would carry out without expecting some receivers of that video to try to hurt you

in the same way that sending the message in this video taunting the muslims wouldnt be an action you would carry out without expecting at least a few of the muslims seeing it try to hurt you
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.
You're making a hell of a logical leap there
Just because blacks "would have done it too," doesn't make it right.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.
You're making a hell of a logical leap there
Just because blacks "would have done it too," doesn't make it right.
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

I'm pretty convinced that there is a small percent of people on this message board are racist/prejudice and need to be banned immediately. I thought this was message board founded in America, the same place where were taught to respect each individual for who they are and not base them on a group of people who are on a YouTube video. Ridiculous.

Everyone is prejudice. It's human nature to prematurely judge someone. So you too would be banned.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.

I think this is a good point. A lotta people in here dont understand the context of the video. Im Danish, being Swedish is basically the same thing as far as attitudes and societal norms go.

The muslims in that video have spent mannnnnny years if not their entire lifetime in Sweden, I can tell from their accent. Their Swedish muslims, for all intents and purposes. The filmmaker, Lars, made that video taunting them and seeking to provoke them, thats socially acceptable in Scandinavia, as sad as it is. Overt racism is perfectly acceptable.
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

I'm pretty convinced that there is a small percent of people on this message board are racist/prejudice and need to be banned immediately. I thought this was message board founded in America, the same place where were taught to respect each individual for who they are and not base them on a group of people who are on a YouTube video. Ridiculous.

Everyone is prejudice. It's human nature to prematurely judge someone. So you too would be banned.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.

I think this is a good point. A lotta people in here dont understand the context of the video. Im Danish, being Swedish is basically the same thing as far as attitudes and societal norms go.

The muslims in that video have spent mannnnnny years if not their entire lifetime in Sweden, I can tell from their accent. Their Swedish muslims, for all intents and purposes. The filmmaker, Lars, made that video taunting them and seeking to provoke them, thats socially acceptable in Scandinavia, as sad as it is. Overt racism is perfectly acceptable.
So let me get this straight: you think it's okay for people to throw a violent hissy fit and silence people who have not in any way infringed upon their rights?
So let me get this straight: you think it's okay for people to throw a violent hissy fit and silence people who have not in any way infringed upon their rights?
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Okay, replace the rape with consensual sex where its some of that kinky +%@% with your mom tied up and being slapped around. I guarantee you a few people would freak out and want to kill the dude after watching him and their mother do the deed like that. Its an unprovoked insult and sometimes there are gonna be repurcussions and you cant act all surprised and innocent when they occur because you knew ahead of time what you were doing by sending the video to that moms son, or in this case making some video that you are well aware will offend millions of people worldwide by striking at that which they hold highest above all else, above their own lives.

yea but according to the law of that particular country, and in the hypothetical situation you gave retaliation with violence is a crime deserving of punishment. You can't come into someone else's country expecting them to adopt your religious views especially when it conflicts with their laws.

People get hung for blasphemy in Muslim countries, you can't expect everyone to adopt such sentiments in a foreign society.
that would be a crime both here and there, in both the hypothetical situation with sex and murder, whats your point? or am I misunderstanding?


my point is we shouldn't make excuses for people who retaliate with violence in these situations.

If my girlfriend cheated on me, and I killed one would respond "she asked for it". Although in certain societies that practice cough *islam* cough, this scenario would be justified.

actually I think some people would respond like that in this situation and even more people if it was something of more importance. Insulting religion like that isnt some trivial thing like plain old cheating, if she did something way worse a lotta people might actually say "yeah she earned it"

well some people find cheating very important.....some people would argue that cheating may illicite a stronger emotional response than religion. Or insulting one's mother....or insulting one's shoes. What is important/ or not important to people varies but in all these situations homicidal retaliation is unwarranted and excuses should not be made.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.

I think this is a good point. A lotta people in here dont understand the context of the video. Im Danish, being Swedish is basically the same thing as far as attitudes and societal norms go.

The muslims in that video have spent mannnnnny years if not their entire lifetime in Sweden, I can tell from their accent. Their Swedish muslims, for all intents and purposes. The filmmaker, Lars, made that video taunting them and seeking to provoke them, thats socially acceptable in Scandinavia, as sad as it is. Overt racism is perfectly acceptable.

Free speech is so sad...

and so what if X people would've reacted the same way, there is no justification for it. 
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.

I think this is a good point. A lotta people in here dont understand the context of the video. Im Danish, being Swedish is basically the same thing as far as attitudes and societal norms go.

The muslims in that video have spent mannnnnny years if not their entire lifetime in Sweden, I can tell from their accent. Their Swedish muslims, for all intents and purposes. The filmmaker, Lars, made that video taunting them and seeking to provoke them, thats socially acceptable in Scandinavia, as sad as it is. Overt racism is perfectly acceptable.

Free speech is so sad...

and so what if X people would've reacted the same way, there is no justification for it. 
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Okay, replace the rape with consensual sex where its some of that kinky +%@% with your mom tied up and being slapped around. I guarantee you a few people would freak out and want to kill the dude after watching him and their mother do the deed like that. Its an unprovoked insult and sometimes there are gonna be repurcussions and you cant act all surprised and innocent when they occur because you knew ahead of time what you were doing by sending the video to that moms son, or in this case making some video that you are well aware will offend millions of people worldwide by striking at that which they hold highest above all else, above their own lives.

yea but according to the law of that particular country, and in the hypothetical situation you gave retaliation with violence is a crime deserving of punishment. You can't come into someone else's country expecting them to adopt your religious views especially when it conflicts with their laws.

People get hung for blasphemy in Muslim countries, you can't expect everyone to adopt such sentiments in a foreign society.
that would be a crime both here and there, in both the hypothetical situation with sex and murder, whats your point? or am I misunderstanding?


my point is we shouldn't make excuses for people who retaliate with violence in these situations.

If my girlfriend cheated on me, and I killed one would respond "she asked for it". Although in certain societies that practice cough *islam* cough, this scenario would be justified.

actually I think some people would respond like that in this situation and even more people if it was something of more importance. Insulting religion like that isnt some trivial thing like plain old cheating, if she did something way worse a lotta people might actually say "yeah she earned it"

well some people find cheating very important.....some people would argue that cheating may illicite a stronger emotional response than religion. Or insulting one's mother....or insulting one's shoes. What is important/ or not important to people varies but in all these situations homicidal retaliation is unwarranted and excuses should not be made.
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

I'm pretty convinced that there is a small percent of people on this message board are racist/prejudice and need to be banned immediately. I thought this was message board founded in America, the same place where were taught to respect each individual for who they are and not base them on a group of people who are on a YouTube video. Ridiculous.

Oh shut the @%@$ up. 
Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.
You're making a hell of a logical leap there
Just because blacks "would have done it too," doesn't make it right.
I used blacks because I am black and didn't want to offend anyone by using a different group. Any group of people will react when provoked.
Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.
You're making a hell of a logical leap there
Just because blacks "would have done it too," doesn't make it right.
I used blacks because I am black and didn't want to offend anyone by using a different group. Any group of people will react when provoked.
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

I'm pretty convinced that there is a small percent of people on this message board are racist/prejudice and need to be banned immediately. I thought this was message board founded in America, the same place where were taught to respect each individual for who they are and not base them on a group of people who are on a YouTube video. Ridiculous.

Oh shut the @%@$ up. 
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.

I think this is a good point. A lotta people in here dont understand the context of the video. Im Danish, being Swedish is basically the same thing as far as attitudes and societal norms go.

The muslims in that video have spent mannnnnny years if not their entire lifetime in Sweden, I can tell from their accent. Their Swedish muslims, for all intents and purposes. The filmmaker, Lars, made that video taunting them and seeking to provoke them, thats socially acceptable in Scandinavia, as sad as it is. Overt racism is perfectly acceptable.

Free speech is so sad...

and so what if X people would've reacted the same way, there is no justification for it. 

I didnt say it was justified, I said dude would have made his own death, and thats not surprising. He could accomplish that by offending ANYONE i the sample size is big enough.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Essential1

A billion and a half people practice Islam...

I can take a cross section of a billion and a half of any group and find sick, twisted, idiotic, monsters... But doesn't make them a representative body of that 1.5 billion people now does it..

Are the extremists crazy? YES

But by no means are they an accurate representation of the normal/average Islamic follower.
I understand that this is not an representation of all Muslims, but these Muslims don't "look" like extremists.  They look like normal people who live in a western country.  I didn't expect them to act like this.

Is there a basis for this kind of behavior in Islamic texts though?  If yes, shouldn't we have a problem with it? 
Black people would've have acted the exact same way if someone was blatantly disrespecting they're culture and history just to get a reaction out of them. It doesn't matter if this kind of behavior is found in Islamic text. When people are disrespect, they react.
I'm black by the way.

I think this is a good point. A lotta people in here dont understand the context of the video. Im Danish, being Swedish is basically the same thing as far as attitudes and societal norms go.

The muslims in that video have spent mannnnnny years if not their entire lifetime in Sweden, I can tell from their accent. Their Swedish muslims, for all intents and purposes. The filmmaker, Lars, made that video taunting them and seeking to provoke them, thats socially acceptable in Scandinavia, as sad as it is. Overt racism is perfectly acceptable.

Free speech is so sad...

and so what if X people would've reacted the same way, there is no justification for it. 

I didnt say it was justified, I said dude would have made his own death, and thats not surprising. He could accomplish that by offending ANYONE i the sample size is big enough.
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