How ahead of it's time was Enemy Of The State?

Mar 21, 2010
I watched this as a child not really realizing the significance behind it. But watching it now in these times i'm in awe at just how accurate and how quickly the tactics used in this movie have been used now.
one of my favorite movies. definitely opened up my mind about government surveillance and the extremes they go through.
Been meaning to rewatch this lately....

Easily one of Will's best movies, pretty slept on too.
I remember when Will Smith used to be on that conspiracy tip hard. I remember this big controversy when he did this interview with Barbara Walters and was talking about how AIDS was an engineered population control and how crack was purposefully put into Black communties by the government to eff up the social movements of the time.

Nothing against that tho because alot of that stuff turns out to be true. I.e. the Iran-Contra controversy concerning crack.
@Fontaine......An episode.

They were scrolling from upstairs to downstairs. They did it very fast so you couldn't see in real time.

The Simpsons has a lot of that.
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I watched this as a child not really realizing the significance behind it. But watching it now in these times i'm in awe at just how accurate and how quickly the tactics used in this movie have been used now.

So true, I saw it again over the summer and all I could say was damn :smh:, imagine how **** is now.
I disagree that it was ahead of it time. If anything it was late. Dwight Eisenhower warned the massed in 1961 about what potentially was to come. He was right. George Orwell's 1984 was written in 1949. Things in that book are commonplace today. The writing has been on the wall for decades.
None of this is really ahead of it's time. "Your gov't watches over you", not really a new or shocking thought, I don't get the faux outrage sometimes.
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