How BAD is cheating, really? Could you get over it? Are you SURE?

Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

this thread totally made me sad. Thanks

now im listenin to this song on constant reply. smh im such a " simp "

you sad doggie?

ok i take my comment back. ive been listening to the song also..
my situation is different from the main purpose of this thread. so i wont go into it. buthe song is very sad and hits hard.

im sad doggie
If you are cheating, you not with the right chick, and this is coming from a cheater.
It just worng I would never cheat on my wife becasue I love her so much and there is no girl out there to take her place so it wouldnt be worth losing her forsoemthing like that. I feel if your gonna cheat then why take the time out to build a relationship only to knock it down like that.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

this thread totally made me sad. Thanks

now im listenin to this song on constant reply. smh im such a " simp "

you sad doggie?

ok i take my comment back. ive been listening to the song also..
my situation is different from the main purpose of this thread. so i wont go into it. but he song is very sad and hits hard.

im sad doggie

oh the irony.
I'll tell you this, one day youll be in a relationship with someone you dont want to lose. I promise you that, it may not last forever but you will realize how much this person means to you. Then you will change your views on cheating.

This better not be directed at me
My ex ( we were in a relationship for about 3 years) cheated on me and i forgave him... he cheated again (the reason of our break up) and i had to realize...people slip up but when it happens mutiple times, its not a mistake. I can honestly say that he has broken my heart and I am moving on (slowly), but I knowit'll be hard for me to trust another guy anytime soon.I mean if you know your girl or partner is loyal to you and has never cheated on you, how can youlook at them and not feel any type of way after cheating & lying to them? This is what I can't understand...
everyone cheats for different reasons and everyone deals with cheaters/cheating differently. I always thought that "once a cheater, always acheater". And I agree with Kix. if your cheating, then ur with the wrong chick.
if i get cheated on, the trust will be lost and it can and will never be the same. can never look at that person the same. it will be a wrap off top.
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

"Can you imagine you on lock with one breeze for life?Waking up in the morning and laying down the nightwith the same face looking at you all the timeRealizing now that happiness was hard to findYou wanna go out and try to find that smile and facePlus she's always mad, and her sex ain't greatAnd she don't suck *+#* like she used to doForce a %@%#% into trying to find him something new"
"For me to say that, "I do," would be a lie because I don't
believe no woman is right for me so I won'tTry to talk myself into thinking she isAnd if she leaves me for this, that's just one less !!$@!And trust me, I tried to be a one woman manBut for every one woman, there's a man, home manSaying, "Damn, I done spent six years in this #+#+the first two was cool and then the !!$@! just flipped"And then that's it, had to make some new plans'Cause your brand new woman got a brand new manNow you're hurt all alone, steady hitting her phoneBut a bigger *+#* and longer bank roll, she gone"

SCARFACE spit some of the realest S!!! on that song.
cheating is the worst thing you can do to someone

i will never cheat and if you cheat on me you are outta here
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by Hugo

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Originally Posted by freshhh

real talk ima sound like a jerk

but if i cheated, and i still wanted to be with the girl, id think eventually she'd forgive me

but if she was creepin, its a wrap.

i know its not fair, but thats just how it is for me i guess


90 percent of the dudes I know with GFs have cheated on them. It's pervasive.

I know a lot of girls who cheated on their bfs cause I slept with a few of said unfaithful girls

Join the party.

Personally if I where to make that commitment I would not cheat but that's just me.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by Hugo

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Originally Posted by freshhh

real talk ima sound like a jerk

but if i cheated, and i still wanted to be with the girl, id think eventually she'd forgive me

but if she was creepin, its a wrap.

i know its not fair, but thats just how it is for me i guess


I cheated on my boyfriend about a month back and he found out a few weeks later. I didn't think he would find out but when he did it made me realize howmuch he cared for me and how much I didn't want to lose him and what we had even though things would be different if we decided to work it out. I #@#%@@ upand I take full responsibility for what I did. We didn't break up and we're working #*%+ out and our relationship has been amazing. Its almost likenothing happened. I told him I would never hurt him again but the other day I went out with a dude I met at work. I want to be with my boyfriend but Idon't want to give up my freedom. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me so I don't know why I still $#@+ around
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

I cheated on my boyfriend about a month back and he found out a few weeks later. I didn't think he would find out but when he did it made me realize how much he cared for me and how much I didn't want to lose him and what we had even though things would be different if we decided to work it out. I #@#%@@ up and I take full responsibility for what I did. We didn't break up and we're working #*%+ out and our relationship has been amazing. Its almost like nothing happened. I told him I would never hurt him again but the other day I went out with a dude I met at work. I want to be with my boyfriend but I don't want to give up my freedom. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me so I don't know why I still $#@+ around
How old are you?

But it comes a day where you must decide whats more important to you. Freedom to do whatever you please with no strings attach or a shot at something manycrave for but fail to obtain, a relationship that can lead to a loving blissful marriage. Gotta let go of the small stuff. Hope that helps.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

I cheated on my boyfriend about a month back and he found out a few weeks later. I didn't think he would find out but when he did it made me realize how much he cared for me and how much I didn't want to lose him and what we had even though things would be different if we decided to work it out. I #@#%@@ up and I take full responsibility for what I did. We didn't break up and we're working #*%+ out and our relationship has been amazing. Its almost like nothing happened. I told him I would never hurt him again but the other day I went out with a dude I met at work. I want to be with my boyfriend but I don't want to give up my freedom. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me so I don't know why I still $#@+ around

You need to stop being so selfish and make a decision on what you want (you can't have it both ways). Stop stringing dude along.
Cheating is the most cruel and vile thing you can do to a person you're in a relationship with. I've been cheated on and I don't think I am EVERgoing to forgive her. All of the things that go into cheating are terrible, such as how easy your partner gave it up to someone else when it could have takenyou months or years just to get some, and how they show their affection to someone else after many months or years with someone you truly love and care about.It's just sickening.
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Cheating is the most cruel and vile thing you can do to a person you're in a relationship with. I've been cheated on and I don't think I am EVER going to forgive her. All of the things that go into cheating are terrible, such as how easy your partner gave it up to someone else when it could have taken you months or years just to get some, and how they show their affection to someone else after many months or years with someone you truly love and care about. It's just sickening.

Agreed. Not that I condone it, but I see where people can go crazy and do something to their cheating spouse. Everything you listed and the recklessness thatgoes into cheating will drive people to do crazy things. Especially when you put in mountains of time and effort to get treated like a piece of crap is just
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Cheating is the most cruel and vile thing you can do to a person you're in a relationship with. I've been cheated on and I don't think I am EVER going to forgive her. All of the things that go into cheating are terrible, such as how easy your partner gave it up to someone else when it could have taken you months or years just to get some, and how they show their affection to someone else after many months or years with someone you truly love and care about. It's just sickening.

Agreed. Not that I condone it, but I see where people can go crazy and do something to their cheating spouse. Everything you listed and the recklessness that goes into cheating will drive people to do crazy things. Especially when you put in mountains of time and effort to get treated like a piece of crap is just
Yeah. And absolutely... most people are not in their right minds after they're cheated on which leads to them doing the crazy thing. I know,putting in all that work (no pun) and emotional effort just for it all to be ended by something selfish your partner did is just
And talking about all of this stuff is just getting me heated about my ex

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl


I know I'm wrong

I'm 20 btw...
Same as me
. Mistakes and times of stupidity happen toeveryone. But we must learn from our downfalls and short comings.

You gotta figure out what you want more. With a great relationship you have cake and ice cream and you get to eat it. It seems like your making the push forpizza and wings too knowing if you eat all that, you'll be stuffed and get sick. As my mama always told me when I ate too much, your eyes are bigger thanyour stomach.
I just get overwhelmed when I put the situation in perspective
Like, do I really want a committment at this point in my life?
I'm done though,$*%@ aint fair...
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl


I know I'm wrong

I'm 20 btw...
you're 20? I didn't kno I was older than you.
but yea I've seen the effects of cheating on people. It's hard to see a friend give their all to a relationship and their significant other just throwsthat away because the other chick "Listens to me." Especially when the chick thats getting cheated on is a cool individual who was with when u wasnothing and tryna help you with ur +*%#@$ up life.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

I cheated on my boyfriend about a month back and he found out a few weeks later. I didn't think he would find out but when he did it made me realize how much he cared for me and how much I didn't want to lose him and what we had even though things would be different if we decided to work it out. I #@#%@@ up and I take full responsibility for what I did. We didn't break up and we're working #*%+ out and our relationship has been amazing. Its almost like nothing happened. I told him I would never hurt him again but the other day I went out with a dude I met at work. I want to be with my boyfriend but I don't want to give up my freedom. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me so I don't know why I still $#@+ around

You're a jumpoff. Whether you think cheating only consists of kissing/having sex or whatever, you goin' out with that dude regardless of what you didis considered cheating in alot of peoples eyes, including mine. That is why I don't trust NO %*@@%, peep my sig.

Never will I give my heart to a female. Once a cheater always a cheater, remember that *%++ y'all. Don't ever think your girl will "never cheat onyou" because no matter how much she says she loves you, there WILL be a time when she is pushed into a corner and just doesn't know how to act. Trust.You can't force a girl to be faithful, she has to want to.

So weekendgirl, I am sorry to say but you have no reason to have a boyfriend at all. If you want to act single and do what single girls do, THEN BE SINGLE. Whystay with somebody if you know you're gonna cheat? Because you love him? No, you don't love him..because if you did then you wouldnt cheat andwouldn't sneak around.

That is all. I'm glad you posted that though, just further proves my point that FEMALES AIN'T *%++.

Once again, peep my sig.. join my team if you want

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