How badly do you think pre marital sex has damaged our country?

Jan 8, 2005
In my opinion, I think it has damaged us more than majority of us will admit to. We can see the affects of it all around us and even here on NT.

What do you think NT?
"We can see the affects all around us and even here on NT"

You cant make a statement like that and not back up your claim.
Originally Posted by mdwst9

i just really think it is messing up our children.

What about the adults? I mean if the children are effected, aren't the adults as way in some way besides the obvious STD/pregnancy problems?
I dont think pre-marital sex is the issue... but rather unprotected/no birth control sex.

If people want to have sex before they are married, I don't look at it as an issue as long as they are taking the proper precautions.
Premarital sex? or Premarital sex resulting in pregnancies that lead to babies growing up without a stable home?
Pre-marital sex isn't the issue. It's the abstinence-only/sheltered type of sex education that is ruining things. Sex education shouldn't be frowned upon seeing as how it's a natural act, but instead too many parents fear what is being taught to their children like it will scar them for life.

This usually causes the teen to become rebellious and make unwise decisions about sex. And seeing as how you didn't specifically identify an age range, do you think pre-marital sex is bad for consenting adults too?  
Originally Posted by Diego

"We can see the affects all around us and even here on NT"

You cant make a statement like that and not back up your claim.

We've all seen the post about dudes knocking up JO's. We've also seen the post where dudes have knocked up girls they've been with and are basically putting the child who isn't even born yet in a situation that mirrors that of a divorce.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]
Why? And I'll go outside later.
I dont think pre-marital sex is the issue... but rather unprotected/no birth control sex.

If people want to have sex before they are married, I don't look at it as an issue as long as they are taking the proper precautions.
But what about the effect it has on children and teens? Its basically a green light for them to go and screw at will as long as they use a condom and or birth control.

Isn't that in the end, what we're telling them? I mean you can tell your children , if they go out and have sex to protect themselves. But shouldn't there also be more said to curb that as well besides "Find someone special" or "Find someone you care about"?
Premarital sex? or Premarital sex resulting in pregnancies that lead to babies growing up without a stable home?
Its pretty much the same to me. Of course the second one is the worse part of it.

Both are not good to me, but I'll take a couple having sex then getting married vs the couple just having casual sex that leads no where.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Premarital sex? or Premarital sex resulting in pregnancies that lead to babies growing up without a stable home?
Its pretty much the same to me. Of course the second one is the worse part of it.

Both are not good to me, but I'll take a couple having sex then getting married vs the couple just having casual sex that leads no where.

Why are you concerned about where someone elses relationship leads to?
Is that the christian way?

Explain how premarital sex has damaged the country. I want to be intrigued.
You going to tell me that responsible 30+ year olds shouldn't have sex (casual or otherwise) unless they're married? %*+%. Seriously. You know what's damaging? Teaching abstinence only in schools. Teen pregnancy has been on the rise ever since that brilliant idea was introduced. Sexual intercourse is a part of LIFE regardless of what religious you prescribe to. Everyone should know how it works and how to be safe. End of story.

The question you should ask yourself is, what good has premarital sex done
It resulted in me, that's all the good I need to know. 
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Premarital sex? or Premarital sex resulting in pregnancies that lead to babies growing up without a stable home?
Its pretty much the same to me. Of course the second one is the worse part of it.

Both are not good to me, but I'll take a couple having sex then getting married vs the couple just having casual sex that leads no where.
Why are you concerned about where someone elses relationship leads to?
Is that the christian way?

I can have an opinion can't I? I mean you don't have to be a Christian to see the damage its caused right? I've seen premarital sex do WAY more harm than good. Of course as a Christian, I disagree with it, but as a man with morals, I disagree with it.

The question you should ask yourself is, what good has premarital sex done?

Explain how premarital sex has damaged the country. I want to be intrigued.
Well children born out of wedlock usually don't grow up with the benefits that children with a mother and father do. The female AND male teachings are greatly needed in EVERY household.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]

Cliffs: The acceptance of premarital sex mixed with stupidity involving contraceptive (some of which stemming from religious views against it, some from pure ignorance) has lead to problems with children growing to be socially unaware and criminals.
Really, though, it has nothing to do with religion.  I'm one of the more outspoken atheists on here, and I totally agree.  While I love having premarital sex, it does lead to a large amount of problems--mostly through unwanted pregnancies.  The key religious issue, then, being the ones surrounding the pro-life, anti-abortion views.
When parents (used strictly in a biological sense) have children that they do not want, the kid is raised by whatever influence finds them.  They grow up not knowing how a real relationship works, how to be sociable, and with all sorts of connectedness issues.  Typically, and studies reveal this, children of bad relationships tend to be the ones growing up to be criminals, and they typically start in their teens.  As referenced in Freakonomics, when abortion rights were granted in the US, crime began to drop from the sudden decrease in unwanted children into the population--children who would have a much higher likelihood of becoming criminals.  
If by pre-marital sex you mean the increasing rate of youngsters having sex at without proper consideration or preperation then I agree. To generally say pre-marital has damaged our country, no.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Premarital sex? or Premarital sex resulting in pregnancies that lead to babies growing up without a stable home?
Its pretty much the same to me. Of course the second one is the worse part of it.

Both are not good to me, but I'll take a couple having sex then getting married vs the couple just having casual sex that leads no where.
Why are you concerned about where someone elses relationship leads to?
Is that the christian way?

I can have an opinion can't I? I mean you don't have to be a Christian to see the damage its caused right? I've seen premarital sex do WAY more harm than good. Of course as a Christian, I disagree with it, but as a man with morals, I disagree with it.

The question you should ask yourself is, what good has premarital sex done?

Are we talking about sex or we talking about responsible sex?
Two completely different things man.

Pre-marital responsible sex has done this world no more good than it has done bad. Unfortunately for little boys in churhces, the priests that abused them arent allowed to have sex.

Originally Posted by Nawth21

You going to tell me that responsible 30+ year olds shouldn't have sex (casual or otherwise) unless they're married? $%!%. Seriously. You know what's damaging? Teaching abstinence only in schools. Teen pregnancy has been on the rise ever since that brilliant idea was introduced. Sexual intercourse is a part of LIFE regardless of what religious you prescribe to. Everyone should know how it works and how to be safe. End of story.
Teen pregnancy rates are high even with condoms, birth control and the plan B pill. The sad part is, you don't realize what that shows an impressionable 14, 15, 16 year old. "Go have sex safely now kids". That's exactly whats going on. Birth control is basically candy now. Young teens are going and getting the pills/shots and next thing you know, by the age of 21, they have technically had sex with 10+ people. How the hell is that responsible? The only responsible sex is sex within marriage in my opinion. Well marriage in my belief anyway.

For the record, teen pregnancy, ALONG WITH many other things are on the rise due to the decline of morality in the world.

It resulted in me, that's all the good I need to know. 

Me too and I'm thankful to be alive EVERYDAY.but I know the difference between the right and wrong way.

If by pre-marital sex you mean the increasing rate of youngsters having sex at without proper consideration or preperation then I agree. To generally say pre-marital has damaged our country, no.
1 led to the other my man.

Unfortunately for little boys in churhces, the priests that abused them arent allowed to have sex.
Too bad for those little boys that the Priest didn't use self control and their brain.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I dont think pre-marital sex is the issue... but rather unprotected/no birth control sex.

If people want to have sex before they are married, I don't look at it as an issue as long as they are taking the proper precautions.
But what about the effect it has on children and teens? Its basically a green light for them to go and screw at will as long as they use a condom and or birth control.

Isn't that in the end, what we're telling them? I mean you can tell your children , if they go out and have sex to protect themselves. But shouldn't there also be more said to curb that as well besides "Find someone special" or "Find someone you care about"?


You can still tell your kid wait to "find someone special" and "find someone you care about"

I have a 4 year old daughter, and as much as it pains me to think about her having sex when she gets older, if she finds someone special or finds someone she cares about, I will encourage her to have sex with him BEFORE she gets married. Sex is an important part of a relationship, and i don't want her to be unhappily married because her and her partner aren't sexually compatible.

You act like I was never a 14 year old female
Ok fine, let's bring it back to the old days where young teens get married. Does that make the sex resposible? Sure, they're 15 years old and have a baby on the way but hey they're married.
Ok sure
RKO2004 wrote:
How badly do you think pre marital sex has damaged our country?

You have to take into account that "no pre-marital sex before marriage" is a rule instituted by organized religion, which is the single most damaging entity ever known in our existence.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I dont think pre-marital sex is the issue... but rather unprotected/no birth control sex.

If people want to have sex before they are married, I don't look at it as an issue as long as they are taking the proper precautions.
But what about the effect it has on children and teens? Its basically a green light for them to go and screw at will as long as they use a condom and or birth control.

Isn't that in the end, what we're telling them? I mean you can tell your children , if they go out and have sex to protect themselves. But shouldn't there also be more said to curb that as well besides "Find someone special" or "Find someone you care about"?

I have a 4 year old daughter, and as much as it pains me to think about her having sex when she gets older, if she finds someone special or finds someone she cares about, I will encourage her to have sex with him BEFORE she gets married. Sex is an important part of a relationship, and i don't want her to be unhappily married because her and her partner aren't sexually compatible.


Im as open minded as the next extreme liberal, but aint now way Im allowing my daughter to have sex before shes in her 40s.
Da hell is wrong wit you man?
^^ agreed but at the sametime i feel like a hypocrite because I go raw with wifey and she isn't on anything, so i guess its a catch 22 thing you know what your doing && yu take the risk by doing it.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

You act like I was never a 14 year old female
Ok fine, let's bring it back to the old days where young teens get married. Does that make the sex resposible? Sure, they're 15 years old and have a baby on the way but hey they're married.
Ok sure
My bad Nawth.

I'm for mature adults getting married. Not a 14 year old. But hey, back then, maybe people were more mature.

Im as open minded as the next extreme liberal, but aint now way Im allowing my daughter to have sex before shes in her 40s.
Da hell is wrong wit you man?

Daughter: "Daddy I found another special guy"
Father: "Wow, ha ha, that's the 3rd this year. Good for you baby doll. Just make sure he returns the favor unlike those other 2 sexually selfish losers."

Oh and Nawth, if you think teaching kids about "responsible sex" is doing such a great job, tell me there is all this safe sex awareness but I keep seeing 16-20 year olds with new born babies while already having a child a year away from entering pre school?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nawth21

You act like I was never a 14 year old female
Ok fine, let's bring it back to the old days where young teens get married. Does that make the sex resposible? Sure, they're 15 years old and have a baby on the way but hey they're married.
Ok sure

I act like a 14 year old female? Ha good one. I had a great joke but I'm not even going there.

I'm for mature adults getting married. Not a 14 year old. But hey, back then, maybe people were more mature.

   Maybe the lack of sex is causing you to not read things correctly?
She said SHE was once a 14 yr old female (Which was probably decades ago btw).
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