How badly do you think pre marital sex has damaged our country?

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nawth21

You act like I was never a 14 year old female
Ok fine, let's bring it back to the old days where young teens get married. Does that make the sex resposible? Sure, they're 15 years old and have a baby on the way but hey they're married.
Ok sure

I act like a 14 year old female? Ha good one. I had a great joke but I'm not even going there.

I'm for mature adults getting married. Not a 14 year old. But hey, back then, maybe people were more mature.

   Maybe the lack of sex is causing you to not read things correctly?
She said SHE was once a 14 yr old female (Which was probably decades ago btw).

yes indeed it was over a decade ago but I still remember it fondly.  Ahh youth

Oh and Nawth, if you think teaching kids about "responsible sex" isdoing such a great job, tell me there is all this safe sex awarenessbut I keep seeing 16-20 year olds with new born babies while alreadyhaving a child a year away from entering pre school?

That's my point, they DONT teach reproductive health in school any more.  It's all abstinence only.  Some teens these days are completely clueless as to how their bodies work and it is SAD.  They think they can't get pregnant if they do it in water, or if they stand and all sorts of other nonsense because no one is teaching the youth of today.  Parents say it's the schools responsibilities, schools are saying No Sex is the only Sex and you've got these poor kids stuck in the middle without a clue because at some point in their life they will have sex.
a lot of stupid responses in this thread.

Yes, I agree with you OP. It is clear to see what the result of a premarital sex is, pregnancy, the spread of diseases, promiscuity, the psychological effect, so on and so forth.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nawth21

You act like I was never a 14 year old female
Ok fine, let's bring it back to the old days where young teens get married. Does that make the sex resposible? Sure, they're 15 years old and have a baby on the way but hey they're married.
Ok sure

I act like a 14 year old female? Ha good one. I had a great joke but I'm not even going there.

I'm for mature adults getting married. Not a 14 year old. But hey, back then, maybe people were more mature.

   Maybe the lack of sex is causing you to not read things correctly?
She said SHE was once a 14 yr old female (Which was probably decades ago btw).

yes indeed it was over a decade ago but I still remember it fondly.  Ahh youth
My bad. I've been up since yesterday afternoon. I apologize
. I read it once and went with it.

Carry on.
damaged our country.... Frische Produkte is right GTFOHWTBS....

If anything the push against premarital sex and abstinence by the religious and the conservative right and some spineless Democrats has brought many of these problems to the fore front..
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]
are you +@*%+$! kidding me?

children growing up w/o fathers/families is a tragedy no matter how u look at it.
It's not just a religious POV.
Originally Posted by milkandcookies

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]
are you +@*%+$! kidding me?

children growing up w/o fathers/families is a tragedy no matter how u look at it.
It's not just a religious POV.
children lose fathers to wars too...children lose fathers to UN-COOPERATIVE baby mothers
marriage wouldn't change that...just increase the number of "steven grant" type cases
Originally Posted by Essential1

damaged our country.... Frische Produkte is right GTFOHWTBS....

If anything the push against premarital sex and abstinence by the religious and the conservative right and some spineless Democrats has brought many of these problems to the fore front..


Reached way out with that.

Look at it this way. I guarantee if majority of families had husband and wife, we'd have less problems all around.

And for the record, I'll be honest with you all. I lost my virginity at 14. Heck was kind of a late birthday gift from my boy. I thought it was cool because everyone else was talking about their sexual escapades, so I figured I'll join the club. I regret that day EVERY time I think about it. My mother did her best but there is only so much she could tell me that would stick in my head with all the other negative influences around me.

NOW tell me, if there were more positive married couples around, I'd gone down the same road? Peer pressure plays such a big role in life.

That's my point, they DONT teach reproductive health in school any more.  It's all abstinence only.  Some teens these days are completely clueless as to how their bodies work and it is SAD.  They think they can't get pregnant if they do it in water, or if they stand and all sorts of other nonsense because no one is teaching the youth of today.  Parents say it's the schools responsibilities, schools are saying No Sex is the only Sex and you've got these poor kids stuck in the middle without a clue because at some point in their life they will have sex.
Parents should be teaching TRULY responsible sex and so should the schools in case the parents don't.

Its crazy how people are so free spirited with sex nowadays. Its sickening to me honestly. ITS NOT COOL TO CASUAL SCREW SOMEONE!

So many gorgeous, smart girls out here with no knowledge of their self worth. How is it cool to go on three dates with a guy, then on the fourth ya'll bump uglies? Or three months even? Do you not realize He had to put in ZERO time. Its too simple. That is the equivalent to 3 days in a guys mind when He's feeling you? Plus He's probably smashing a few other girls too. 
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nawth21

You act like I was never a 14 year old female
Ok fine, let's bring it back to the old days where young teens get married. Does that make the sex resposible? Sure, they're 15 years old and have a baby on the way but hey they're married.
Ok sure
My bad Nawth.

I'm for mature adults getting married. Not a 14 year old. But hey, back then, maybe people were more mature.

Im as open minded as the next extreme liberal, but aint now way Im allowing my daughter to have sex before shes in her 40s.
Da hell is wrong wit you man?

Daughter: "Daddy I found another special guy"
Father: "Wow, ha ha, that's the 3rd this year. Good for you baby doll. Just make sure he returns the favor unlike those other 2 sexually selfish losers."

Oh and Nawth, if you think teaching kids about "responsible sex" is doing such a great job, tell me there is all this safe sex awareness but I keep seeing 16-20 year olds with new born babies while already having a child a year away from entering pre school?

Nothing is going to be 100% effective. Likewise, I see many married couples having extra marital affairs.

Times change. Which is the lesser of two evils?
That no sex before marriage may have worked a few centuries ago, but part of living is being able to adapt to changing times. Religious folk refuse to do that and thats why theres always this clash with the not so religious people.

Just face it, people waiting for marriage to have sex are the minority. Theres no going back.
Lets work on possible solutions for the way society is shaped TODAY instead of thinking about what worked many many moons ago.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nawth21

You going to tell me that responsible 30+ year olds shouldn't have sex (casual or otherwise) unless they're married? $%!%. Seriously. You know what's damaging? Teaching abstinence only in schools. Teen pregnancy has been on the rise ever since that brilliant idea was introduced. Sexual intercourse is a part of LIFE regardless of what religious you prescribe to. Everyone should know how it works and how to be safe. End of story.
Teen pregnancy rates are high even with condoms, birth control and the plan B pill. The sad part is, you don't realize what that shows an impressionable 14, 15, 16 year old. "Go have sex safely now kids". That's exactly whats going on. Birth control is basically candy now. Young teens are going and getting the pills/shots and next thing you know, by the age of 21, they have technically had sex with 10+ people. How the hell is that responsible? The only responsible sex is sex within marriage in my opinion. Well marriage in my belief anyway.

For the record, teen pregnancy, ALONG WITH many other things are on the rise due to the decline of morality in the world.
I hope you don't feel that we are "ganging up" on you but the major flaw in your arguments is that you are passing your opinion as facts.  The first and the last statement in bold need support.  Show us the numbers behind failed contraceptive measures.  We all know it happens but you are making it seem that they are completely ineffective.  The last statement is just a thesis you have no way of supporting.

Responsible sex = sex which measures are taken to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or infection of any type.  That is our understanding of safe/responsible sex.  The # of partners shouldn't be factored in.  Who is more responsible; the guy that has sex with multiple virgins or the guy who has protected sex with only one girl who is/was a known JO?    

Dont get me wrong.  I'm one of those who cant get with the one night stands either but I hate it when people pass their opinion as fact and present counterarguments just because they are within the realm of possibility.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

And for the record, I'll be honest with you all. I lost my virginity at 14. Heck was kind of a late birthday gift from my boy.


To argue that premarital sex hasn't had a negative impact on the overall well being in this country is pretty out there.

The scary spread of STDs should be an indication of how serious it is.  Teen pregnancies is a whole other story.  But I digress.

Unfortunately OP, to change it would be basically impossible given the culture.

To decrease premarital sex would mean a shift to earlier marriages.

But the divorce rate in this country is ridiculously high as it is.  Our idea of marriage is very different than what it used to be.  So we would also require a new definition to marriage.

Then you have to deal with the sensationalized overt sexuality we are constantly bombarded with in this country.  Everywhere you go, you see pictures of models and scantily clad women. 

Movies, magazines, TV shows.  You can't watch a movie without at least one sex scene in it.  Don't think that this doesn't have an impact on your overall drive to have sex, especially as a teen.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by RKO2004

And for the record, I'll be honest with you all. I lost my virginity at 14. Heck was kind of a late birthday gift from my boy.



Come on man

He had a JO he put me on to.

Nothing is going to be 100% effective. Likewise, I see many married couples having extra marital affairs.

Times change. Which is the lesser of two evils?
That no sex before marriage may have worked a few centuries ago, but part of living is being able to adapt to changing times. Religious folk refuse to do that and thats why theres always this clash with the not so religious people.
Nothing is going to be 100% effective. Likewise, I see many married couples having extra marital affairs.

Times change. Which is the lesser of two evils?
That no sex before marriage may have worked a few centuries ago, but part of living is being able to adapt to changing times. Religious folk refuse to do that and thats why theres always this clash with the not so religious people.
I know there is no going back completely. But the ROOT of marriage can be used well into the future. The changing that we've already done, has brought us a great deal of problems.

People need to just control themselves. Marriage is perfect. Find someone you love and want to spend your life with, then marry them. Its us who are imperfect. We're always going to clash until the end of time. I'm well aware of that. That's cool as long as we iron out these plaguing issues.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by RKO2004

And for the record, I'll be honest with you all. I lost my virginity at 14. Heck was kind of a late birthday gift from my boy.



Come on man

He had a JO  chick, jump-off, skeeo, *$++ he put me on to.
JO kinda made it worse
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nawth21

You going to tell me that responsible 30+ year olds shouldn't have sex (casual or otherwise) unless they're married? $%!%. Seriously. You know what's damaging? Teaching abstinence only in schools. Teen pregnancy has been on the rise ever since that brilliant idea was introduced. Sexual intercourse is a part of LIFE regardless of what religious you prescribe to. Everyone should know how it works and how to be safe. End of story.
Teen pregnancy rates are high even with condoms, birth control and the plan B pill. The sad part is, you don't realize what that shows an impressionable 14, 15, 16 year old. "Go have sex safely now kids". That's exactly whats going on. Birth control is basically candy now. Young teens are going and getting the pills/shots and next thing you know, by the age of 21, they have technically had sex with 10+ people. How the hell is that responsible? The only responsible sex is sex within marriage in my opinion. Well marriage in my belief anyway.

For the record, teen pregnancy, ALONG WITH many other things are on the rise due to the decline of morality in the world.
I hope you don't feel that we are "ganging up" on you but the major flaw in your arguments is that you are passing your opinion as facts.  The first and the last statement in bold need support.  Show us the numbers behind failed contraceptive measures.  We all know it happens but you are making it seem that they are completely ineffective.  The last statement is just a thesis you have no way of supporting.

Responsible sex = sex which measures are taken to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or infection of any type.  That is our understanding of safe/responsible sex.  The # of partners shouldn't be factored in.  Who is more responsible; the guy that has sex with multiple virgins or the guy who has protected sex with only one girl who is/was a known JO?    

Dont get me wrong.  I'm one of those who cant get with the one night stands either but I hate it when people pass their opinion as fact and present counterarguments just because they are within the realm of possibility.

No its not ganging up, you just have a joint opinion different than mine. That's cool. Are those really a major flaw if I'm seeing them with my own eyes? I don't need a pie chart to know whats going on. It can't be too effective if I know/knew or grew up with 15-20+ girls who have 1+ plus children and have had an abortion. And they are all under 23. None are married. Few are still with the fathers of the babies. Some who had abortions later went on to have a child not to long after.

Number of partners is a factor. Even if its with virgins. A great number of people don't truly know who you're sleeping with if you and a lot of times, they don't know the persons past. Like HigherGround said, the psychological effects and risk of pregnancies are still relevant.

JO kinda made it worse
I said JO because she was another case of society failing.

We all raise each others children, whether we admit it or not. We are role models and example to each other. What I grew up seeing outside my home was sex, drugs and violence. That help shape who I was then and who I am today.

But the divorce rate in this country is ridiculously high as it is.  Our idea of marriage is very different than what it used to be.  So we would also require a new definition to marriage.
Why fix what isn't broke. We are broken, not marriage.

You gotta be kidding? Nothing i hate more then over religious people-

So. Like others have said, this isn't just for religious people, it stretches to EVERYONE.
Did you not see an ATHEIST agreeing with me?
I guess we can try and blame pre-marital sex for the problem, but the real problem is ignorance.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

It's the abstinence-only/sheltered type of sex education that is ruining things. This usually causes the teen to become rebellious and make unwise decisions about sex.
Do you have anything to back this up?  

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I have a 4 year old daughter, and as much as it pains me to think about her having sex when she gets older, if she finds someone special or finds someone she cares about, I will encourage her to have sex with him BEFORE she gets married.

Originally Posted by PrimeTime

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I have a 4 year old daughter, and as much as it pains me to think about her having sex when she gets older, if she finds someone special or finds someone she cares about, I will encourage her to have sex with him BEFORE she gets married.


Can you imagine on Family Matters, Carl telling Laura, "Have sex with Steve before you marry him"?
Where are your facts and stats? You are aware that teen pregnancy has been on the decline since the 80's? You gotta come with more than opinions with things like this.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Is it pre-marital sex if you have no intentions of getting married?


I think what he isn't being honest about is currently 50% of all couples get divorced.. Throw in the hat that pre-marital sex shouldn't happen more couples would get married for the sex and divorce rate would be even higher....

The problem is not pre-marital sex.. The problem is people who pass their judgment, so kids don't go to get information in fear of being judge or just because they are not given the available info due to failed abstinence only education and then we have a $%+% load of out of wedlock births, and teen births.

Religion racks up more losses than the Nets

And RKO you know damn well this is a religion thread because religion is the organization that is against premarital sex.. And where this view comes from.. So nice try passing off another my religion is great thread in disguise.
I think abortion and the desensitization of Americans to violence have far more contributed to damage to this country than pre-marital sex. Pre-marital sex has been happening since the beginning of time.
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