How Can You Determine A Woman's "Wifey Material" Based On A Picture?

^^^ agree with that. but to answer your question if a girl is half naked on her facebook picture were any random dude can see 9 out of 10 times shes NOT wifey material
^^^ agree with that. but to answer your question if a girl is half naked on her facebook picture were any random dude can see 9 out of 10 times shes NOT wifey material
a fat butt
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Wifey usually implies 2 things.

1) the girl is hot enough to want to be with

2) the girl is not a #@%#@$

You can tell #1 from a picture, but #2 is a fine line. Chances are, if she is dressed fine enough to look good enough to satisfy #1, there is a good chance she fulfills #2. It may be obvious in the picture or she may just be good at hiding it.
You lost me. So if a girl looks good enough to be with, there is a GOOD chance she is not a female dog? Really? How did you come to this conclusion? I don't know how you can really conclude the probability of #2 just because #1 is true. That is so backwards.

But yea as someone else mentioned, these girls don't have the sense enough to put clothes on to take pictures, shouldn't that automatically exclude them from being a "wifey." Maybe my definition of that stupid word is different. A wifey wouldn't take stupid pictures like that. They look good yea but they are stupid pictures.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Wifey usually implies 2 things.

1) the girl is hot enough to want to be with

2) the girl is not a #@%#@$

You can tell #1 from a picture, but #2 is a fine line. Chances are, if she is dressed fine enough to look good enough to satisfy #1, there is a good chance she fulfills #2. It may be obvious in the picture or she may just be good at hiding it.
You lost me. So if a girl looks good enough to be with, there is a GOOD chance she is not a female dog? Really? How did you come to this conclusion? I don't know how you can really conclude the probability of #2 just because #1 is true. That is so backwards.

But yea as someone else mentioned, these girls don't have the sense enough to put clothes on to take pictures, shouldn't that automatically exclude them from being a "wifey." Maybe my definition of that stupid word is different. A wifey wouldn't take stupid pictures like that. They look good yea but they are stupid pictures.
I thought some of em meant she could be stir crazy (Halle Berry) but they'd put up with it cuz they look that good.  I never really understood "wifey material" either.
I thought some of em meant she could be stir crazy (Halle Berry) but they'd put up with it cuz they look that good.  I never really understood "wifey material" either.
If a girl is taking underwear pics in front of little sisters bathroom mirror with a sidekick lx shes not wifey material
If a girl is taking underwear pics in front of little sisters bathroom mirror with a sidekick lx shes not wifey material
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Am I the only one who thinks they say these things in jest? Just like when random NT'ers said the baby girl from the other thread was a future stripper because she was sitting in a pile of money with some money in her mouth as well? Am I overly optimistic about the intellectualism on this board?

But to answer your question, I don't think you can tell. You might get a gut feeling, but I don't believe that's really indicative at all.

i agree with this
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Am I the only one who thinks they say these things in jest? Just like when random NT'ers said the baby girl from the other thread was a future stripper because she was sitting in a pile of money with some money in her mouth as well? Am I overly optimistic about the intellectualism on this board?

But to answer your question, I don't think you can tell. You might get a gut feeling, but I don't believe that's really indicative at all.

i agree with this
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I see this mentioned alot on here. It is almost as expected as someone claiming they would drink someone's bath water when a picture of a nice specimen is posted. But really, how can you determine wifey material off of 1 picture?

Does the picture secretly have credit score, iq, and ambition in the properties? Maybe I am missing something.
Easy, it's plenty of dudes out there that will wife a girl solely based on looks.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I see this mentioned alot on here. It is almost as expected as someone claiming they would drink someone's bath water when a picture of a nice specimen is posted. But really, how can you determine wifey material off of 1 picture?

Does the picture secretly have credit score, iq, and ambition in the properties? Maybe I am missing something.
Easy, it's plenty of dudes out there that will wife a girl solely based on looks.
it basically means that she is fine enough to attempt to wife. You are taking the internetz far too seriously if you actually think someone would propose marriage to a chick based off a pic.
it basically means that she is fine enough to attempt to wife. You are taking the internetz far too seriously if you actually think someone would propose marriage to a chick based off a pic.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

it basically means that she is fine enough to attempt to wife. You are taking the internetz far too seriously if you actually think someone would propose marriage to a chick based off a pic.
Please explain to me where I mentioned anything about marrying a woman?
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

it basically means that she is fine enough to attempt to wife. You are taking the internetz far too seriously if you actually think someone would propose marriage to a chick based off a pic.
Please explain to me where I mentioned anything about marrying a woman?
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