How can you tell when a girl is checking you out?

And this is how I know game works. A girl post this pic on tumblre

Me: I hope that was not an attempt at being sexy
Her: oh it wasn’t an attempt, honey
Me: I get it now, you were just being awkward
Her: lol and you’re just being a hater
Me: How? This is my third time reblogging you! I don’t usually like the awkward teenage stoner thing but it looks cute on you. :tongue:

Then she PM's me
Her: IDK what this is but let's be friends!
Me: We are

If it sounds lame and straight off the book, that is because it is. poke fun in conversation, neg, positive reassurance of her self worth.

I got the theory down but my execution sucks irl :smh:


What I tell you about game man :lol: it doesn't work.

Casual conversation, be a human. Women are the captcha irl

What I tell you about game man :lol: it doesn't work.

Casual conversation, be a human. Women are the captcha irl
lol. I couldnt help it. It isnt like I would fly to cali for her. :lol:

IDK man, I've asked girls what my problem is and I got
"You got no game" way more often than not

IDK how old you are but there is some game involved in girls my age. One of my friend who has banged like 20sum women in 4 and a half years got game his ex-gf told me, and she kept coming back even though my dude treated her like ****. He got the whole "make a girl think I love her when I don't" game down.

But I dont use game because I don't got any, but I never been far with a girl.
So accurate mane

Kills me inside lol. 
Also when you do go out and you strike out a seemingly perfect girl, do not let it get to you. If you are anything like I am the inexperience will kill you. Make you look thirsty, which you might be.

There are 3 girls I still beat myself up for till this day for ******g up with. And I am facebook friends with two of them. I have gotten over 2/3 but that 3rd one. I just don't know how I couldve messed that up for myself. I see her on fb doing well without me and it makes me rage at myself and somewhat on the inside.

What I tell you about game man :lol: it doesn't work.

Casual conversation, be a human. Women are the captcha irl
lol. I couldnt help it. It isnt like I would fly to cali for her. :lol:

IDK man, I've asked girls what my problem is and I got
"You got no game" way more often than not

IDK how old you are but there is some game involved in girls my age. One of my friend who has banged like 20sum women in 4 and a half years got game his ex-gf told me, and she kept coming back even though my dude treated her like ****. He got the whole "make a girl think I love her when I don't" game down.

But I dont use game because I don't got any, but I never been far with a girl.

I'm telling you not to use game simply because you have none. That comes off as rude, but as of now it kind of is what it is.

Dudes got natural game, you aren't there. So you have to get the yambs the long way. Which is irritating but happens nonetheless.

And a girl that says you got no game sounds foolish. What girl wants to be played like that though?
I'm telling you not to use game simply because you have none. That comes off as rude, but as of now it kind of is what it is.

Dudes got natural game, you aren't there. So you have to get the yambs the long way. Which is irritating but happens nonetheless.

And a girl that says you got no game sounds foolish. What girl wants to be played like that though?
The many that have shot me down apparently. It wasn't just one girl who has told me this.

Also story of my life

I try the long way, they meet some guy with game, dude snatches her effortlessly. I can't be here waiting for the planets to align perfectly in order to get somewhere with a girl.

But like I said I dont use game. Maybe 10% of the time I try game.
Its also why I am in a rush to pass the CPA exam. Jay-Z said the cheese 'll make these ******* catch amnesia quick. Soon I'll be cutting they buddies and they'll be tellin me they love me.

real talk though, it sounds like a few guys in here replying to you , wouldn't mind being your wingman........ya know?

i feel like you need someone to hold your hands through this (no shots)..

you should hit up the club with an NT'er who knows what they are doing
I'll definitely hit people up when I start my big boy job. Got a number from someone in this thread, but the next couple months are going to be busy for me. I am getting three parts done in the next testing window. Doing the last test in the window after that, and retaking a part if I have to (don't think I'll have to, but just in case). I want to get that situated first
I'll definitely hit people up when I start my big boy job. Got a number from someone in this thread, but the next couple months are going to be busy for me. I am getting three parts done in the next testing window. Doing the last test in the window after that, and retaking a part if I have to (don't think I'll have to, but just in case). I want to get that situated first
sounds like a plan lol........

really wasn't trying to be harsh as 1984 put it, but as long as you know what you want........and in what're good. 

props to the person who gave you the number to help you....and to you to for trying to get what you want......
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