How can you tell when a girl is checking you out?

With that mentality, why even take interest in your appearance at all?  Cologne is more for yourself than it is for anyone else.  Confidence is the biggest key in this situation and if you come out of your house looking good and smelling good then you're confidence should be pretty high.  Not to mention the compliments you'll get from women based on your smell alone.  You can easily turn that into a conversation and get her number or you can compliment a girl on how she smells and start a conversation like that.  The way I see it, my cologne, just like my clothes, is something that I picked out that I like and I can't help but feel good when someone compliments me, so I'm sure it works both ways...

I smell fresh b.
Yah I have chatting up girls, being funny and ****, not using game. But when I dont use game I am unsure of when they are truly interested or not.

But there is one girl I bump into on the way to class since she has classes in the same building. She is very cute imo. Petite latina chick with a pretty face with distinct latin features. Pretty in the way Frank Lucas's wife was pretty in American Gangster. We always smile at each other and talk. There is a problem though, IDK her name and IDK if she knows mine, but I am pretty sure she does. I feel like I am supposed to know her name so I dont want to ask for it again. I am almost positive we introduced before. That's who I'm gunnin for right now.

I need a haircut though

If you got a handy and BJ, you not a virgin.

Fake virgin
No, you are a virgin until you get up in that good good.
No two ways about it.

IMO you've lost your virginity if you have felt the P with no condom >D
I guess I am a virgin for life, or until they get a cure to genital herpes.
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You see, you're getting somewhere. Right now you've got opportunity, just ask for her name. When you smile at her just say hey and politely ask. No harm done of you don't call each other by name, so you're bound to forget. Find out that name, then work on the digits.

You're getting there.
Yah I have chatting up girls, being funny and ****, not using game. But when I dont use game I am unsure of when they are truly interested or not.

But there is one girl I bump into on the way to class since she has classes in the same building. She is very cute imo. Petite latina chick with a pretty face with distinct latin features. Pretty in the way Frank Lucas's wife was pretty in American Gangster. We always smile at each other and talk. There is a problem though, IDK her name and IDK if she knows mine, but I am pretty sure she does. I feel like I am supposed to know her name so I dont want to ask for it again. I am almost positive we introduced before. That's who I'm gunnin for right now.

I need a haircut though
No, you are a virgin until you get up in that good good.
No two ways about it.
I guess I am a virgin for life, or until they get a cure to genital herpes.

Que Lupe Fiasco's "And He Get's the Girl"

"Just walk up to her...go over there...and say hi"

Threads like this honestly show how much of NT has grown up on the computer. And I don't say that in a bad way. Quite the contrary, it can be a good thing if you use it right.

But like a few dudes alluded to in this thread, it all comes down to you. Come out the house wearing things that make you feel confident about you. If you see a girl that you are interested in, try and make some eye contact. If not some eye contact, go up to her with a BS question that you know she can answer. That'll be your ice breaker and go from there.

Really all there is too it.
Yah I have chatting up girls, being funny and ****, not using game. But when I dont use game I am unsure of when they are truly interested or not.

But there is one girl I bump into on the way to class since she has classes in the same building. She is very cute imo. Petite latina chick with a pretty face with distinct latin features. Pretty in the way Frank Lucas's wife was pretty in American Gangster. We always smile at each other and talk. There is a problem though, IDK her name and IDK if she knows mine, but I am pretty sure she does. I feel like I am supposed to know her name so I dont want to ask for it again. I am almost positive we introduced before. That's who I'm gunnin for right now.

I need a haircut though
No, you are a virgin until you get up in that good good.
No two ways about it.
I guess I am a virgin for life, or until they get a cure to genital herpes.

Que Lupe Fiasco's "And He Get's the Girl"

"Just walk up to her...go over there...and say hi"

Threads like this honestly show how much of NT has grown up on the computer. And I don't say that in a bad way. Quite the contrary, it can be a good thing if you use it right.

But like a few dudes alluded to in this thread, it all comes down to you. Come out the house wearing things that make you feel confident about you. If you see a girl that you are interested in, try and make some eye contact. If not some eye contact, go up to her with a BS question that you know she can answer. That'll be your ice breaker and go from there.

Really all there is too it.
Naw buddy was making it seem like he hasnt even touched a girl in the virgin thread.

Had dudes crying for him and everything

He has gotten some type of action.
Seriously? Are you trying to redefine the english language? Also I explained this in that thread too. :stoneface: :smh:

One BJ and one handy, three years apart, in almost 24 years aint ****
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Bro, since you already have some type of rapport with the latina, make casual convo and ask for her number. You said she smiles when you guys speak, thats definitely a good sign.

Also, dont you have homies with girlfriends that could possibly put you on.?
Nope. I do not get along with my friends gfs. Its like they go out of their way to pick the worst girls out there. Pisses me off because if I could score like them, I wouldn't settle for who they are goin out with.
Bro, since you already have some type of rapport with the latina, make casual convo and ask for her number. You said she smiles when you guys speak, thats definitely a good sign.

Also, dont you have homies with girlfriends that could possibly put you on.?
Nope. I do not get along with my friends gfs. Its like they go out of their way to pick the worst girls out there. Pisses me off because if I could score like them, I wouldn't settle for who they are goin out with.

Maybe thats why they score.....
No I mean they can get hot girls, and the girls they just **** are good looking and have good personalities, then they wife the lamest girls (some hot some not)
I thought you were god awful ugly op, but if a ***** gave you head. You can't be that bad.

You need to get a group of attractive friends and get their left overs , there is hope.
I didnt know that when I got the BJ but she was on all type of bipolar meds that she shouldn't be mixing with alcohol. Also she drinks like a ******. She will take 6 shots at a time not realizing it takes a while for the alcohol to hit. When I got back to her house she gave me head. She didnt want to **** because she was on her fourmonth. But an hour later, when all the alcohol hit, she smacked me accross the face because she was "unsure if I was real" then she looks around her room for something. She finds a bag of prescription. 8-12 pill bottles, she told me those were her bipolar meds.

So really it didnt get it because of my looks, although she didnt seem too drunk when we were going to her house, but then again I was drunk too.
My friends have no problem scoring. I need to work on my physique. Which I am.
IDK i havent asked people about my looks in a long time but in middle and high school I got picked on for being ugly all the time. And my looks haven't really changed since.
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Ohh and I have made out with one hot chick with super low self esteem. Shes an 8.5 with the self image of a 4. I've been on a date with another one, made out with one ugly chick but I like her more than the hot ones. I blew it with my thirst on all three of those except the hot chick i didnt get anywhere with. She caught me in a white lie. :/

Made out with two girls in a frat party one night. One was a drunk **** and her friends took her away from me :evil:, the other was another 8 with the self esteem of a 4. She didnt want to hang out because guys dont usually go for her and she couldnt believe I thought she was cute. :/

That is my entire history with women so I can assure you I am not a virgin out of lack of trying like a lot of you have accused me of being
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stop forcing it kid, and you aint even that much younger than i am

but your whole way of thinking is underdeveloped.

now i see why you have these issues with females, it's because you are not comfortable in your own skin.

do not follow some of these suggestion given like instructions, but take them into consideration in your future endeavors.

EVEN THE UGLIEST OF DUDES GET LAID, now i see your whole view on things, you think that if you had material things you could get these women you strike out with..

that thread about ideal lives gave me an idea of how bitter and salty your views towards women are..

i suggest you look in the mirror and get acquainted with the person you will be for the rest of your life.
^I'm not responding to that because I am not turning it into the Yambs thread. You can get annoyed with me over there.
Also I am very comfortable with the person I am. It is others who are not comfortable with the person I am and it is their problem.
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Had a cute brunette smile at me today but couldn't tell if she thought my haircut was funny looking. 

Why would she smile if she thought your haircut looked funny?

Seriously? Are you trying to redefine the english language? Also I explained this in that thread too. :stoneface: :smh:

One BJ and one handy, three years apart, in almost 24 years aint ****

Forgive me for using slang :rolleyes

I didnt see that part of the thread
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