How did NTer Chrisin2D die?!?


Stuff like this just serves as an ever constant reminder that tomorrow's not promised to any of us. Appreciate each breath you take yo.
RIP... good dude. real good dude.

can NT setup a kickstarter/fundraiser for his family????

we do this for strangers around the world all the time, but we rarely take care of our own. i know there are #NTFL fam that were real close with Chris... it shouldnt be difficult to get in touch with the fam.
Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Damn, RIP to our fallen Nter

only had a few convos with homie but RIP @CHRISin2D...its sad when a young person loses their life in a situation they had no control over

I'm down to contribute to the donation fund, just lemme know when/where
Haven't seen him before, but RIP to a fellow NTer. My condolences to his family and to those who knew him.
Chris was a good kid i never had any friction with him it was always respect between he and I...i saw him tweeting last nite/this morning while at work...just woke up to see this...heartbreaking
Never really seen him on here, but RIP. It's a shame on the kid and the cops...shame on the whole $#!!%# up situation...only a year younger than me
NT should have a way to raise money for any NTers family that passes away...

Funeral costs are very expensive and some families would appreciate that more than a bunch of RIP posts they will never see.
damn RIP, that's so sad

it's crazy how you can be here one moment and gone the next and it's completely unexpected.

i feel so bad for his family and friends
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