how did u guess initially feel when you first ever seen a pair of foamposites?

I remember when i first saw the nike air foamposite one in royal-blue back in the summer of 1997. Most of the shoestores in the mall had big posters in thewindows promoting them so i went into Footlocker and one of the workers said, "We got them new pennys in!"
When i saw them on the nike ad in various magazines i was already infatuated by the appearance of the product. They looked 10x better in my hand at footlocker.I asked my father for them knowing that more than likely he will say no (nothing wrong with asking right?) and indeed he did say No especially when i askedabout the price and the worker replied, "$180."

It was over lol, im copping the eggplants though since i am old enough to do what i want to do with my money
I miss the 90s era though.

never liked how they looked but appreciated the technology. I guess as the years pass I look back and appreciate them more because of how unique they are
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

My homie from Bmore was the first person I ever seen them with, back in 97, 98.

I was like $200 for sneakers, damn. There was a reason they were called "dopedealers"

Originally Posted by jbv1

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

any info on these foam ones? never seen em before

LOL look closer - it looks like homie painted over the yellowed soles - ta-dah! Custom Royal Blue Voltages - not a bad idea if the yellowing is piss yellow & you want to bring them back in a unique way

My initial reaction? "Whoa..."
then the price tag (in Canadian dollars, no less) hit like a sledgehammer
- only way I've been able to cop Foams or Foam Pros is lucky steals on ebay & local clearance pickups....
lol thats wat my reaction was it look like he painted the soles and eyelets gold... smh im gettin ideas when my royals turn piss yellow
The first time I actually saw them in person was in the fall of 97 when I was in high school. It was the first day of school and my homeboy had on the royalblues. You could tell by the way he was walking he was thinking to himself, "I'm the man today." The fit he had on set them off even more!! Thedesign was so unique and unlike anything else that was out during the time. Because of the price you didn't see them much, but whoever had them was theman. I definately couldn't afford them at that time so all I could do was admire them. Like somebody stated previously these were definately ahead of theirtime.
with all the hype from the purple foams.. how do u guys think they will be received 5-10 years from now?
My first two words '' +$!...
'' & ''Interesting
''.....Then i thought!!! how could u come up wit aname like that? Foamposites..Interesting...
!!!! & a design likedat...
....Anywayz dem thangs stickin
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

with all the hype from the purple foams.. how do u guys think they will be received 5-10 years from now?
You'll have a core group or demographic that will love them; I for one do.

Since it is a takeoff cw of the original shoe I don't think the Purples will be as hyped; still sought after sure, but IMHO it does not carry the weight ofthe mystique that the OG Penny Foams - I would get a pair for the fact that it is "purple" but in my heart I know the Foam only really exists inroyal blue lol

Don't forget Nike had Penny shilling the line hard in 97, in tandem with Lil' Penny & the ad campaign/commercials, the 1-800 Nike number print ads,etc... then more recently Bibby & Iguodala take it back to the old skool... I know some NBA baller is going to rock these on court (Purple Foams) soonenough if only to get some pub...

Now, if they were to do a retro of the CARBON FIBRE FP1 or a CF Foamposite I would def. freak out over that for sure
I loved them at first sight. I first saw penny wearing them in a game about a month before they came out. I just knew they were gonna be expensive....and boywas I right. LOL.
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

with all the hype from the purple foams.. how do u guys think they will be received 5-10 years from now?

they will be held in high regard...i think much higher by the newer generation then the old...
I was a kid i remember the commercial where the blue foams where spinning around a track player and thought WOW
I have to get bad i was in likethe 4th or 5th grade and knew it wasn't gonna happen
All I can remember was thinking, "wow, these are hype [@ $200]" because they were the most expensive pair of sneakers to that date. I still wantedthem b/c Penny was the second-greatest thing @ the time. They also didn't have all the Nike insignia blasted all over them like a majority of theirsneakers @ the time...
Real Talk, I Hated Them when i first saw them...until i saw the Flightposites. It eventually opened my doors to the Original Foams and it just slowly grew onme. Passed up in 07s because i was unemployed at the moment. But now im focused on getting my Eggplants.
Aww man the first time I saw them I jumped out of my seat!!!! I believe it was 1997 playoffs against the 76ers, I noticed pennys bright blue kicks and then iguess you can say it was love at first sight. I bugged my mom and step-dad for the shoes but then they laughed in my face when i told them the price ($180)ever since then i told myself that if they EVER came out again then they will be copped with the quickness. thankfully nike answered my prayers on january2007. I used my tax money to order them online.
I just hate it now that there is sooooo many people that never liked Foamposites. Now they try to cop all of them because other people like them. Its like theyjump on the bandwagon for foamposites. They never had them when they were OG.
I totally agree wit jbvi eggplants will not hold the impact that the royals did it just can't. Carbon foamposite one sound ridiculous can someone do aphotoshop with a clear sole?
I didn't care for the design of the shoe at the time. I was used to more simple designs like the early Air Jordan and Nike Basketball models and seeingthese for the first time made me
at the thought of having some big blue foam shaped piece of plastic on my foot.

Now I appreciate them more and would love to own a few pairs for the amazing fit they seem to possess.
These were a shock to me when I first saw them
, but Penny rocking them and then Mike Bibby during the NCAA tournament made me want these
. Too badthere was no way to convince my parents to drop that kind of money on a shoe for me
YAY another foam thread, finally these shoes are getting the true respect they deserve

oh btw when i got my first pair i felt like the poo and the urine
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