How did your parents react to you getting your ears pierced?

funny this came up because i jus got my ears pierced yesterday and i called my mom today and told her(me being away at school) and she said "its forgays" and questioned why i got them done and then had the nerve to ask me why i didnt get her consent to do 19 yrs old im too old for that and icould tell she was mad cause she really didnt have much to say afterwards
i think i was like 16 or something...i just came home with it...they were mad
but my sister was more mad cuz i didnt ask
ive been wanting to get both cartilage pierced i dont know why, i liek the look.

my homie said his mom literally cried for days about it, and his dad didnt care
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by soltheman

My mom didn't care.

But when I got my tongue pierced, oh lordy.

i just hope your a girl, if not, you just gay.

My mom was pissed ("It's only for Women!!!) and my dad didn't care as long as it wasn't the wrongear.

On the side-note, I'm thinking about getting it pierced again on both ears.
Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

Heated, disappointed, questioning your sexuality?
i dont have my ears pierced but thats the first thing my parents would do.
They always said no so when I came was a mess. Mom was heated, dad was only pissed. I got to wear it for like a day or two before they TOOK it out myear. What's crazy is that they let me get it done the next summer. I think I was a junior when I originally had it pierced.

The craziest part is I have both pierced and haven't worn anything in years. Everybody thinks I "grew up" I just haven't bought the ice thatI want yet.
my mom got me a new pair that she would rather have me wear when she saw me after i got them pierced
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

"You look Gay"-mom
That was only when I initially had them pierced because I was rockin' the rings. Once 6 weeks passed, I threw on 2 stones.
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