How do I get black friends? (seriously)

Jan 13, 2001
Hanging around the IM playing ball lately, i've just noticed that most black guys are just more real to talk to. I've always gotten along well withthem and they're just more straight-forward, even to me as a nerdy white guy.

So how do i recruit some of ya'll as friends? I'm tired of white people.. too much drama.

Are black people opposed to making white friends? Note: i don't carry any false white guilt or anything like that - i'm just looking for chill peopleto hang with, and i've played out the white people of the world. All the black guys i talk to anymore seem much more interesting and such...

So what's my first step? (please don't say "stop being white"

hehehe Where do you live at? not all black people are non-dramatic, real to talk to, straight-forward by the way.

if you really lookin for friends be more open to things and be more friendly. introduce yourself
damn everyone should have black friends..

this does not make sense? how old are you? have you been avoiding them your whole life? where you from?

what made you decide till now? you scared of them?

im hispanic btw...all i got is black friends...

you just gotta keep it real.
we always...and i mean always accept free take some guys out for beer..or pizza
Their is alot of racism out there so if you try to have black friendsit doesn't always work out. For a couple reasons: your white friends will see you with black people and they will hate. Alot of black people are verycautious of white people so they won't really put you on the same level as their black friends. It's like the drug trade black people keep the crackmarket to themselves and the white people keep the meth market to themselves. I tried to explain that in a serious way as best I could.
Two words: white girls.

Or just be one of the coolest dudes on the planet like myself.

Black girls don't like me, though.
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