How do I go about apologizing to someone I was a douche to in middle school? (long read)

This is what I just sent to him. He accepted my friend request.
 I'm sorry for being a douche to you in middle school! Hi, my name is Iyen. We went to the same junior high, which was blank Jr. High. During jr. high, you and me got into a fight. My group at the time were making fun of you because they thought that you were gay. I tried to make the situation funny at your expense. You got really mad, then we go into a fight.

I am the black dude who punched you in the face in the lunch line. I apologize for getting into a fight with you. I've felt ashamed of what I did to you for many years now. I should have stuck up for you in that situation, but I was too cowardly to do that. I fully support all members of the lgbt community. I realize now that there is nothing wrong with being gay, trans, etc. All that matters is living a happy life.

Again, I am so sorry John. I would like to make it up to you in any way that I can. Please send me a reply if you read this message. You can reach me at [email protected].
Damn it almost sounded like those chain-letter type msgs :lol: , but the best thing to do is apologize in person. The LGBT community is alot more accepted in the community today, so now is definitely the best option to apologize. It would have been way better to do it back then tho. Become friends with him too. I ain't gay but I don't mind hanging with gay people, they're alot more open and attract the ladies.
Damn it almost sounded like those chain-letter type msgs
, but the best thing to do is apologize in person. The LGBT community is alot more accepted in the community today, so now is definitely the best option to apologize. It would have been way better to do it back then tho. Become friends with him too. I ain't gay but I don't mind hanging with gay people, they're alot more open and attract the ladies.
Our last names were close together, so we sat right next to each other in woodshop.

After I punched him, he avoided me everyday. Then we went to different highschools.

Also, it would have never crossed my mind to that time.
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This is what I just sent to him. He accepted my friend request.
 I'm sorry for being a douche to you in middle school! Hi, my name is Iyen. We went to the same junior high, which was blank Jr. High. During jr. high, you and me got into a fight. My group at the time were making fun of you because they thought that you were gay. I tried to make the situation funny at your expense. You got really mad, then we go into a fight.
I am the black dude who punched you in the face in the lunch line. I apologize for getting into a fight with you. I've felt ashamed of what I did to you for many years now. I should have stuck up for you in that situation, but I was too cowardly to do that. I fully support all members of the lgbt community. I realize now that there is nothing wrong with being gay, trans, etc. All that matters is living a happy life.
Again, I am so sorry John. I would like to make it up to you in any way that I can. Please send me a reply if you read this message. You can reach me at [email protected].

This is what I just sent to him. He accepted my friend request.
 I'm sorry for being a douche to you in middle school! Hi, my name is Iyen. We went to the same junior high, which was blank Jr. High. During jr. high, you and me got into a fight. My group at the time were making fun of you because they thought that you were gay. I tried to make the situation funny at your expense. You got really mad, then we go into a fight.
I am the black dude who punched you in the face in the lunch line. I apologize for getting into a fight with you. I've felt ashamed of what I did to you for many years now. I should have stuck up for you in that situation, but I was too cowardly to do that. I fully support all members of the lgbt community. I realize now that there is nothing wrong with being gay, trans, etc. All that matters is living a happy life.
Again, I am so sorry John. I would like to make it up to you in any way that I can. Please send me a reply if you read this message. You can reach me at [email protected].
He has a bf so I think he's good.
I commend you on following up on this 7 years later.

Bullying is cruel. People have enough **** to deal with away from school/work that no one but them is aware of. He'll never get the time that he had to endure bullying back, but at least maybe he can heal from that one experience that you two had.

But keep it real OP, you tryna get some pipe, huh?
I commend you on following up on this 7 years later.

Bullying is cruel. People have enough **** to deal with away from school/work that no one but them is aware of. He'll never get the time that he had to endure bullying back, but at least maybe he can heal from that one experience that you two had.

But keep it real OP, you tryna get some pipe, huh?
I see that that line was a bit much, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jokes man.

Had to take a jab since you broke lil' dude's glasses and want that hug now.
Never too late to make amends for past transgressions.

Hopefully you can share your experiences with others and prevent them from making the same choices.
Inbox Huey freeman on here. Either him or Deuce King should have good advise in what to message him going further
You are so lucky that happened so long ago. I think if it happened today, some kid would have recorded it and put it on youtube. Then you would be on CNN as a person that committed a hate crime and you would receive death threats and never get into a college. I'm glad that many of the mistakes I made didn't follow me forever like some of these kids today. Take this as an opportunity to make amends. My advice is to write out a well thought out email/FB message. Just get all of your feeling out and then don't send, wait a day. Next day go back to the letter and edit, try to take out any self-serving comments, anything that inflates your ego. It might not sound like you would do that, but just taking time and getting a fresh look at it make a world of difference. Then once you think you have a respectful and sincere letter, send him a message. At the end of the letter, let him know that if he is up to it, you would like to go grab coffee and catch up. Good luck and props for trying.
Good for you OP, I bet he really appreciated your apology. It's never too late to make things right.
This is what I just sent to him. He accepted my friend request.
 I'm sorry for being a douche to you in middle school! Hi, my name is Iyen. We went to the same junior high, which was blank Jr. High. During jr. high, you and me got into a fight. My group at the time were making fun of you because they thought that you were gay. I tried to make the situation funny at your expense. You got really mad, then we go into a fight.
I am the black dude who punched you in the face in the lunch line. I apologize for getting into a fight with you. I've felt ashamed of what I did to you for many years now. I should have stuck up for you in that situation, but I was too cowardly to do that. I fully support all members of the lgbt community. I realize now that there is nothing wrong with being gay, trans, etc. All that matters is living a happy life.
Again, I am so sorry John. I would like to make it up to you in any way that I can. Please send me a reply if you read this message. You can reach me at [email protected].
He has a bf so I think he's good.
He also has a mouth.  ..ohhh yeeahh.....
That Colbert gif is great 

iYen hopefully his response to your apology is positive. 
I am the black dude who punched you in the face in the lunch line. I apologize for getting into a fight with you. I've felt ashamed of what I did to you for many years now. I should have stuck up for you in that situation, but I was too cowardly to do that. I fully support all members of the lgbt community.

You do know that is the gay equivalency of, "I have a few black friends. I am no racist." :lol:
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