How do yall feel about smashing sub-par females?

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Damn, NTers not allowed to have high self esteem anymore?

Half of you guys are narcissistic. Fake narcissist at that 
A lot if bitterness on NT today.

Cats are throwing shots at people left and right.
The truth is the truth my dear
Well subpar is relative. If a dude is a 10 (nh) then a subpar female would be like a 6....but if you take a dude who is a 6 (nh) then a subpar female would be like a 3. Either way, no matter what you look like, there are people of the opposite sex that you find attractive and unattractive. I think im decent looking, but if the situation is right, im jumping on those 4-5's because at no point in my life have I ever been at the point to turn down some P....the only good vag is new vag...get with the program
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Damn, NTers not allowed to have high self esteem anymore?
There is a difference between having high self esteem and thinking too highly of your self.
But can you really blame someone for that, though? If someone thinks too highly of themselves, they obviously feel that way for a reason. If they not what they think they are, let them feel that way, they gonna learn. You see your boy ME NO PASS. Straight defeated.

Yall taking shots at other folks in a BLATANT attempt to make yourself feel better.
Only on NT can you be judged for judging.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs


The same way they feel about smashing sub-par dudes like yourself...they lie aww f*** it...might as well, got nothing else to do. Smh @ dudes acting like their penis is the best thing that can happen to a chick...penis is free my dude, and even the ugly ones can get it with no problem. Get over yourself. And y'all talk about ugly chicks, I mean I am sure some of y'all mothers aint exactly dimes, but you wouldn't want a dude to say that.


The audacity of that title though
. You swear NT was full of gods the way they talk about women on here

I swear it be the most unattractive/mediocre dudes that swear they deserve attractive women.
If you a 5 why cant you  date a 5, if you a 3 why cant you date a three.

What this confidence juice some dudes be drinking, cause sometimes I need it.

I cant blame them look at kanye and kim ,Beyonce and Jay list goes on
Even though it's kind of funny I feel y'all being too hard on these cats ESP the female cause I might be wrong but I bet when you hear females doing the equivalent you don't say spit. I see that all the time from both genders that's why I just laugh it off cause like real estate you can ask for whatever but if your price is wrong you stay on the market.
Tr1ll wrote:
But can you really blame someone for that, though? If someone thinks too highly of themselves, they obviously feel that way for a reason. If they not what they think they are, let them feel that way, they gonna learn. You see your boy ME NO PASS. Straight defeated.Yall taking shots at other folks in a BLATANT attempt to make yourself feel better.
Only on NT can you be judged for judging.

You right, I sawry 

I just having a conversation like this with a dude from high school and im taking it out on yah

Peteweezy wrote:Even though it's kind of funny I feel y'all being too hard on these cats ESP the female cause I might be wrong but I bet when you hear females doing the equivalent you don't say spit. I see that all the time from both genders that's why I just laugh it off cause like real estate you can ask for whatever but if your price is wrong you stay on the market.

I dont say anything when I see females or males do it , this is internet so Im a G  

It would be ruthless to say in someone face

"you arent that hot either, so you guys match" 
That dude with with big red font came through and low-key unloaded a full clip -- bodies everywhere on the humble.
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

You have to keep contact minimal with these subpar chicks man. On Sunday afternoon I went out with my playaz and dimes to have a few drinks and some bbq. I like to eat my fries with ketchup or tartar suace so I'm at the condiments bar & this one one chick probably a 7-7.5 rushes up to me and smiles at me trying to holla talking about "would you like to join me today?" I smile at her but politely decline and go back to table 2 cuz that's my folks but it doesn't end there. She goes back to her table alone and defeated and a couples guys approach her to holla but she brushes them off just like ya boy just did her. She's still stealing a couple glances throughout my meal but that's not the creepy part. I pacifically told my waitress to not let anyone pay except me! When we were done I asked for the check and the waitress informs me that it's already taken care of. I looked at everyone at my table and went on a tirade only to be interupted by my waitress telling me that it was the woman sitting by herself with the tight yellow dress that paid for us. Moral of the story don't even smile at subpar chicks it leads to embarrassing situations.
 Did no one catch this?  Smashing sub-par chicks is fine if she has something physically attractive about her and you can look yourself in the mirror afterwards.
Originally Posted by Girl Thats Drob

I'm currently smashing a 6. Why you ask?

Nice apartment

Pantry fulla munchies when I'm

Sucks me up before I go to work

She does as I say

Do I chase the sub-par females? Nah... but when they throw it at me, sometimes a young $+#$+ gotta reel it in


lool. interesting post but imagine if she finds this post...
I've smashed a few sub-par females. Been drunk everytime. Sometimes it's just not your night but if you're really horny and drunk then F it.

Never smashed a sub-par chick while sober and all of the ones that I have been with were one and dones.

No hate on the dudes that do it but I personally can't get turned on by a sub-par chick without the aid of alcohol.

By sub-par I mean below 7. Most of the girls I've been with have been 7's and 8's with a few 9's
nothing wrong with it. I wouldnt brag about it though. We've all seen that girl who has the fantastic body but an ugly face. You'd be a fool to turn that down. Thats when you bury her face in the pillow and go to work ( periodically letting her get a little air then back in the pillow)
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Quality > Quantity[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Never smashed an "ugly" or "sub-par" female.. I'll hold out if need be.
Y'all dudes never cease to entertain. I'm gonna be real though.


There isn't any better way to get your stamina/endurance up. It's a fact that these 5s, 6s, and 7s have the wettest of the wet, the slipperiest of the slopes, and have no problem with giving it to you any time you want it. Not only that, but I tend to find that they are the most motivated (in terms of education and career,) level-headed, and just cool to kick it with in general. They won't judge you for coming through their crib, taking a THC nap, and then expecting the yambs. Neither will they judge you for eating their last bag of cheetos after you're done. Need a ride? Cool. Need a few extra dollars till the end of the week? No problem. You sore? She'll give you a back rub. You hungry? She's chopping onions before you hang up the phone. Try that with a dime.

So y'all can keep holding out for these dimes if y'all want to. While I'm in that transitional phase between wives,

Spoiler [+]

more sub-par box for me.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I never placed my D into anything that I'd feel embarrassed walking down the street with....never been desperate fr sex to that point and will never understand why dudes need to lower their standards simply to please their urge, I rather jerk off.

I'm saying

Have some respect for yourselves.
i dont understand the quality over quantity. it's just sex. Who are you trying to impress by saying "I only smash 7's and up"? Some chicks might not have the best faces but the phattest masses and I'm going in
Originally Posted by Yeah

Y'all dudes never cease to entertain. I'm gonna be real though.


There isn't any better way to get your stamina/endurance up. It's a fact that these 5s, 6s, and 7s have the wettest of the wet, the slipperiest of the slopes, and have no problem with giving it to you any time you want it. Not only that, but I tend to find that they are the most motivated (in terms of education and career,) level-headed, and just cool to kick it with in general. They won't judge you for coming through their crib, taking a THC nap, and then expecting the yambs. Neither will they judge you for eating their last bag of cheetos after you're done. Need a ride? Cool. Need a few extra dollars till the end of the week? No problem. You sore? She'll give you a back rub. You hungry? She's chopping onions before you hang up the phone. Try that with a dime.

So y'all can keep holding out for these dimes if y'all want to. While I'm in that transitional phase between wives,

Spoiler [+]

more sub-par box for me.
All of this. I got needs, and i need it early and often.  These "subpar" females as you call them are always available for the smashing
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs


I swear it be the most unattractive/mediocre dudes that swear they deserve attractive women.
If you a 5 why cant you  date a 5, if you a 3 why cant you date a three.

What this confidence juice some dudes be drinking, cause sometimes I need it.

I cant blame them look at kanye and kim ,Beyonce and Jay list goes on

You want to know why a man that's a 3,2 ,4 or a 5 shouldn't aspire to only date women society sees on his level because it only inspires him to be a degenerate bum .  A beautiful woman can inspire the lowest of men to do the greatest of things, even if he doesn't get the chance to bed such a woman, it gives him hope, it breathes life into him. Furthermore, an ugly man, with an ugly wife and ugly, talentless children doesn't exactly give one hope for the future, it doesn't make you want to work that extra shift, try harder to get that better paying job. It kills ambition, kills imagination, makes this world out to be a short, brutal existence, especially since there are no longer any *+$*# houses for such men.
Any woman that could make the statement to a man that he should seek out his equal in beauty, does not understand her true worth or the worth of other women. Also this confidence is what these women seek, because if a man so besmirched by the world could find it within himself to overcome genetic fate itself, what kind of children is he going to help in creating? 

Anyways as far as the topic itself, I can't find myself coming any where close to having sex with a woman I don't find attractive, simply because I understand myself, my history, my self worth and the genes I wish to create a new generation with. But then again I don't sleep around to begin with it
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23
I swear it be the most unattractive/mediocre dudes that swear they deserve attractive women.
If you a 5 why cant you  date a 5, if you a 3 why cant you date a three.

What this confidence juice some dudes be drinking, cause sometimes I need it.

I cant blame them look at kanye and kim ,Beyonce and Jay list goes on

You want to know why a man that's a 3,2 ,4 or a 5 shouldn't aspire to only date women society sees on his level because it only inspires him to be a degenerate bum .  A beautiful woman can inspire the lowest of men to do the greatest of things, even if he doesn't get the chance to bed such a woman, it gives him hope, it breathes life into him. Furthermore, an ugly man, with an ugly wife and ugly, talentless children doesn't exactly give one hope for the future, it doesn't make you want to work that extra shift, try harder to get that better paying job. It kills ambition, kills imagination, makes this world out to be a short, brutal existence, especially since there are no longer any *+$*# houses for such men.
Any woman that could make the statement to a man that he should seek out his equal in beauty, does not understand her true worth or the worth of other women. Also this confidence is what these women seek, because if a man so besmirched by the world could find it within himself to overcome genetic fate itself, what kind of children is he going to help in creating? 

Anyways as far as the topic itself, I can't find myself coming any where close to having sex with a woman I don't find attractive, simply because I understand myself, my history, my self worth and the genes I wish to create a new generation with. But then again I don't sleep around to begin with it

That's all you had to say. You the type of @#%%! to fall in love after one night anyway from this post
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