How do yall feel about smashing sub-par females?

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Aight...full disclosure my dudes.

I once talked to this chick at one of the HBCU's in NC that I met in the mall with my boy one day. I mean when your three pointer aint hitting sometimes you gotta make a few layups until you get your range back namean? Well she was a sweet girl, she just wasn't going to be stopped in the mall by any modeling agencies if you know what I mean. Still she was sexy slim working with a a perfectly shaped bubble and a little hips to go with it. She was rocking a natural, that was a little too dry and close to nappy for my taste, but then again like I said I was like 0-5 from downtown so I was like whatever...

So I went to her dorm and since she was an RA she had a room to herself and put both the twin sized beds together to make a ghetto-king sized bed. Let me tell you...the crevice was so wet that I thought the chick got exited and peed on me or something...and I aint talking the lotion type creamy wetness, I am talking like the chick seemed like she had a faucet up in her nook. I done messed around and got P-whupped. And to top it off she had a little mini-fridge stocked up with Wild Cherry Capri Suns so after smashing and recovering from the fetal position I would grab a cold Capri Sun and it was like IV fluids going straight in my veins.

So anyway she got tired of us only meeting up in her room and playing hide my %$!+, so I eventually had to take her out...we went to a movie that had been out for 5 weeks at the least populated movie theatre I could find. Eventually she caught on and cut off my supply of rug and that was the end of that. I was kinda sad my dudes...Moral of the story...heck I don't know. I just figured I tell the story of the chick who I once considered sub-par. I have found a picture of her, but I'm afraid the NT detectives would find her account and put me on blast to her.
bruh, you bagged a squirter thats all....shes automatically a keeper just bc of that
Man this thread is silly. Some dudes are savages and some are picky. Some like to party and drink and some are anti social.Me I like to smash chicks. 6s and up are game. If she looks decent and smells good then why not? Usually I'd be drunk but new P is like a drug. I enjoy seeing how far I can go with a chick and how nasty she will get for me. That's me tho. I can't understand how dudes rather fap than have a real woman bent over screaming your name. I just like new experiences. This thread isn't about smashing beast or obese joints just the ones that don't look good enough for wifey status. And my dude elderwatsondiggs is funny he made a decent point but that only applies to some of yall not dudes that have game and get P.Maybe im sick but I'd rather be smashing a 6 with my thumb in her butt than watching Lisa Ann.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Man this thread is silly. Some dudes are savages and some are picky. Some like to party and drink and some are anti social.Me I like to smash chicks. 6s and up are game. If she looks decent and smells good then why not? Usually I'd be drunk but new P is like a drug. I enjoy seeing how far I can go with a chick and how nasty she will get for me. That's me tho. I can't understand how dudes rather fap than have a real woman bent over screaming your name. I just like new experiences. This thread isn't about smashing beast or obese joints just the ones that don't look good enough for wifey status. And my dude elderwatsondiggs is funny he made a decent point but that only applies to some of yall not dudes that have game and get P.Maybe im sick but I'd rather be smashing a 6 with my thumb in her butt than watching Lisa Ann.
Them lil nasty girls...i love em 
i keep a couple of regular or below avg joints on my team.....i call em up from the bench under strict rules : always see em after midnight, they are never my first option even if they hit me up early, always go to their place at anytime i want no questions ask, and no playing games when it comes to the sex

basically they serve a good purpose when it comes to that time when the choices are fap, sleep, or hit one of the sub par chicks
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by youngdoc

Originally Posted by cap1229

Getting really shallow now guys. Keep it up.

Nothing wrong with not sleeping with women you don't find attractive.

Anyone who says looks don't matter is either lying (to us or to themselves) or trolling

I understand why you don't sleep with women you aren't attracted to but I just think its in poor taste to rate them. What could be a 6 in looks could be bumped up to 8 status because she cooks and cleans for you. What could be a traditional 9 by looks alone could steal the money out your wallet and be *****ing you every time you see her.

I can respect that.

When I was younger I did way more than my fair share of rating but now it's just yay or nay. Does it really matter if she's a 7 or a 9 if you're attracted to her?
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Aight...full disclosure my dudes.

I once talked to this chick at one of the HBCU's in NC that I met in the mall with my boy one day. I mean when your three pointer aint hitting sometimes you gotta make a few layups until you get your range back namean? Well she was a sweet girl, she just wasn't going to be stopped in the mall by any modeling agencies if you know what I mean. Still she was sexy slim working with a a perfectly shaped bubble and a little hips to go with it. She was rocking a natural, that was a little too dry and close to nappy for my taste, but then again like I said I was like 0-5 from downtown so I was like whatever...

So I went to her dorm and since she was an RA she had a room to herself and put both the twin sized beds together to make a ghetto-king sized bed. Let me tell you...the crevice was so wet that I thought the chick got exited and peed on me or something...and I aint talking the lotion type creamy wetness, I am talking like the chick seemed like she had a faucet up in her nook. I done messed around and got P-whupped. And to top it off she had a little mini-fridge stocked up with Wild Cherry Capri Suns so after smashing and recovering from the fetal position I would grab a cold Capri Sun and it was like IV fluids going straight in my veins.

So anyway she got tired of us only meeting up in her room and playing hide my %$!+, so I eventually had to take her out...we went to a movie that had been out for 5 weeks at the least populated movie theatre I could find. Eventually she caught on and cut off my supply of rug and that was the end of that. I was kinda sad my dudes...Moral of the story...heck I don't know. I just figured I tell the story of the chick who I once considered sub-par. I have found a picture of her, but I'm afraid the NT detectives would find her account and put me on blast to her.
Mane true *#*+..this how it always end wit these kinda chicks...u having a good time thinking you got a lil personal freak then one they start talking dinner dates and cut off the sucking and smashing
NT all about Lambo Aventadores and Smashing 11+s.  I honestly wouldn't smash just any chick..  I have respect for myself and stick strict with my standards.  I didn't lower them back in the day why would I lower them now?  Da Yolo gots me.  I rather fap  before I hook up with a war pig.   Also depends on what your definition of ugly is
Out of curiosity, to the dudes who say it's better than fappin, is there a limit to how low you go? Or is it more like y'all find one thing to attract you and say F it?

Or are y'all smashing overweight unattractive chicks with no chest game or mass when y'all get desperate?
Originally Posted by cap1229

Getting really shallow now guys. Keep it up.
it's not like women don't have the same mentality when they see a dude in a nice car
Originally Posted by youngdoc

Out of curiosity, to the dudes who say it's better than fappin, is there a limit to how low you go? Or is it more like y'all find one thing to attract you and say F it?

Or are y'all smashing overweight unattractive chicks with no chest game or mass when y'all get desperate?

No man u got it all wrong this thread ain't about 2s and 3s or bottom of the barrel joints. This about them girls you think might be one level beneath you on the attractive scale.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Man this thread is silly. Some dudes are savages and some are picky. Some like to party and drink and some are anti social.Me I like to smash chicks. 6s and up are game. If she looks decent and smells good then why not? Usually I'd be drunk but new P is like a drug. I enjoy seeing how far I can go with a chick and how nasty she will get for me. That's me tho. I can't understand how dudes rather fap than have a real woman bent over screaming your name. I just like new experiences. This thread isn't about smashing beast or obese joints just the ones that don't look good enough for wifey status. And my dude elderwatsondiggs is funny he made a decent point but that only applies to some of yall not dudes that have game and get P.Maybe im sick but I'd rather be smashing a 6 with my thumb in her butt than watching Lisa Ann.
real talk from a real dude
Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by cap1229

Getting really shallow now guys. Keep it up.
it's not like women don't have the same mentality when they see a dude in a nice car

Do you know how lame that car argument is? Dudes stopped buying cars to impress the bittys a long time ago yall are impressing each other.
its all relative...different dudes have different philosophies concerning women...quality>quantity 
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by youngdoc

Out of curiosity, to the dudes who say it's better than fappin, is there a limit to how low you go? Or is it more like y'all find one thing to attract you and say F it?

Or are y'all smashing overweight unattractive chicks with no chest game or mass when y'all get desperate?

No man u got it all wrong this thread ain't about 2s and 3s or bottom of the barrel joints. This about them girls you think might be one level beneath you on the attractive scale.
OP didn't start the thread like that. He just said sub-par.

So there are dudes that consider themselves a 8 or 9 so a chick who is 7 or 8 will be considered sub-par?
Originally Posted by Girl Thats Drob

I'm currently smashing a 6. Why you ask?

Nice apartment

Pantry fulla munchies when I'm

Sucks me up before I go to work

She does as I say

Do I chase the sub-par females? Nah... but when they throw it at me, sometimes a young $+#$+ gotta reel it in

 I feels you bro *fistbump*
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

The same way they feel about smashing sub-par dudes like yourself...they lie aww f*** it...might as well, got nothing else to do. Smh @ dudes acting like their penis is the best thing that can happen to a chick...penis is free my dude, and even the ugly ones can get it with no problem. Get over yourself. And y'all talk about ugly chicks, I mean I am sure some of y'all mothers aint exactly dimes, but you wouldn't want a dude to say that.
Dog are you a woman

Then I have a long fat clyt 

I posted this in another thread, but this is how my standards are on club night

from the time I get dressed until say midnight: 9-10's
midnight-1:30am: 7-8s
1:30-2: 5-6's
2-until I get back in the crib: im scrounging for anything as long as it looks clean
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Aight...full disclosure my dudes.

I once talked to this chick at one of the HBCU's in NC that I met in the mall with my boy one day. I mean when your three pointer aint hitting sometimes you gotta make a few layups until you get your range back namean? Well she was a sweet girl, she just wasn't going to be stopped in the mall by any modeling agencies if you know what I mean. Still she was sexy slim working with a a perfectly shaped bubble and a little hips to go with it. She was rocking a natural, that was a little too dry and close to nappy for my taste, but then again like I said I was like 0-5 from downtown so I was like whatever...

So I went to her dorm and since she was an RA she had a room to herself and put both the twin sized beds together to make a ghetto-king sized bed. Let me tell you...the crevice was so wet that I thought the chick got exited and peed on me or something...and I aint talking the lotion type creamy wetness, I am talking like the chick seemed like she had a faucet up in her nook. I done messed around and got P-whupped. And to top it off she had a little mini-fridge stocked up with Wild Cherry Capri Suns so after smashing and recovering from the fetal position I would grab a cold Capri Sun and it was like IV fluids going straight in my veins.

So anyway she got tired of us only meeting up in her room and playing hide my %$!+, so I eventually had to take her out...we went to a movie that had been out for 5 weeks at the least populated movie theatre I could find. Eventually she caught on and cut off my supply of rug and that was the end of that. I was kinda sad my dudes...Moral of the story...heck I don't know. I just figured I tell the story of the chick who I once considered sub-par. I have found a picture of her, but I'm afraid the NT detectives would find her account and put me on blast to her.

Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

won't do it. if a chick doesn't have a pretty face then i can't. can't even get it up. i had this one chick begging for it, she had a 9.5 body but she looked like earthworm jim in the face. i had to dip

9.5 in the body? Hit it from the back and keep your eyes closed with those chicks.
I learned messing with 'sub par" chicks defiles my lineage, it soils my regal cloth. It's an abomination against my kin and devalues the path blazed by my ancestors. I just imagine Jesus, my father,grandfather, kings and leaders of justice all sitting around a round table giving me the most disgusted looks and side eyes. "My son we left you the scrolls and the formulas to capture and entrance the most bountiful of bussoms and the most roundest of mounds. We did nothing but procreate with virgins of the highest orders of heaven to ensure our vested seed was compounded to create the ultimate man. You are the culmination of a millennia of selective breeding to ensure your penis is the Kobe beef of penis. You desecrate thou holy vessel to lay with ordinary beast!!" That's the speech my ancestor imhotep left me as he floated above my bed after a laid with this harlot I met at the Crenshaw mall after I couldn't contain my sexual prowess. O.P. my responsibilities as a man god don't allow me to spill my nectar of the gods all over the buttocks of mediocre or "sub par" skin. I only spit venom at gorgeous faces that's booties barely fit in denim. I only lay with the best that preferably have atleast 40 inches of that round flesh. I put in work, and I'm none to make a princess squirt.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

I learned messing with 'sub par" chicks defiles my lineage, it soils my regal cloth. It's an abomination against my kin and devalues the path blazed by my ancestors. I just imagine Jesus, my father,grandfather, kings and leaders of justice all sitting around a round table giving me the most disgusted looks and side eyes. "My son we left you the scrolls and the formulas to capture and entrance the most bountiful of bussoms and the most roundest of mounds. We did nothing but procreate with virgins of the highest orders of heaven to ensure our vested seed was compounded to create the ultimate man. You are the culmination of a millennia of selective breeding to ensure your penis is the Kobe beef of penis. You desecrate thou holy vessel to lay with ordinary beast!!" That's the speech my ancestor imhotep left me as he floated above my bed after a laid with this harlot I met at the Crenshaw mall after I couldn't contain my sexual prowess. O.P. my responsibilities as a man god don't allow me to spill my nectar of the gods all over the buttocks of mediocre or "sub par" skin. I only spit venom at gorgeous faces that's booties barely fit in denim. I only lay with the best that preferably have atleast 40 inches of that round flesh. I put in work, if it don't squirt gotdammit it just don't work!
Originally Posted by Ice Shattered

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

 And to top it off she had a little mini-fridge stocked up with Wild Cherry Capri Suns so after smashing and recovering from the fetal position I would grab a cold Capri Sun and it was like IV fluids going straight in my veins.

I had a straight face up until that part.

Then I started dying.

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