How Do You Feel About Doc Rivers?

Jan 29, 2005
Just wonder what NT thinks about the guy who went from




Is he that good?

Is he a mirage?

A Bandwagoner?

Or a potential legend?
he sucks and got lucky. his work with the magic and early days in boston show the REAL doc
I have always liked Doc, i think he is in a fortunate position right now. The success the celts have had is all due to giving P.P Jesus & KG. The 3 of themis why the miracle turn around. Im sure he is a decent coach, and he speaks from experience. He also looks like he would be an easy guy to get along with. Allof that helps. The fact that Rondo has been playing well, throw in Perkins and Powe and really they are damn near unbeatable.

Last year, down the stretch i think having PJ Brown on the team helped immensely and proved to be a difference, Posey also. Both those guys are gone butobviously Rondo has picked his game up. If Rondo keeps it up the Celts should be tough to beat.
I think he's the same coach he was from the 06-07 season...just now he has better players...
Loved him as a Knick from the glory days, always thought Derek Harper and him gave us stability at the point position.

As a coach, I think he's pretty decent.
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

I think he's the same coach he was from the 06-07 season...just now he has better players...

Better as in two future hall of famers better.
Overrated as a coach. He hit the jackpot with Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen falling into his lap.
I've liked the guy since he coached the Magic. I met him at a high school game when his son played my high school right after he got fired from Orlando, Ididn't realize he was that tall, nice guy.

Good coach who got very lucky.
The only reason he's considered as a good coach is cause he's got Tom Thibodeau sitting next to him
He's a pretty good coach, there are other teams with as much talent that aren't doing as much with it.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Overrated as a coach. He hit the jackpot with Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen falling into his lap.

100% correct... Im still trynna figure out how in the world they got KG and Ray allen with the garbage they had on that team.
If he's really Coach of the Year status, why couldn't he fix the team from a couple of seasons ago?
Players play the games. What can he really do besides motivate?

He isn't a great coach. He is a great motavator. A lot of coaches are good coaches. But there aren't a lot of "great ones"
When KG and Ray came to Boston how much could Doc. He got great players who had all been around. They all know how to play. How much coaching could he do.

If anything the best coach on our staff is Thibodeau. He is a great coach.

I think a great coach has to win with little. Actually impliment stuff that makes do with what you have when you don't have guys like KG, PP....
Like is Phil Jackson a GREAT coach? You can't say he hasn't had some of the best players ever. What makes him great?

Doc is just a good motivator and I knew Outtacontrol would make this
I like how he made the Celtics a defensive team, when everybody was talking about the offensive power they would have with the Big 3.
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