How do you look at porn? Great editorial

Almost put ""s around "came" too.
Who doesn't do this.... Just watch and do your deed. Get it over with and get back to your life.
If you're watching the entire thing obviously you're addicted.

I guess I'm curious as to why somebody would rather watch pornography than go out and date a girl and have a relationship with a real person...
Who doesn't do this.... Just watch and do your deed. Get it over with and get back to your life.
If you're watching the entire thing obviously you're addicted.
I guess I'm curious as to why somebody would rather watch pornography than go out and date a girl and have a relationship with a real person...
You're right.. because people who date and people who are in a relationship with a real person don't masturbate.
I guess I'm curious as to why somebody would rather watch pornography than go out and date a girl and have a relationship with a real person...

Because porn depicts fantasies that most guys can only dream about.

You think you're gonna find a regular girl who is gonna suck you off after you whip your **** out of a pizza box?

But mainly i agree with this sentiment by SunDoobie

am sorry but instead of struggling with being porn free and whacking off, why don't this dude invest some time learning how to be social. Instead of watching porn, spend time on or some social network website. Change your dress and style. Start working out and make yourself desirable to women so you can find a mate, get married and make babies. Instead of doing that, this loser decides to give up porn!?? His inept social skills was the reason why porn was that important to him where he actually had to give it up :smh:
You're right.. because people who date and people who are in a relationship with a real person don't masturbate.

Bruh I'm married and don't have need for it. Don't need porn or need to masturbate
You're right.. because people who date and people who are in a relationship with a real person don't masturbate.
Bruh I'm married and don't have need for it. Don't need porn or need to masturbate
I understand you don't have a need for it.

But because someone is married or dating doesn't mean they don't need to masturbate.

Sex is better than masturbation, yes.. but sometimes you gotta get rid of that boner that ain't going away and your woman ain't around 
I understand you don't have a need for it.

But because someone is married or dating doesn't mean they don't need to masturbate.

Sex is better than masturbation, yes.. but sometimes you gotta get rid of that boner that ain't going away and your woman ain't around :lol:

I understand that not everybody is in a relationship. I'm just saying...why not achieve some self-control, find yourself a woman and start something and enjoy a better experience than watching unrealistic and unfair situations...

Does that make sense? I'm not trying to be condescending in any way, but rather promote discussion and introspection.
I understand you don't have a need for it.

But because someone is married or dating doesn't mean they don't need to masturbate.

Sex is better than masturbation, yes.. but sometimes you gotta get rid of that boner that ain't going away and your woman ain't around 
I understand that not everybody is in a relationship. I'm just saying...why not achieve some self-control, find yourself a woman and start something and enjoy a better experience than watching unrealistic and unfair situations...

Does that make sense? I'm not trying to be condescending in any way, but rather promote discussion and introspection.
Nah, I got what you were saying from the beginning funk.. was just thrown off a bit by how you said it.. like go get a girlfriend and problem is solved no need to masturbate.. don't think it's that easy for a lot of people to just stop it

Me and my lady do it on the regular and there are still some days when she's gone and I got that rock in the pants and **** just happens man 

I agree with you, It definitely does take someone with good self-control.. and I wish I had your self-control broham 
Nah, I got what you were saying from the beginning funk.. was just thrown off a bit by how you said it.. like go get a girlfriend and problem is solved no need to masturbate.. don't think it's that easy for a lot of people to just stop it

Me and my lady do it on the regular and there are still some days when she's gone and I got that rock in the pants and **** just happens man :lol:

I agree with you, It definitely does take someone with good self-control.. and I wish I had your self-control broham 

I should preface all my words by saying that it's not easy. I hope I didn't send the vibe that not doing any of this stuff is as simple as some make it out to be (I've been guilty of that myself). We all got those urges and sex drives that make people do crazy things.

I've found tho that sex means a lot more when it's my woman that is the focus, and not some lady who I wouldn't know in any way.

My hope would be that for those to read the article would maybe feel like, "Hey, he's got a point, maybe I should put more time and effort into finding a girl and yadayadayada..."
I guess I'm curious as to why somebody would rather watch pornography than go out and date a girl and have a relationship with a real person...
Nobody would rather watch porn than go out and date and get dem yambs..but dudes be actin' like it's like flippin a switch or just hittin up mcdonalds and **** to get a nice jo or date or relationship or wut have takes time to do that and sometimes pipes need cleaning NOW.  

after reading the rest of the thread, see where you're comin from but i guess i don't feel the same way.  me and my ex were nicknamed 'the rabbits' by our friends.  we held a halloween party and were out in the breezeway behind a pillar doin that deed but i still jerked plenty when she was out and i got that itch.  you say self control, i say needless torture.  sometimes a man need time to himself, sometime a woman need time for herself.  its healthy as long as you dont take it to the level of the guy in the op.
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just saw this online, kinda has to do with this topic but its interesting nonetheless..

its about a chick she has a condition where she cant stop touching herself and ends up killing herself after a local newspaper printed her story..

Last Friday, the Tampa Bay Times published a nuanced and heartbreaking feature storyabout Gretchen Molannen, a 39 year-old Florida woman with a condition known as "persistent genital arousal." Molannen described how her condition—likened to constant, unceasing physical arousal without any of the accompanying mental or emotional arousal—forced her to masturbate for hours on end and virtually destroyed her personal and professional life. The day after the story was published, Molannen committed suicide. A local blogger says the paper has "blood on its hands." It does not.

The Times story, by Lenora LaPeter Anton, describes how Molannen was unable to work, but denied disability. Her parents believed she was a lazy failure. Sex became a painful ordeal for her. She was unable to maintain relationships. She did not have the resources to get the medical help she needed. She grew desperate and depressed, and made two halfhearted, unsuccessful suicide attempts. The Times read its story to Molannen before publication, and she sent them an email thanking them for their work and their interest in her. Then, a day after it was published, she was found dead  at home by police. The paper said it had received offers to help her after its story was published. She would never get them.

Any time a burst of media attention is followed in short order by a suicide, it will always be assumed by someone, somewhere that the media attention was the cause. The "someone" in this case is St. Petersburg blogger Peter Schorsch (also a somewhat disreputable  local political consultant), who wrote, "While none of us will likely ever really know why Molannen committed suicide, we can all do the math. Woman tells story to the newspaper. Newspaper publishes sensational story. Woman commits suicide the day the story is published online. One plus one equals blood on the Times‘ hands."

Let us disregard the fact that that statement contradicts itself. And let us disregard the fact that when the story first ran, Schorsch wrote, "No matter how tragic the tale, it's difficult to take it seriously," essentially outing himself as a child. This sort of blame-laying is common, and understandable. It is also wrong. First, on a causal level: suicides can have many contributing factors—depression, drugs, hopelessness, grief, etc. Rendering a one-dimensional portrait of a suicide's cause is simplistic and inaccurate, and unfair to those upon whom the blame is laid. If a troubled teenager commits suicide because she "hates her parents," should we hound those parents into their own grave with guilt? No. We recognize that the victim's troubles ran deeper. Likewise, the media has a job to do, and it does it. This particular case was far from sensational tabloid journalism. But even sensational tabloid journalism is not, on its own, enough to "force" anyone to suicide. If that were so, Eliot Spitzer would have offed himself long ago.

The second problem is in the ethical implications of assuming that media coverage can cause suicides. Were that true, it would follow that the media has a responsibility to do everything it can to avoid causing suicides. After all, a human life is more important than any particular news story. That would mean that journalists would need to consider the possible (unforeseeable, unknowable, theoretical) effects of their reporting on anyone they wrote about. Would this story send its subject over the edge? Would exposing a politician's malfeasance make him take his own life? Would a portrait of a troubled individual send them on a downward spiral? It is impossible to know. But if you truly believe that reporting causes suicide, you create a situation in which journalists must err on the side of caution, lest something  they do somehow  sendsomeone  into a dark place. The result is Highlights for Kids  and Reader's Digest  as our last remaining national news organs.

The truth is that life causes suicide. Life, and all its attendant troubles, and injuries, and disorders, and pains. To the extent that the media is a part of life, then yes, it may be implicated in suicides. But not any more than any other part of life. The choice to commit suicide—and the responsibility for its consequences—ultimately rests with the person committing suicide. That burden of that blame is far too heavy to be casually assigned to the living.
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Man I haven't watched porn or fapped in like 3 months.

As a testimony I can say I have more energy, clearer thinking, more testosterone (I feel, which can be linked to the increase in energy, could also be linked to me starting to take a multivitamin every other day and 5000 IU of Vitamin D3), and overall I get more **** done.

It started as a promise to god, which helped me get through it, but now its like it's not even that important to my life in any way anymore.

It's tough first couple weeks but, I never thought I would say this, you kinda get over the idea of not fapping.

Fapping and porn are so ingrained in our culture these days its crazy. I can't say I'll never watch porn again cuz that's a lie. But I feel more in control of my urges. Plus I go to the strip club atleast 1x a month and I get my huge booty fix.

It can be done.
JAV is like the vegetarian of porn. Got me feelin healthy out here without all that unnecessary madness added to it.

although my desire to creampie women has rose exponentially...

I fap atleast 2 times a day if that matters... sex maybe 6-10 times a month
**** what the hell ever they're talking about. I watch pron whenever and however the hell I feel...
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