How do you make it overseas?

Mar 8, 2007
How do guys make it to play overseas? Basketball wise, there are so many places to play, but how do you get there?
I've always been curious because I see some guys at the gym talking about it and only 1 out of every 100 make it.
my li homie dion played/plays over there. he was with hawks then d league then overseas
If you are really good enough they have exposure camps, but end of the day you are going to have to hire an agent most likely and/or get in some league over here and work your way back over there. A couple dudes I used to hoop with are overseas; Josh Young, D.T Thomas, D'Anthony Bowden, Ronnie Battle, Brandon Kephart are a few I know who have made it over there if you want to google them and find out what leagues they are in. We had a CBA team here a few yrs ago that they finally blew up snd most everyone made it somewhere overseas. In fact, Oliver Miller was on the team and a few semi prominent NCAA guys like Brandon Dean
I played 1 season in a lower tier spanish league, it really is about having a contact, I certainly didn't have an agent. However, I did have a boy who played on a squad a season prior, and he was able to secure a tryout for me. It was a nice experience to play ball overseas for a year after school, but being away from home and making minimal funds wasn't a long term goal of mine. I would recommend it for anyone who wants to get more exposure/opportunity. It is tough without a contact though, as most teams have a 2 american per limit.
my homie Burke been playing overseas since college, basically hire an agent and work your @$% off. Its hard to stay at one club, always hopping to different teams and leagues.
Originally Posted by offbad

you can probably take a plane or a ship to get over there.

Originally Posted by j d0t win

my homie Burke been playing overseas since college, basically hire an agent and work your @$% off. Its hard to stay at one club, always hopping to different teams and leagues.

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