How do you prove sex was consensual?


May 31, 2006
[h1]University of Montana quarterback Jordan Johnson charged with rape [/h1][h2]Jordan Johnson, a quarterback with the University of Montana has been charged with rape, making him the second member of the team to face formal charges of sexual assault - the school faces a federal investigation into the 80 reported rapes in the town in the past three years.[/h2]Comments (2)[h3]VICTORIA CAVALIERE[/h3][h5]Wednesday, August 1, 2012, 11:29 AM[/h5]

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[h4]8KPAX[/h4][h4]University of Montana starting Quarterback Jordan Johnson, right and inset, returned to spring practice Saturday despite recent legal questions.[/h4]

[h5]Related Stories[/h5]

University of Montana quarterback Jordan Johnson has been charged with rape, making him the second member of the team to face formal charges of sexual assault, as school and local officials face a federal probe into their handling of 80 reported rapes in the college town of Missoula in the past three years.

Johnson, 20, was charged late Tuesday with a felony count of sexual intercourse without consent, the Missoula County District Attorney’s office said.

If convicted, he could face two years in prison.

Johnson was immediately suspended from the Grizzlies football team, which was scheduled to start practice Monday, the team newspaper said.

The allegations against Johnson first surfaced in March. A fellow student, identified as “Jane Doe,” accused Johnson of assaulting her in her bedroom on Feb. 4.

Prosecutors said the two had been watching a movie together and began kissing. According to the victim, Johnson became aggressive when she resisted his advances and allegedly said “I will make you,” according to court documents.

Johnson maintains the sex was consensual and "looks forward to the opportunity to prove his innocence at trial,” Johnson's attorney, David Paoli, said in a statement.

Johnson was the second Grizzly player this year to be charged with rape. His teammate, running back Beau Donaldson, pleaded not guilty in January to raping a woman as she slept in his residence. He was also suspended from the team.

The allegations against the players were among a string of reported sexual assaults in Missoula, a picturesque mountain town of 86,000 that is now part of a U.S. Justice Department probe into how city and university officials investigated and prosecutes those cases.

There have been 80 reported rapes in Missoula in the past three years and 11 reported assaults at the university since 2010.

The NCAA in January notified the university it was conducting its own investigation into the Grizzlies football program.

Both school and city officials have said they would cooperate with the investigations.

Local authorities say the incidence of rape in the city is on par with similarly sized college towns.

Last year, Johnson led the Grizzlies to an 11-3 record in the Big Sky Conference.

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In no way shape or form am I saying that he didn't do it especially with the number of sexual assaults in the town and university, but in a case of he said/she said, how do you prove that the act was indeed consensual especially when words like "stop" and "no" were never said? Do you have to make people sign love contracts (Chappelle's show) or tape your sexual encounters to prove that there was no ill will intended?
[COLOR=#red]You can have a document which states their name and the intent to have sex with you EVERY time there is an act of intercourse. The document must be signed and dated by both parties and no copies would be accepted as proof. Must be the original. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Here's the legal document to save you guys!!![/COLOR]

I Hoelotta Johnson hereby state that I am willfully and consensually engaging in coitus with Gitmo Yambs at the time and date listed below.

Signature #1 ________________ Signature #2______________ Time ___:___ (am/pm) Date (MM/DD/YYYY) __/__/____

Disclaimer: This document is only valid in original copy and as such two should be completed in order that each party may have one.
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Yes I'm sure the star quarterback of the university has to rape chicks to get any.......I would have stonefaced the **** out of that girl the minute she said that. Women have all the power in the world in the legal system, **** ain't right.
Man does this fit with the "morals of higher education"? I wonder how hard the NCAA will hit them with sanctions? :lol:
Chappelle never gets old. Ever. But yeah really i think for how dumb it may seem the only ways would be contract or video....
Yes I'm sure the star quarterback of the university has to rape chicks to get any.......I would have stonefaced the **** out of that girl the minute she said that. Women have all the power in the world in the legal system, **** ain't right.
while i DO agree with this, the number of rapes in that area in such a short amount of time definitely raises questions.
Texts can mess a court case alllll up. If you got texts even talking about it, you're straight lol

It's Montana tho. Dude probably raped a sheep
while i DO agree with this, the number of rapes in that area in such a short amount of time definitely raises questions.

How? I think it's moreso like one or two chicks were actually raped then a bunch of others pretty much said "**** it if I can get a bunch of money just by saying I was raped and they can't do anything about it then sign me up". Every dude in town must be terrified to have sex thinking that they're gonna be the next to be plotted against.
Wasn't there a group of black dudes accused of a group rape at a college bathroom, and they were deemed innocent with video evidence from one of their cell phones that showed the broad willing and eager for a train?
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