How do you thank people in your life?

Aug 24, 2009
A lot of NT has already graduated college and is in the real world, I'm still in school but I'm wondering, how do you thank people who have truly helped you out? I'm talking family, really close friends, teachers, just people who went out of their way to help you grow and now that you're starting to really live life you can pay them back.

I always thought I'd repay everyone with money, but then I realized that many of these people probably don't even care about money that much. That and what if I was never successful or wealthy enough to really give all these people money? There haven't been many people in my life who have really helped me, a lot of people talk down on me, criticize my goals and say I'm unrealistic for dreaming, but if one day I do make it, how can I show these people from the heart that I really do appreciate everything they've done for me?

What would touch you the most, if one of your closest friends finally made it and wanted to return the favor?
A lot of NT has already graduated college and is in the real world, I'm still in school but I'm wondering, how do you thank people who have truly helped you out? I'm talking family, really close friends, teachers, just people who went out of their way to help you grow and now that you're starting to really live life you can pay them back.

I always thought I'd repay everyone with money, but then I realized that many of these people probably don't even care about money that much. That and what if I was never successful or wealthy enough to really give all these people money? There haven't been many people in my life who have really helped me, a lot of people talk down on me, criticize my goals and say I'm unrealistic for dreaming, but if one day I do make it, how can I show these people from the heart that I really do appreciate everything they've done for me?

What would touch you the most, if one of your closest friends finally made it and wanted to return the favor?
with the dilznick

A card/gift every now and then is a great gesture. I have a lot of mentors I send xmas gifts.
A card/gift every now and then is a great gesture. I have a lot of mentors I send xmas gifts.
I don't think money is necessary. Just thank them ... maybe take them out and tell them how you feel, w/e. They'll appreciate your words.
I don't think money is necessary. Just thank them ... maybe take them out and tell them how you feel, w/e. They'll appreciate your words.
I learned this from one of the individuals I worked for in college. She used to always, I mean ALWAYS send a thankyou letter and/or card to someone that has done something for her or her squad. It stuck with me and when I do it, folks are SO surprised because people just don't take the time out to do little things like that.

It can go a long way and can make someone's day.

Good thread Monta. Keep up the good work man, you will go far.

I love the site Art of Maniless, they spoke on the Art of Writing a Thank You Note. Take a look at it -
By returning the favor. Letting them know that I got their back for whatever.
By returning the favor. Letting them know that I got their back for whatever.
I learned this from one of the individuals I worked for in college. She used to always, I mean ALWAYS send a thankyou letter and/or card to someone that has done something for her or her squad. It stuck with me and when I do it, folks are SO surprised because people just don't take the time out to do little things like that.

It can go a long way and can make someone's day.

Good thread Monta. Keep up the good work man, you will go far.

I love the site Art of Maniless, they spoke on the Art of Writing a Thank You Note. Take a look at it -
Originally Posted by brandnew22

I don't think money is necessary. Just thank them ... maybe take them out and tell them how you feel, w/e. They'll appreciate your words.

Yep same thing I was gonna say hit a restaurant sit down and tell them how appreciated they are offer a helping hand if you are in the position to do so .
Originally Posted by brandnew22

I don't think money is necessary. Just thank them ... maybe take them out and tell them how you feel, w/e. They'll appreciate your words.

Yep same thing I was gonna say hit a restaurant sit down and tell them how appreciated they are offer a helping hand if you are in the position to do so .
i feel the best way to show some body your grateful for what they gave is to share whatever you learned from your experience with another person.

by teaching or sharing ones knowledge you are showing that you understood what was given to you by the first person and that information was so valuable that you not only took it but you shared it so the next person may benefit. i feel that would help make the world an over all better place to live.
i feel the best way to show some body your grateful for what they gave is to share whatever you learned from your experience with another person.

by teaching or sharing ones knowledge you are showing that you understood what was given to you by the first person and that information was so valuable that you not only took it but you shared it so the next person may benefit. i feel that would help make the world an over all better place to live.
Yeah I'll definitely go with the letter/card route, and once I start making a little cash maybe a small dinner or something.

The only problem is that I feel like I can't reciprocate what they've given me, like nothing I can do for them will be worth what they've done for me
Yeah I'll definitely go with the letter/card route, and once I start making a little cash maybe a small dinner or something.

The only problem is that I feel like I can't reciprocate what they've given me, like nothing I can do for them will be worth what they've done for me
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