How do you think I could steal an Xmas gift from my girlfriend...

Dec 31, 2006
After seeing what she got me, and what she demanded for me to get her (never again)... I want my gift back.

Well, she got me a magnet and a US.Polo associations (what is this) polo shirt (when she told me she got me some polo, I pictured a nice cashmere sweater butshe was like you gotta join the association before you play the polo).

Now, I don't complain, but she straight demanded I get her a camera and I said I would like something in return at the same value ($100.00 minimum).

Well, I really don't want to date her anymore (seriously) and I would like my camera back and just leave her to be because I probably wont wear this shirtand I don't really have a place to put the magnet (wthell am I going to do with a magnet).

And plus, her family is getting on my nerves.

So NT, how can I get my camera back so I can donate it to some worthy organization.

I feel played.
Pics First, then help.
I feel like you have a weird twisted view of Christmas...

Better to give? Right?

Ok, but then again, you got a magnet.

just ask her to borrow it. then break up with her. then take a picture of her hopefully crying for your posterity. and the walk away.
How about..."gimme my damn camera back. This shirt x magnet collabo ain't what's poppin. Oh, and by's OVER."

I don't know.
a magnet? what???????????

yeah, ur gonna have the write that camera off buddy unless u can tell her that theres "something u need to do to it to make it better
" or u could just tell her u want ur damn camera back
Well, I think you should just walk away! You gave in to her demands and bought her what she wanted but didn't tell her what you wanted. if you are thatoffended by it all, walk away. That sounds pretty !%@$@% on her part but just take the L.
a magnet ... ... ... ... HAHAHAHAHAHA

just go over her house one night and when she goes to the bathroom, grab the camera and leave the polo and magent with a note that says "it's over ...... ps. use the magnet and hang this on your refridgerator for your wack $@! family to see" ...

I aint taking no Ls.

That's a 140.00 camera and I'm in a recession.

I think, I'm probably going to take Dwayne Wades advice.

I'm going to probably give the camera to someone who wants the damn thing and can really use it, i.e, the kid down the street.
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by Jordan Freak 32

I feel like you have a weird twisted view of Christmas...

Better to give? Right?
I think he has a twisted view on life too.

Stealing a gift back from your girl?
better to give huh??? i thought it was more like "its the thought that counts" and it sounds like she didnt put much of an effort, comeon, a magnet???
I really see your point but the best course of action is probably to walk away.

The grief trying to get the camera back probably isn't worth it.
Ask her to take a picture next to some stairs, set the shutter on fast speed, kick her down the stairs and snap some action shots on her way down. Then, walkaway with the camera.

Or take the L, either way.
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