How does an Admin's Page On NT Look Like?

Originally Posted by air max 87

the mods have their own forum



mind = blown
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by Club 27

I should be a mod.
word. how do you become a mod.

Got to be approached or recommended by another mod and i'm almost certain you have to have near to no blemishes on your account. One of the mod's posted what they look for in one before but i think that was back in 09.
They do have their own forum though.

And if you wanna know what the admin panel looks like, make your own Yuku forum just to see.
Meth hook me up with an Admin account, I have America's Team on my sig


I know some of y'all probably remember back in SF when Brain916 or someone was giving a Mod spot and MadMoneyMatt thought he was getting the spot, Well George88 got it, Matt made a thread talking !%%+ being mad cause dude didn't get the spot, What I mostly remember about this was when Matt said something like "Well since I didn't become a MOD this time maybe in the future when y'all have a spot don't count me in, I don't want to be a MOD, get other New-B's but not me. Thanks."

Stuff had me
This dude was clowning and Method Man banned him. He had a post showing what he was allowed to do and another screen saying "banned". I screen capped it but lost it
Originally Posted by Rick2345

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by Club 27

I should be a mod.
word. how do you become a mod.

Got to be approached or recommended by another mod and i'm almost certain you have to have near to no blemishes on your account. One of the mod's posted what they look for in one before but i think that was back in 09.
damn, I've been suspended once. smh
my dreams have been shattered.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

This dude was clowning and Method Man banned him. He had a post showing what he was allowed to do and another screen saying "banned". I screen capped it but lost it

if i recall, it was in a thread about posting did not read gifs. method man came in with a term paper post as usual, and that nt'er hit method man with a did not read. method man replied with a screen shot of him banning the dude, and across the middle posted "can't post, lol" 
Method man has banned people in the most creative ways. That one time he banned dude in poem form
Originally Posted by Rick2345

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by Club 27

I should be a mod.
word. how do you become a mod.

Got to be approached or recommended by another mod and [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i'm almost certain you have to have near to no blemishes on your account[/color]. One of the mod's posted what they look for in one before but i think that was back in 09.
I wouldn't be able to become a mod in this lifetime then

I would def like to be a B/S Guide because it seems like they need more people but as far as General goes.. HELL NO!
no way i'd want the task of sifting through all the garbage that gets posted in this section.
I compare the mods to the Illuminati. You basically are chosen to be a mod. And when you break the rules, you deist to exist. Ala Jalen Rose
Wait, I was gone for a year... What happend to JalenRose?!
Details anyone?
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