How does it feel to have a really attractive sister or mom?

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This is more normal than you think it is. The Rothschild FAM been doing this for years inbreeding to keep the FAM with in it self. Bro get it with their cousin and aunts.
This is more normal than you think it is. The Rothschild FAM been doing this for years inbreeding to keep the FAM with in it self. Bro get it with their cousin and aunts.
One it's not normal.  But yea a lot of European and middle eastern wealth hoarders and raiders(i.e royal families) practice this.  I've heard Prince William and Kate are distant cousins, and Suddam was married to his first cousin.  I wouldn't call what these pigs do normal. 
I just don't understand.......even beyond strickly a physical thing, which is already ****** up enough, where does love fall into this???

1.How the **** do you fall in love with your sister bro....

2.These dudes who bang their mom.....son you was rippin that open with your head at one point

3. What do you do after a one night excuses not to call

4. I wonder how often this bro/sis stuff happens without the parents even knowing "Mommmmm, Elizabeth gave me VD!!!"
when i lived in columbus,ga some dude i knew had a major crush on his cousin, dude was tellin watch man im gonna bone her one day, then on 4th of july i saw them kissing..:x

dude did not give a dayum, in his defense she was hot but i can say that since im not related to them

but no no and no to all is family.
my cousin came to visit me and she got mad stares and the dudes here in cali  put down the leaf blowers to howl and do them mariachi cat calls..

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phenomenal execution :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: yo gordon your cousin is :pimp: pass dat :lol:
Gordon..I'm in L.A., next time she's in Cali, bring her to L.A., I'll trade you a pair of J's or lebrons for the set up.
when i lived in columbus,ga some dude i knew had a major crush on his cousin, dude was tellin watch man im gonna bone her one day, then on 4th of july i saw them kissing..:x

dude did not give a dayum, in his defense she was hot but i can say that since im not related to them

but no no and no to all is family.

my cousin came to visit me and she got mad stares and the dudes here in cali  put down the leaf blowers to howl and do them mariachi cat calls..


View media item 31601
wow this thread is beyond effed up at this point... the thoughts of some of you guys... the only mthing i can see hapn is gettn the yambs from your cousin through marriage or sumn..aside form that some of you need help fam. :smh:
wow this thread is beyond effed up at this point... the thoughts of some of you guys... the only mthing i can see hapn is gettn the yambs from your cousin through marriage or sumn..aside form that some of you need help fam. :smh:

Not even that is acceptable :smh:
:x exactly what is going on in here. $#!
Cats watching to much of that mommy fantasy porn :smh:Dudes talking about cousins by marriage are fair game ish is wild up in here.  Family is family no matter what.
Why in the hell would cousins by marriage not be fair game? You're not even related by blood.

If my aunt marries a dude with a fine daughter I can't smash? Ridiculous.

What family son? Don't even got the same last name. I can only assume you think the person grew up with this cousin through marriage. Cuz if my aunt did something like that today and I got me a new "cousin", I'm going in.
A white friend was telling me the other time that lots of teenage girls are messed in the head because their brother smashed.

Obviously white people is a fairly broad term. But you know there is that certain group of red-neck-ish folks that do practice that
One it's not normal.  But yea a lot of European and middle eastern wealth hoarders and raiders(i.e royal families) practice this.  I've heard Prince William and Kate are distant cousins, and Suddam was married to his first cousin.  I wouldn't call what these pigs do normal. 

There is no real definition for normal. Who you to call somebody pigs?
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