How does it feel to have a really attractive sister or mom?

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That's not true. I would also like to discuss the reasons why it became taboo. IT has nothing and everything to do with genetics, namely purifying the bloodline aka getting as close as possible to the original bloodlines. It's why the whole physical defect, insane royalty, and increased health issues is touted but the truth is if you're purifying something isn't the point to weed out all the dregs, impurity et al from it. But since what you're getting rid of are living, breathing human beings it isn't spun that way.
If I want a 6'6 thorough bred, big, strong, lives and maintains its strength for 50+ years... Do I make a fuss over all 5'4 weaklings that are also produced until I get what I want. Or do I take that 5'4 weakling and march them out to the forefront, however rare they might be (they're actually rarer than the 6'6 thorough bred) to make sure no one else, well not no one else ....... let's say no one else but the chosen few will follow in my footsteps.
Anyways for those that care you should keep your eyes, and minds focused on designer babies... Now think about a designer baby from a blue bloodline..... Now think about a designer baby from a near purified, well as least as close as you can get with selective breading

this make no sense. my only choice is to conclude that you are the product of incest.

we're not talking about 3rd cousins marrying each other. OP was talking about sisters and mothers.
Every time someone speaks of incest i think of that random guy in the street in gta 3 who yells out "My mother's my sister"
Looks like some feelings were caught in here.

I'm not saying I'd have sex with my mom but if someone engaged in some incestuous acts or I heard about it I definitely wouldnt take it like some of you guys would. I wouldnt post a million :x and call them scust and filth. I'd just be here with the ye shrug.
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Basically. In for the hot mom's and aunts word to Crank Lucas
Word, can we get a couple pics of these said moms and sisters. Too much text. We should just turn this into a Milf appreciation thread.
I'll keep it reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal simple for you

Person A + B are brother and sister.
There is no history of serious illness ex heart disease, diabetes, alzheimer, high blood pressure in their family.
Everyone in their family lives to be at least 70 years old.

Person A + B has sex which results in a child.
The child is not going to be born with a birth defect or health issues unless there is a history of these things in the bloodline. Furthermore the likelyhood of this happening is actually the least possible outcome out of all the possibilities in the genetic roulette

However what is possible is if there is junk DNA sequences or junk codons present in their family DNA, the chances of that being passed on to the kid is higher than if Person A + B were unrelated

So the whole you sleep with your sister and birth a ****** is an unproven myth. This myth has been proven in experiments carried out on plants to be false. There's also research that has been done on animals but it's not public research.

What is proven is that if there is a strong family history for physical defects, mental illness, heart disease, glaucoma, or alzheimer etc only then will the resulting offspring have a great chance of being affected by one of these.
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See incest is one of those topics I like to discuss.
Because nobody ever has a good reason as to why its looked down upon.
"bro thats your family" Okay, care to elaborate further?
Its looked down upon by everyone because society says its bad. Its just part of our culture to say "
thats gross"
You could say that about most everything . . .
i feel like i remember a previous thread long ago that discussed similar topics...when i read the post mentioning 3rd cousins it made me think back to it. for example, how far removed till its ok?

i remember going to a wedding once and seeing this chick dance thought she looked pretty dope. i asked my cousin (whose directly related to me) whats the word with ol girl, she said uhh i think she's related to me. she didn't say how, but im guessing its by law. i've never seen the chick before and pretty sure my close fam didn't know her either. but i figure she's a no go anyways because she's somehow related to my cousin i guess.

as for thinking your sister is hot? idk seems like the avg person wouldn't see their sister in that way. im an only child so it wouldnt apply to me. but as for the kardashians...i mean kim is literally famous for getting her bac destroyed in HD. thats all over the internet. and as much of a sex symbol/model/w.e she is nowadays, id be interested to know if her brothers ever got a moment of :evil:. wouldn't be surprised if he watched that sex tape honestly.

:smh: at inbreeding not causing medical complications. cmon son, people really think its all good health wise :x

wow is that really kay parker?
Don't know this feel
My mom and sister are ugly
Intresting you say that. I remember reading an article on incest and it said that there's something built into our dna that makes us un-attractive to our siblings and parents. Most people will often find their siblings or anyone who resembles your siblings to be ugly or un-attractive. It's in our dna to not be attracted to our siblings despite how good looking or hot they may seem to other people.

I can personally relate. Even in high school, any girl that even slightly resembled my sister was just a complete turn off, despite how good looking they were. It has to be built into our dna.
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It's not incest if you use contraceptives.

Wasn't this thread just about acknowledging that your sister is hot.

Technically incest isn't a bad thing, if you don't get attached.
there is soo much good cooch out there, why are you trying to bang your moms or your sister?
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