How does your weekday lunch look like?

I usually bring which I've noticed to be uncommon working in Midtown and the Upper West Side. Too damn expensive to eat out for my meticulous budget. If I meal prep, it's chicken with potato salad, broccoli, rice, etc. If I'm lazy, Shop Rite cold cuts are clutch. On the occasion I do eat out, $5 "street meat" at the Halal cart.

My favorite days at work are the comped lunches: Chipotle, Chirping Chicken, Guantanamera. List goes on.

I usually skip breakfast so lunch is important for me.
Not to sound cliche, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Quick eggs or oatmeal. Get that protein and fiber to jump start your slate.

If I eat breakfast I'm STARVING by break time. If I don't, I'm perfectly fine.
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