how is the Galaxy S2

Dec 11, 2010
for the people who have this phone?   battery life?   i know the S3 is coming around the corner but i can get one for real cheap right now.   
Its a good phone. I have the Sprint version and don't really have any complaints. My friend rooted his SG2 and said his battery life increase significantly.
if u have play money i think its worth it to play around with to get to know android before u get a s3 or the next iphone. it does what it does. i stream some nba games on it since it has flash.
It's a good device. Still a great choice for many a year after it was released, showing how some smartphones, despite their OS, can have a long lifespan.
I love this phone, i dont use myblap top anymore, the battery life is the only bad thing about it, but its been worth every dime
Originally Posted by mases apprentice

android sucks.

just get an iphone. a phone that get out dated every year instead of every few weeks.

love the phone but ready to get rid of it. waiting on the ev0LTE or the Galaxy Note.
Its an excellent phone. Until the One X/S came out, I would have argued it is the best value on the market
Amazing. Best phone I've ever had.

And even today it keeps up with 4S, Galaxy Nexus, etc...
Originally Posted by mases apprentice

android sucks.

just get an iphone. a phone that get out dated every year instead of every few weeks.

This happens when you get a iphone, terrible grammar.

I told my boy to get a S2, it gets the job done.
Originally Posted by mases apprentice

android sucks.

just get an iphone. a phone that get out dated every year instead of every few weeks.
High-end (and some mid-end) Androids have better specs than essentially you're admitting iPhones are outdated.

GSII is still a quality device. If you can get one for cheap I'd pull the trigger, but I wouldn't do it for a 2 year commitment.
I owned one for about two weeks, it was a good phone and the second Android phone I've owned since having the G2 BUT...the battery life was abysmal and it became unbearably hot on several occasions. I probably would've got a lot more use out of the phone if I was rooted but I digress. Also, T-Mobile failed me service wise due to limited to no reception in my offices (No Wifi access/calling @ one location), that was the last straw. I can't be MiA to certain people for 8 hours a day or more.

Back to the ol' Jailbroken iPhone 4 w/ AT&T until I find something better.

Not trying to troll Android I like both platforms just sharing my experience with the GS2.
Originally Posted by illmatic34

Originally Posted by mases apprentice

android sucks.

just get an iphone. a phone that get out dated every year instead of every few weeks.
High-end (and some mid-end) Androids have better specs than essentially you're admitting iPhones are outdated.

GSII is still a quality device. If you can get one for cheap I'd pull the trigger, but I wouldn't do it for a 2 year commitment.
high end androids also come out after the iphone and to be honest no phone is blowing the iphone out of the water in anything
its the most popular phone for a reason it gets first treatment for accessories and apps that alone makes it worth it.
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