How many Gigs of music do you have? What genre is it mostly?

107.18 Gigs. Mostly hip hop, a lot of soul of and r&b, and a little electro.
alot ..... it's mostly rock but that's mainly because I went through a couple of reformats as well as loosing three large hds withs some hard to findold school r &b, soul and jazz songs ....
140.75 GB
About 27 GB alternative/rock
11 GB Electro
2 GB of soul/funk/old jams
95 GB hip-hop
2 GB reggae
and a couple other gigs here and there of other stuff

Almost straight hip-hop/rap.
30 gigs, been building on this library since 2004. I'd guess that it's about 60% rap, 40% rock
21.25....11.9 days.....mostly rap, but that will change in a couple years, most probably to classic rock.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Its a trap.

On some real #*%$, some dude just sent me a PM asking to BUY my collection because he "lost his"...

Dont fall for it...
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