How many NTers have been members longer than me? (8years)

23Adam23 JOINED 01/28/00

HOLY CRAP, You were on NT on Windows 98 AOL 3.0
I love the dudes that come in and are like "Awww yeah I was lurking back in 96, had an original SN in 99 when I helped Method Man start NT, but I gotbanned in 00 and just lurked for a few years before I got this SN in 06. I remember Shynop though, so that makes me an OG."

I've always felt like a n00b on NT, and I've never managed to shake it.
Began lurking when I was 14
Got a sn last year and now I'm 17.

8 yrs. though, damn. I woulda had to join when I was 9 to come close
I can't believe i've been a member since October of 03..
It all started with me trying to find the release date for some 9's
Since 00. I was a freshman. Had release date pictures on my school binder from and iss before they had they forums explode.

Dont make me quiz some of you mofo's saying you been here for 8 or 9 years ol tryna get e-fame $$@ !!!%!#
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