How many of u dont like ur local teams???

Bulls, Bears, Cubs for life.  Not into hockey, but I'll support the 'Hawks before any other team.  I hate the casual fans that become all hyped on a team when they're doing well.  After they won the Stanley Cup, you see Blackhawks attire left and right.  Good for them, good for the city, but I'm not going to start caring about hockey just because of it.  EVERY city has people like this, can't stand 'em.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

So cal and I'm a Laker hater
But most laker fans here like them because its the cool thing to do
  it's true though.

most Laker fans annoy me and i've been a fan of the team since elementary school.  

it's so many Laker fans i know who became fans in 2000, had their little Laker flags on their cars but then between 2004-2007 they all of a sudden "don't have a favorite team because they only like individual players." but come 2008 these people became fans again like they forgot they weren't fans between 2004-07

im a Laker fan and i hate the majority of kobe stans as much as i hate Laker haters

Good for them, good for the city, but I'm not going to start caring about hockey just because of it.  EVERY city has people like this, can't stand 'em.

sf giants fans all over the sudden here
I'm a fan of all my local teams I love the Heat, Dolphins, Marlins, and Canes (I'm also a student here at UM so it helps). Ironically the team I love most out of my local teams is the one that has never won a championship during my lifetime which is the Dolphins.
I love all my local teams as well.

And I dislike those who are from Houston and root for any of the other professional teams in the state of Texas.
Especially the Houston born Cowboy fans... just despicable .
Originally Posted by blackxme

I love all my local teams as well.

And I dislike those who are from Houston and root for any of the other professional teams in the state of Texas.
Especially the Houston born Cowboy fans... just despicable .

Not a Cowboy fan by any means, but how so?
I think all of NT has a hard time differentiating between bandwagon fans and casual fans.
I am a DC native.... I support and love my Nationals and Caps!!!!


Originally Posted by dland24

I think all of NT has a hard time differentiating between bandwagon fans and casual fans.


I don't think there are as many bandwagon fans as people say there are. It takes what, 20-40k people to fill an arena? More to fill a stadium.
Some people watched every episode of Lost from day 1. Others caught up on DVD. Some hate the ending and dropped it, whatever. Just different kinds of fans. I mean, Avatar was a bandwagon movie. People didn't show up day 1, but word got out and they didn't stop showing up. Quality aside, every one of your favorite popular movies or shows have 'casual fans' who like hearing about or catching it when they get a chance.

A lot of people just don't have the patience to stay with sports, but like having something to be excited about that's live. Then there's Miami.

%@*% Miami. 

What was this about again?

dolphin fan from nyc. my uncle has season tix to the jets so ive been goin to 3-4 games a year and hating on them since im 13, especially when miamis in town. the best is when a little kid ran up to my during the tailgate, dressed all in green, to scream "QUISH THE FISH!!" at me. good times.
Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

dolphin fan from nyc. my uncle has season tix to the jets so ive been goin to 3-4 games a year and hating on them since im 13, especially when miamis in town. the best is when a little kid ran up to my during the tailgate, dressed all in green, to scream "QUISH THE FISH!!" at me. good times.
Much respect, it must be tough to be a Dolphins fan over there. I don't think there are much Dolphins fans outside of Miami nowadays, I know that back in the early 70's with Griese and all throughout the 80's with Marino we were one of the more popular teams nationwide but I doubt we are now, we've had a string of terrible teams up until these last couple Bill Parcells years.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Some people watched every episode of Lost from day 1. Others caught up on DVD. Some hate the ending and dropped it, whatever. Just different kinds of fans. I mean, Avatar was a bandwagon movie. People didn't show up day 1, but word got out and they didn't stop showing up. Quality aside, every one of your favorite popular movies or shows have 'casual fans' who like hearing about or catching it when they get a chance.
A lot of people just don't have the patience to stay with sports, but like having something to be excited about that's live.
I like the way u broke that down. Couldn't agree more
Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

So cal and I'm a Laker hater
But most laker fans here like them because its the cool thing to do
  it's true though.

most Laker fans annoy me and i've been a fan of the team since elementary school.  

it's so many Laker fans i know who became fans in 2000, had their little Laker flags on their cars but then between 2004-2007 they all of a sudden "don't have a favorite team because they only like individual players." but come 2008 these people became fans again like they forgot they weren't fans between 2004-07

no the best is those people who went out and bought clippers jerseys that year they made the playoffs then promptly vanished later
  i remember dudes talkin bout it was a "Clipper town" and that it was "Clipper Nation" that summer because they won 4 more playoff games then the Lakers did that year.

even the worlds biggest anti Laker people no that hell will freeze over before LA becomes a Clipper town.

LA has some of the worst, unknowledgable, and fickle sports fans known to man smh

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

  i remember dudes talkin bout it was a "Clipper town" and that it was "Clipper Nation" that summer because they won 4 more playoff games then the Lakers did that year.

even the worlds biggest anti Laker people no that hell will freeze over before LA becomes a Clipper town.

LA has some of the worst, unknowledgable, and fickle sports fans known to man smh


People really thought the Lakers were done and over with after 2005.  
Out of all the fans, Clipper fans were dogging the Lakers as if they just had a dynasty.

Clipper Nation
Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by blackxme

I love all my local teams as well.

And I dislike those who are from Houston and root for any of the other professional teams in the state of Texas.
Especially the Houston born Cowboy fans... just despicable .

Not a Cowboy fan by any means, but how so?

I suppose I just can't get over the fact that many Cowboy fans in Houston  have no connection to Dallas(and are quite annoying fans). Plus the whole in-state rivalry thing, Dallas vs Houston.
I just love Houston man and like supporting the local teams.
And also when the Oilers left it's like a lot of people either became Dallas fans or Titan fans. Which is understandable in a way.
I shouldn't have a problem with it, but it bothers me a bit. Stupid gripe I have.
I'm from NWI/Chicagoland area (hate that term
). As a Gary, IN man.... I LOVE the Colts... but they're the Nap Colts... so they don't count. !%%* Nap
. So then the Bears do, but I don't like them. Or the bulls. The Indiana Pacers count, but I HATE them
. The Gary Railcats be beating the hell out of them other teams...but who watches baseball
Im a loyal Cowboys fan, but I dont really care for any other Dallas team. I like when the mavs and rangers lose... just for the lulz.
I'm from the bay but i grew up watching the Bulls and the football game I have ever watched were the eagles vs the rams. I don't hate the warriors or 49ers but I won't go for the raiders or the As. I don't really watch baseball or hockey but I'll support the Giants and Sharks.
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