How many of y'all arent on the social networks?

Aug 3, 2005
Just deleted my facebook cuz I aint tryna be one click away anymore. Twitter is next.

Jus wondering how many of you dont do the social networks n why
Havent had a facebook in about a year.

I be on the move. Can't have my name/face out there for everyone to see .
havent had a facebook for about a year and have never had a twitter.

as graduation approaches i realize that i will probably get one again, then again maybe not.

What i am looking forward to is the clean slate that a deleted facebook provides. I had mine since high school and by the time i got to college i had 1200+ friends. I would delete 5-10 a day but that became super tedious.

I do really enjoy not having one though.
Originally Posted by presequel

you know, technically NT is a social network.

But it's anonymous tho

It's not comparable to FB in any way. Can't speak for Twitter.
i have like 200 something friends, only use FB to post stupid *@+!/communicate with organizations. nothing srs. deleted it once before.
fb is harmless if you make it that way... my pro pic is hella lame though.
Havent had fb in about two years I think but I "have" one just to look people up

Never had a twitter

I figure I just dont need the added extra "need" to do something,update or check on other people.
I am not anti social by any means,dont like the idea that me my person/persona is online anymore
Tried Facebook for 2 weeks; erased it and never looked back. The stuff people said on there annoyed the hell outta me

I have twitter. It's cool. But sometimes I feel like ehh just wanna delete it as well..
Never had FB or myspace. I don't really count
twitter kuz its hard to find people on there. I
follow like 8 people I kno in real life.
Deleted my facebook about 6 months ago and gonna get rid of my twitter in the next few weeks. A lot of things on there annoy me and I can do without. I do kinda miss Facebook from time to time because it allowed me to keep up with relatives since I'm miles away.
wouldn't niketalks be consider a social networking site, maybe not as elaborate as FB, or G+? i'm just saying.

I'm a social butterfly so I'm on the popular ones, Facebook is getting the axe soon though.
I stopped Facebooking cause I am always one click away from saying something flagrant in a status or trolling somebody's wall or pic comments. I admit that i got the impulse so I took away the trigger. If I didnt have to be on my best behavior on facebook well...
Its for the best anyway. My friends are sensitive
never partook of facebook. i embraced twitter last sunday, but my tweets are subpar for the course b/c congress keeps records of tweets. and dudes are reckless with it . word to fed busts on
I'm the only person that I know that's never messed with the social networks. Never was on friendster, myspace or facebook. Always been a low key cat, never been the type to keep tabs on others and I don't want others keeping tabs on me. My wife and I are the only ones in our large group of friends that don't use blackberrys either.
hmm I don't know a single person that doesn't have a FB. time for me to get new friends i guess
at thinking deleting your Facebook meaning anything now...especially since NOTHING ever gets "deleted" from there. 

Google probably has more on you than FB does.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

at thinking deleting your Facebook meaning anything now...especially since NOTHING ever gets "deleted" from there. 

Google probably has more on you than FB does.
True and True.
What Google doesn't have is a lot of is pictures of me.

In 10 years when people get bombarded by ads from facial recognition technology I'll be chillen with a big ? in front of my face. (i hope)

I do need to figure out the google thing...

Does Tor shield information from Google? 

Eh, even if it did Tor is waay to slow to use practically.
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