How many of y'all arent on the social networks?

No facebook for me deleted mine about 2-3 years ago.  I have twitter use it to see whats going on in the world.  It's a good place for quick info and to get an idea of whats going on.
Spoiler [+]
I got rid of facebook once i became single.  I found i would meet girls and they would go home and friend me on facebook and try to judge me on pictures and status's that i had put up.  Needless to say i never took pictures....the only pictures i was in were if i was at a party or bar or something and some female had a camera.  Then i talked to a girl and she was like well judging by your facebook pictures i would say all you do is party.  I was like sorry i don't take pictures of me doing mundane things in life.  Here is me waking up.  Here is me cooking breakfast.  Here is me watching TV.  People start to blur the line between online and real life. END RANT
Never had a Twitter, always thought it was dumb.

Deactivated my Facebook about 3 weeks ago cause my girl was yapping about me supposedly "always being on Facebook".
Had a myspace... and was ADDICTED!! But after I deleted it, I never looked back. Didn't create a facebook, twitter or anything.

I deleted my NT account last week too... Matter of fact, I really know how I'm posting this.
Originally Posted by BOBtheHOE

Never had a facebook account and never will.

[h1]Facebook spies on phone users' text messages, report says[/h1]
Published February 26, 2012


LONDON –  Internet giant Facebook is accessing smartphone users' personal text messages, an investigation revealed Sunday.

Facebook admitted reading text messages belonging to smartphone users who downloaded the social-networking app and said that it was accessing the data as part of a trial to launch its own messaging service, The (London) Sunday Times reported.

A spokesman for Facebook says while nothing has been launched yet, users will be prompted to give permission when the feature debuts.

"The permission is clearly disclosed on the app page in the Android marketplace and is in anticipation of new features that enable users to integrate Facebook features with their texts," a spokesman for Facebook said in a statement. "However, other than some very limited testing, we haven't launched anything yet so we're not using the permission.

Other well-known companies accessing smartphone users' personal data -- such as text messages -- include photo-sharing site Flickr, dating site Badoo and Yahoo Messenger, the paper said.

It claimed that some apps even allow companies to intercept phone calls -- while others, such as YouTube, are capable of remotely accessing and operating users' smartphone cameras to take photographs or videos at any time.

Security app My Remote Lock and the app Tennis Juggling Game were among smaller companies' apps that may intercept users' calls, the paper said.

Emma Draper, of the Privacy International campaign group, said, "Your personal information is a precious commodity, and companies will go to great lengths to get their hands on as much of it as possible."

More than 400,000 apps can be downloaded to Android phones, and more than 500,000 are available for iPhones -- with all apps downloaded from Apple's App Store covered by the same terms and conditions policy.

According to a YouGov poll for the newspaper, 70 percent of smartphone users rarely or never read the terms and conditions policy when they download an app.

Newscore contributed to this report.

Read more:
I used to mess with Facebook all the time but I deactivated my account a while back. I'm at home with a bad leg injury, so there's no real point in looking at pictures of what a bunch of randoms are doing. It always just used to make me feel kind of jealous. I'd rather waste my time on here or ISS personally. In terms of twitter, I look at a few other people's twitters that I know, but I don't actually have an account. 
Deleted my facebook like 3 weeks ago. 

Went to delete myspace too and got caught up in reading 4-5 year old messages

The thirst was .....


FB account only log in every few weeks.

I log into my LinkedIn account several times a week though.
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

FB account only log in every few weeks.

I log into my LinkedIn account several times a week though.
Same here. If there's social network you should join it's LinkedIn.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I am an enigma to most, and that is just the way I would prefer it to be.
Perfectly describes me. I keep a small circle of friends and have a good amount of "associates" or "acquaintances" but the less you know about me...the better.
I actually just got on Facebook a year ago since Facebook was a little out of my age range when it was big in college. Seems like for people 30+ years old (people born in the early 80's or late 70's), it's still a big hit and people log on and update daily. It was interesting for a couple of months but it got boring. I also got on Twitter just for the hell of it but it's a little OD for me for some reason. Right now, the only thing I really stay on daily is Instagram just because of the simple interface of looking at pics easily.
never had a facebook, never had a myspace. just seemed so lame to me and narcissistic.

theres a reason why people arent in your life at different times. i like to keep an air of mystery about me also.

catch me in real life %^&*#
Originally Posted by mrkane

never had a facebook, never had a myspace. just seemed so lame to me and narcissistic.

theres a reason why people arent in your life at different times. i like to keep an air of mystery about me also.
catch me in real life %^&*#

This is so true about Facebook. My 10 year high school reunion was two years ago and no one even showed up just because most people know what everyone is doing since Facebook is around. There's no shock value in seeing people in person no more and no real catching up. I feel like this is going to be worse for the next generation of kids and reunions will pretty much be a thing of the past.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by mrkane

 This is so true about Facebook. My 10 year high school reunion was two years ago and no one even showed up just because most people know what everyone is doing since Facebook is around. There's no shock value in seeing people in person no more and no real catching up. I feel like this is going to be worse for the next generation of kids and reunions will pretty much be a thing of the past.
That's the only thing that really irks me about facebook (or any social network where pics are always floating around). I was thinking about this a couple years ago.
There's no mystery like it would have been if your reunion was like 2005 and back. You can basically flip through somebody's timeline and you know every step of 

their life. I guess I'm fortunate enough that the only thing I've had on facebook since 2005 was track/XC related pics.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by ryair max 1

FB account only log in every few weeks.

I log into my LinkedIn account several times a week though.
Same here. If there's social network you should join it's LinkedIn.
Question...LinkedIn is more of a professional networking site and I've had it for a few years, have like 300 connections from friends, people within my company, industry or related businesses but I don't actually do anything with it.  What you y'all utilize it for?  I really just haven't done anything other than accept people's connections.
Deactivated Facebook last year and don't miss it at all.  Haven't had myspace in like 6 years.  I've had a Twitter account for 3 years but I've never actually used it...haven't tweeted once, don't follow anyone or anything.
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