How many of you wish you were taller?

Aug 24, 2009
I wish I was at least 6', or 6'4" if I was truly lucky. I hate being 5'7"

Any of y'all unhappy with your height?
I wish I was at least 6', or 6'4" if I was truly lucky. I hate being 5'7"

Any of y'all unhappy with your height?
yeah bro thats rough. 5'7" is too small. i'm 6' still growing very slowly at 22 yrs old thank god i'm not any shorter than that.
yeah bro thats rough. 5'7" is too small. i'm 6' still growing very slowly at 22 yrs old thank god i'm not any shorter than that.
Im 6 4 and im more than happy. Kinda wish i stopped at 6 2 to be honest.

Although im sure if i was 6 2 id probably be hoping to hit 6 4
Im 6 4 and im more than happy. Kinda wish i stopped at 6 2 to be honest.

Although im sure if i was 6 2 id probably be hoping to hit 6 4
i wish i was like 6'3 cause i honestly believe id be playin basketball or football sumwhere. im only like 5'10-5'11 tho, but people be thinkin im like 6'1 for sum reason
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