How many sexual partners have you had? vol. don't lie

Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

ummm on the real.. Like around 15 or 16. Im 24 21

I blame my numbers on my ex though.. She took 3 years out of my life.

fixed... and my situation is 100% on par w urs. numbers coulda been dangerous lol
i forgot what i said in the other thread...but i told the truth there. lol

but seriously, i dont know right now. prolly like 15 give or take. a lot there. i love oral hahhaa
Originally Posted by PassMeTheSoySauce

Originally Posted by PassMeTheSoySauce

3 partners

23 years old.

BTW I lost my virginity at the age of 22. real talk. no shame.
Same here my dude, didn't lose mine til I was 22.  About to be 23 and have had 2 partners.
18 years old
6 girls

I'm tired of people being ashamed of being virgins.

I know dudes that will deny it to the end, but they're definitely virgins.

Thats %*!*@!@$.

I swear I'd take it back if I could

I'd rather be a virgin, than %!$! some of the hoochies that I have 

Originally Posted by Apollo Greed

Typical NT response:


And that was last month

This doesn't make sense. Yeah, you may see someone making claims that seem outrageous every now and then, but there's no way that an outrageous response is a "typical" NT response.

As for the question, three for me. 
16 and zero.
I dunno, never had a girlfriend either, only one girl I've actually wanted like that and I could have, but ****ed things up.
Plus I got high as standards, probs could have a couple girls down by now but eh, saving it for a real dime.
Maybe my standards too high for myself though.
33 partners (Yes, I have kept a log since college

25 y/o

and they don't include the 2 I paid for...smhj
22yr old, 2 girls, both girlfriends, girl #1 i was 14-17, girl #2 18-22 and im engaged to her. No jumpoffs for me thats a waste of energy and health.
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