How many sexual partners have you had? vol. don't lie

Originally Posted by calikev34

18 years old
6 girls

I'm tired of people being ashamed of being virgins.

I know dudes that will deny it to the end, but they're definitely virgins.

Thats %*!*@!@$.

I swear I'd take it back if I could

I'd rather be a virgin, than %!$! some of the hoochies that I have 


QFT.  Your whole mindstate changes and that sense of being carefree disappears after you touch some cooch.
As for me, I'm 22... been with 3.  Should've been a LOT more, but I just took my own #%$@ out the game 2 years ago.  I had a lightweight JO and I always felt empty after I was with her.  Figured I would wait until my emotions were in check.  Heart FTL.
Some of you boggle my mind, all I read on this message board is all these sex posts and based on these answers, you cats are definitely afraid of the box........................and too all you derelicts losing ya V card in ya 20's..What the hell were you guys doing in high school?!?!??!!?

Society done horrified ya when it comes to sex, but it is as natural as eating, just protect yaself, and be life to live people.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Some of you boggle my mind, all I read on this message board is all these sex posts and based on these answers, you cats are definitely afraid of the box........................and too all you derelicts losing ya V card in ya 20's..What the hell were you guys doing in high school?!?!??!!?
This is what i wanna know

_'s was still playin' with pokemon cards @ 17
Im almost 24 now

63 partners.

1 dime
a few 9s
many 8s
many 7 and unders

2 horribles

Now that I look back at it I wouldnt mind quality over quantity. I lost my virginity at 16 and me and my 2 best friends pretty much competed with each other to see who could @!%% the most. I had a baby 16 months ago and even though i'm not with my sons mom anymore it has changed me.

Ive did everything ive wanted tho. Fullfilled my fantasy of a 3some with 2 girls 2 diff times. I hooked up with cousins, sisters, friends ex's etc
seeing wayyy lower numbers than i expected ....

im not even gonna post ... an approximate number ... late time we did this i got a lot of "R.I.P." "You're gonna die", etc.

22 years old

sex 10


ive slowed down alot, been looking for a steady girlfriend im tired of %*%*!$* these random $@$+. i havent smashed since mid feb.
Originally Posted by young dr0

seeing wayyy lower numbers than i expected ....

im not even gonna post ... an approximate number ... late time we did this i got a lot of "R.I.P." "You're gonna die", etc.


Originally Posted by lilpennymagicfan

Im almost 24 now

63 partners.

1 dime
a few 9s
many 8s
many 7 and unders

2 horribles

Now that I look back at it I wouldnt mind quality over quantity. I lost my virginity at 16 and me and my 2 best friends pretty much competed with each other to see who could @!%% the most. I had a baby 16 months ago and even though i'm not with my sons mom anymore it has changed me.

Ive did everything ive wanted tho. Fullfilled my fantasy of a 3some with 2 girls 2 diff times. I hooked up with cousins, sisters, friends ex's etc
26 and i dont even know...smh one night stands internet j/o's smashin 4 chicks inna week span i done it...i lost count a long time ago
im 26, 11, and i've been with my gf for the past 2 1/2 yrs. I need more though, I've been very bored lately, but I'm not a cheater, and I like my girl, but I'm bored. catch 22.
Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

im 26, 11, and i've been with my gf for the past 2 1/2 yrs. I need more though, I've been very bored lately, but I'm not a cheater, and I like my girl, but I'm bored. catch 22.

Welcome to manhood my friend..............I think a strip club scratches that itch but thats just me.............Mons Venus FTW
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