How much do you tip if you weren't happy with the service?

Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

To Insure Prompt Service

tips arent a form of insurance, but rather a form of reward. how are the waiters/waitresses supposed to know we're going to leave them a nice tip "to insure prompt service?" we supposed slip them a 20 before we get the bill?

a sad thing about tips is that a lot of service people working for a less fancy restaurant are tipped much less even though they work just as hard or harder than one who works at a 5-star restaurant.
This happens in all industries.

Replace tips with salary and bonus.
one time i went to unos with my coworker
for the record we work in a white neighborhood, im east asian, she was black.

we get seated and get our menus
6 tables around us, maybe 5 total seated.
15 minutes later guy takes our order,
15 minutes after that we get our food
for the next half hour, hes ghost from our table, yet he pops up at all the other table atleast twice( all white folk)
we got another waitress to get us refills and we pay our bill when were done
leave the fool a dollar and give the other waitres 5.
one time i got horrble service at applebee's and the tip i left them was "don't pee into the wind" written on a napkin

every once ina while when i get crudy service ill leave them 50 cents.
When the service sucked I leave a tip saying . . .

Originally Posted by iswearimcool

one time i went to unos with my coworker
for the record we work in a white neighborhood, im east asian, she was black.

we get seated and get our menus
6 tables around us, maybe 5 total seated.
15 minutes later guy takes our order,
15 minutes after that we get our food
for the next half hour, hes ghost from our table, yet he pops up at all the other table atleast twice( all white folk)
we got another waitress to get us refills and we pay our bill when were done
leave the fool a dollar and give the other waitres 5.

I once had a similar expierence...go to bar/grill, dude comes up ask what we want to ghost for 10 minutes, serves another table....says he forgetour drinks and table, after like 10 minutes we ask another waiter about the drinks, he checks up on it, takes our order....brings our food....were done eating,and the original dude comes out, and brings the bill...we pay and tip the other dude that picked up the slack instead of this bum.
Im the kind of person that will hook it up if someone goes out of their way for me.

Ive tipped as much as half the bill before.

However, if your a %@$%!, you aint getting %+@%.
Usually when the wifey and I go out to eat we tip about 25% if the service was exceptional. If we didn't like the service, it drops down to 10%. If it wasso-so, we give them 15%.
For college-looking waiters and people new to the job my max tip would be around 25-30% since they probably need it.
For others, my max is 20%.

With that said, I go by quarters or a scale of 0-4

If it was crap I'll give it a 0 - 0/4 of said max tip
If food is all I get from the waiter I'll give it a 1 - 1/4 of said max tip
Half effort - 2
If a waiter did everything a waiter should do - 3
If waiter is exceptional with fast service, kindness, draws ducks on your receipt after you're done, etc. - 4

I like to score things
Damn, I never really thought about alot of the stuff that was said in some of the previous posts. When I go out to eat I'll usually tip anywhere from $5 to$15.
One time my homegirl gave the waitress at BJ's her little brothers chucky cheese coins lmao.
I tip 15% if service was not real good. If service was horrible I would talk with the waiter/waitress after I was done with the meal and ask them how they felttheir service was and I would tell them where they can improve so they get it right the next time. If the service was great 20-25%

To those that say they don't tip if they don't have the money, you should factor in the tip before deciding to eat at a restaurant. If you can'tafford it eat Taco Bell. It's rude not to tip at all if there was no reason. These people do a good job so they can make some money to feed their families,it's a mostly thankless job. Please treat those that serve you well, you won't regret it.
One of my uncles used to put a stack of like 5 one-dollar bills on the table as soon as he sat down. Everytime the server did something wrong, he'd take adollar away. Whatever was left was their tip.
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