How much do you tip the valet?

Alright, some guidelines for using valet service, as well as responses to posts in this thread...

Valeting is a job that carries some hefty responsibility (ever parked a $100,000 car in an undersized garage in a high-stress environment?) for very littlepay--typically minimum wage plus tips. Even if the restaurant, hotel, or club charges a fee for valet service, it is unlikely that the valet him/herself willsee any of that money in his/her pocket. You don't go to a restaurant and stiff the waiter because the food is expensive, do you? (Sadly, I bet some of youdo.) Like all things, don't pretend you can afford something when you can't. If you can't afford to tip the valet, you can't afford valetservice. Period.

That being said, $2-$3 is a perfectly acceptable tip. One dollar in this day and age is kind of insulting, unless it's all you have and you make that clearto the valet. Stiffing is never acceptable, and trust me, if you ever go back, don't expect good service--they will remember you and expect to get stiffedagain. If you're embarrassed because you have zero cash on you, let them know--anything is better than just hopping in the car without a word. Five dollarsis sure to leave a favorable impression. If you ask for any special treatment (I.E., asking to park your own car, which is a legitimate request in some cases),a few extra bucks on top of a normal tip is appreciated.

Of course, they are providing a service, and if they botch it, it's fair to take it out of their tip. That does not include "taking a long time,"because chances are, you don't know where they park customer cars. Maybe the valet runs two blocks and climbs five flights of stairs to get to thegarage--would you be happy if you got stiffed after that?

Finally, any job is a "real job." Don't be a snob--be respectful, and if you're confused about something, just ask the valet. And if you getrobbed, that's absolutely unacceptable, and a quick chat with their manager will likely clear up the issue because any business that offers valet servicelives off of reputation.

My two cents.
Originally Posted by tido5000

Alright, some guidelines for using valet service, as well as responses to posts in this thread...

Valeting is a job that carries some hefty responsibility (ever parked a $100,000 car in an undersized garage in a high-stress environment?) for very little pay--typically minimum wage plus tips. Even if the restaurant, hotel, or club charges a fee for valet service, it is unlikely that the valet him/herself will see any of that money in his/her pocket. You don't go to a restaurant and stiff the waiter because the food is expensive, do you? (Sadly, I bet some of you do.) Like all things, don't pretend you can afford something when you can't. If you can't afford to tip the valet, you can't afford valet service. Period.

That being said, $2-$3 is a perfectly acceptable tip. One dollar in this day and age is kind of insulting, unless it's all you have and you make that clear to the valet. Stiffing is never acceptable, and trust me, if you ever go back, don't expect good service--they will remember you and expect to get stiffed again. If you're embarrassed because you have zero cash on you, let them know--anything is better than just hopping in the car without a word. Five dollars is sure to leave a favorable impression. If you ask for any special treatment (I.E., asking to park your own car, which is a legitimate request in some cases), a few extra bucks on top of a normal tip is appreciated.

Of course, they are providing a service, and if they botch it, it's fair to take it out of their tip. That does not include "taking a long time," because chances are, you don't know where they park customer cars. Maybe the valet runs two blocks and climbs five flights of stairs to get to the garage--would you be happy if you got stiffed after that?

Finally, any job is a "real job." Don't be a snob--be respectful, and if you're confused about something, just ask the valet. And if you get robbed, that's absolutely unacceptable, and a quick chat with their manager will likely clear up the issue because any business that offers valet service lives off of reputation.

My two cents.

Nice. Very Well Written.
thanks tido, i have been a valet for a few years, it's funny how people dont tip but they can self park for cheaper. true grade a scumbags, we doremember you and we will give you horrible service and hope you don't return. just like tido said, i am parking your maserati 2 inches from a cementgarage wall and 4 inches from another car. it's in your best iterest to tip. 3-5 bucks is perfectly fine. if you want to be held up front throw me a 20on a slow day and 40 on a busy day. if i see you again i will most likely let you park for free.

PS. i have never stolen ANYTHING from a car. the most i have seen a valet steal is a piece of gum.
any kind of tipping questions are very sensitive to nt

i dont valet so i dont care
I'm assuming most of you don't live in major cities where you have NO choice but to valet your car in downtown areas

free valet... 5 dollars
if you're paying for parking usually it's self park
if not
couple bucks

and I highly doubt there are that many valet drivers who would steal out of your car
I know A LOT of people who own and/or work for valet for a LONG and I've never seen it
damn, i work valet on weekends. i sure as hell hope i dont catch any Nters coming through my restaurant, i know im getting stiffed yall some cheap $%^

where i work. there is no valet charge so most people tip anywhere from 1-5 dollars. with the occasional 10 or 20 from the regulars/ballers and long timecustomers.

.most valet employees will remember the guy who stiffed them and gave nothing than the guy who gave 5 bucks. so always remember to atleast leave a small tip,because if you dont and you plan on returning you will not get good service , i will tell you that first hand.
the two buildings downtown I visit friends at that have valet I guess are the two worst in the world then.

At one, the driveway is downward sloping with a slow opening gate, every time I get this same kid he pumps the brakes like 8 times and shakes the car likecrazy trying while the gate is going up trying to get through. this is in plain sight of me about 30 feet away, he might be trying to save time but those 3seconds aren't worth my brakes and suspension. they haven't had a chance to steal anything cause I had no choice to start carrying a valet keyeverywhere I go.

this other building is even worse. my friend rents there and his only choice everyday is to valet his car, they won't allow him to park it himself. whenhis car was in the shop for 2 weeks they wouldnt let my car to be parked there, I needed to pay seperately even though he was with me. he tips them everysingle day to bring out his car and gets that kind of treatment. a few weeks after that they stole $80 cash he accidentally left in the glove box and its 100%guaranteed someone he knows and has taken care of. Same place stole my sneakers, someone elses ipod, and a few other minor things on seperate occassions. Iknow 2 residents and they tell me there have been multiple complaints and nothing has changed.

and I'm not a cheap tipper anywhere else, restaurants I tip 15% if the waiter is absolutely lousy and the food is cold, otherwise I go over 20%.
every job that expects a tip, first thing they want to tell you is how hard their job is.

You don't know what it's like to park cars.

You don't know what it's like to drive from point A to point B.

You don't know what it's like to fill cups underneath the soda fountain with graphically labeled soda names and even pretimed to cup size presets.

You don't know what it's like to put styrofoam containers of food into a plastic bag. The pressure is tremendous.

Don't tip me and I won't give you good service next time, you better watch out!

!+%% outta here with that!
I cannot stand stingy people. It drives me absolutely crazy. If you don't want to tip, then don't use the service, it's that simple. Don't takea cab ride, don't order a pizza, don't go to a bar.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

every job that expects a tip, first thing they want to tell you is how hard their job is.

You don't know what it's like to park cars.

You don't know what it's like to drive from point A to point B.

You don't know what it's like to fill cups underneath the soda fountain with graphically labeled soda names and even pretimed to cup size presets.

You don't know what it's like to put styrofoam containers of food into a plastic bag. The pressure is tremendous.

Don't tip me and I won't give you good service next time, you better watch out!

!+%% outta here with that!

Thats dumb, if youve never been a waiter then I don't want to hear any waiter talk outta you. honestly being a waiter you bust your but more then anynon-manual labor JOB. It is a pretty hihg pressure situation if you dn't have the temperment to deal with aholes day in and day out.

As for Valets, I don't mind the people but I can't stand a society that is to lazy to park there own car and walk like a block. That being saidI've never used one but if I did I'd probably tip 5.
I dont tip them a damn thing. They're doing their job! I dont get tipped for sitting at this desk all day! lol.... A thank you is good enough.
every job that expects a tip, first thing they want to tell you is how hard their job is.

You don't know what it's like to park cars.

You don't know what it's like to drive from point A to point B.

You don't know what it's like to fill cups underneath the soda fountain with graphically labeled soda names and even pretimed to cup size presets.

You don't know what it's like to put styrofoam containers of food into a plastic bag. The pressure is tremendous.

Don't tip me and I won't give you good service next time, you better watch out!

!+%% outta here with that!
Well, first you said that valets make good money and I'm letting you know that they don't; at least not when they get a string of peoplelike you. Then you said valeting isn't a "real job," comparing it to the guy who washes your windows at stoplights unprompted... well, sinceyou've VOLUNTARILY used a valet service before, that isn't exactly a valid comparison. I'd love to hear your definition of a "realjob..." perhaps you could tell us about yours?

And now your story is that valeting is easy. Not only is it physically exhausting, but valets have to deal with people like you on a daily basis. Snobs.Whiners. Stiffs. It's mentally exhausting. Frankly, and I'm not trying to make assumptions, but your attitudes towards the service industry arereminiscent of those belonging to "old money" types who have never worked a day in their life. Let me know if I'm on point.
i only did Valet once and i didnt tip only because i didnt have any cash on me. dude gave me the
i did bad though.

Originally Posted by tido5000

every job that expects a tip, first thing they want to tell you is how hard their job is.

You don't know what it's like to park cars.

You don't know what it's like to drive from point A to point B.

You don't know what it's like to fill cups underneath the soda fountain with graphically labeled soda names and even pretimed to cup size presets.

You don't know what it's like to put styrofoam containers of food into a plastic bag. The pressure is tremendous.

Don't tip me and I won't give you good service next time, you better watch out!

!+%% outta here with that!
Well, first you said that valets make good money and I'm letting you know that they don't; at least not when they get a string of people like you. Then you said valeting isn't a "real job," comparing it to the guy who washes your windows at stoplights unprompted... well, since you've VOLUNTARILY used a valet service before, that isn't exactly a valid comparison. I'd love to hear your definition of a "real job..." perhaps you could tell us about yours?

And now your story is that valeting is easy. Not only is it physically exhausting, but valets have to deal with people like you on a daily basis. Snobs. Whiners. Stiffs. It's mentally exhausting. Frankly, and I'm not trying to make assumptions, but your attitudes towards the service industry are reminiscent of those belonging to "old money" types who have never worked a day in their life. Let me know if I'm on point.
valet isnt always voluntary, some places won't let you park your own car.

I know you weren't directing it a me but I am definately far from old money, I'm second generation in this country and have worked retail since the dayI turned 15. I don't whine, I'm not a snob and I appreciate peope working hard. But a valet is still technically unskilled labor, please don't sayparking cars is a skill.

I'm with you if someone can park their own car with reasonable ease at a meter or whatever and they choose to use a valet they should know what to expectand be able to tip. but DatZnasty has great points too, just like if you send food back in a restaurant for whatever reason there's a good chance it'llcome back worse, if you don't tip well a valet is going to hold a grudge against me? it might be a small percentage but people in the service industrywhine just as much as the small percentage of people in the wealthy elite that you're talking about.

fact is valet is a relatively easy job that doesn't require a lot of skill and almost anyone can do it.
I'm scared as hell using the valet. Only time I wasn't was the at the Marriott where my mentor was the manager, I let em dudes know who I was and theyknew what was up.
Originally Posted by tido5000

every job that expects a tip, first thing they want to tell you is how hard their job is.

You don't know what it's like to park cars.

You don't know what it's like to drive from point A to point B.

You don't know what it's like to fill cups underneath the soda fountain with graphically labeled soda names and even pretimed to cup size presets.

You don't know what it's like to put styrofoam containers of food into a plastic bag. The pressure is tremendous.

Don't tip me and I won't give you good service next time, you better watch out!

!+%% outta here with that!
Well, first you said that valets make good money and I'm letting you know that they don't; at least not when they get a string of people like you. Then you said valeting isn't a "real job," comparing it to the guy who washes your windows at stoplights unprompted... well, since you've VOLUNTARILY used a valet service before, that isn't exactly a valid comparison. I'd love to hear your definition of a "real job..." perhaps you could tell us about yours?

And now your story is that valeting is easy. Not only is it physically exhausting, but valets have to deal with people like you on a daily basis. Snobs. Whiners. Stiffs. It's mentally exhausting. Frankly, and I'm not trying to make assumptions, but your attitudes towards the service industry are reminiscent of those belonging to "old money" types who have never worked a day in their life. Let me know if I'm on point.
Actually you're about as on point as Shaq at the free throw line?

Old money? What the *$+! gave you that idea? I'm not even rich.

Now parking cars is physically exhausting too?

And again, you're wrong as I would never voluntarily choose valet since I am perfectly capable of parking my own car. Many places force you to use valet.

I also never said I don't tip. I just think it's a completely stupid system. I've worked a job where all the money I made was tips, still felt thesame way then so don't feed me this crap about how my mind would change if I was a waiter.

If you want to know about my job, let's just say I work a job where my employer values me enough to pay me what he considers to be a fair salary and notjust say what I do is worth 2$ an hour and that if I want more that responsibility can be diverted to consumers. Although that's getting further from theoriginal topic, since the valets in questions do make at least minimum wage. Or how bout that it's something difficult enough that I wouldn't bereplaced by @@@+!#% preteens if it weren't for the child labor laws (many family owned Asian restaurants around here still do it).

My guy Marcus used to work at the hospital valeting cars. Comanche County Memorial hospital pays him 11$ an hour (which is A LOT in a low cost of living placelike Oklahoma), plus he was getting crazy tips because they used to FORCE you to valet and won't let you park your own car.

With people like valets, cab drivers, the dude at the airport who counts, weighs, and then throws your bag on the conveyor belt, the person who plastic bagsand hands you your take out order you called in, the airport shuttle bus driver, you can't even make the argument that they're getting tipped fordoing what they're supposed to do because of their wage, because all of those jobs are on the normal wage scale and many actually make pretty good moreeven before tips. Hell, I probably left out people who you are "supposed to" tip.

How vague is "service?" How about we start tipping trash collectors too, that's a service. Cashiers are providing you a service. The I.T guy whofixes your computer is providing a service. And hell, that's a service that more than likely you couldn't do your damn self otherwise you wouldn'thave called him, as opposed to parking a car, walking a plate from the kitchen to the table, or filling a glass with tea. Might as well tip the person a fewsteps in front of you who holds the door open from slamming on you. It's the same concept. That's a service, I appreciate it, but I also could havedone that myself perfectly fine.

Spare me on how hard the service industry is, it has to be the easiest sector of jobs there is. Do you have to go before a board every 2 yrs to proveyou're still smart enough to write down orders and fill glasses? Is the industry so ever changing and evolving that you have to constantly stay abreast ofnew technologies and get every new certification that comes out? Nope, pretty much just get some cushiony shoes and replace them when they get less cushiony.Did you have to go to 4 yrs of college to even be considered for a job? Do you even have to be a high school grad?

You know, I compared your level of on pointness to Shaq at the free throw line Todd, but on second thought Shaquille does still make about half ofthem. You're as on point as Shaq from the free throw line, with his left hand, backwards, in the dark.
come talk to me once you have run up and down a parking ramp for 8 hours straight with people like you *****ing the whole time. i didn't make the wholetipping thing up but it would be nice if some of these d bags could assimilate with the rest of society.
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