How much help do you get from your parents?

my grandparents raised me and my parents havent helped me out much my whole life, right now i'm living with my grandma because when my grandpa got cancer i moved home to help get them to doctor's appointments and do the grocery shopping and what not. I was going to move out again after he passed away but i never felt like she'd be okay cause she didnt wanna do anything like she never left the house for months. Now she's got cancer so.... waitin for her to beat the cancer and get strong again or the other possibility and then I wanna move to a bigger city again. I miss all of the things a big city has to offer. She trys to pay for stuff but i dont let her 90% of the time but she gets mad cause I dont wanna take anything from her, that's just how she is. When I was going to school and not living at home I wasnt getting any help from anyone. I pay for my car/insurance and phone, those are my only bills right now along with student loans.
Originally Posted by hollywoodjose

my grandparents raised me and my parents havent helped me out much my whole life, right now i'm living with my grandma because when my grandpa got cancer i moved home to help get them to doctor's appointments and do the grocery shopping and what not. I was going to move out again after he passed away but i never felt like she'd be okay cause she didnt wanna do anything like she never left the house for months. Now she's got cancer so.... waitin for her to beat the cancer and get strong again or the other possibility and then I wanna move to a bigger city again. I miss all of the things a big city has to offer. She trys to pay for stuff but i dont let her 90% of the time but she gets mad cause I dont wanna take anything from her, that's just how she is. When I was going to school and not living at home I wasnt getting any help from anyone. I pay for my car/insurance and phone, those are my only bills right now along with student loans.

God bless you my man for taking care of your family. You'll live a happy successful life.
No help from parents. Pay my moms cable and phone bill
I don't have that much spending money after I pay my bills but working on it
average paying job

Edit: I can't knock anybody that hasn't moved out at whatever age as long as you're trying to move out. If you don't have the money you don't have it.
im lucky if i can cover all my bills
i had a good paying job, recession hit...its average at that! too many bills are burying me...

im seriously considering moving back home after my lease to get on my feet.
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