How OD are walmart locations around your way?

I cant agree with all this negativity,there is like two walmarts by my house within like 5 miles of each other and I've worked at both em,one as my firstjob ever and now my current job,I enjoy the job security I have there bein one of the only businesses to make a positive increase in sales since november,I getpaid more than i feel i should for doin next to nothing as a photolab associate,i get to check out hot chicks all day and look at there pics:smile:!and i can go towork blazed,plus we get a 450 bonus check every 3 months!and we got the lowest prices on everything,and i can get anything i want there for any price because ican just get a friend to override the price,try getting any new xbox360 game for 10 bucks!new release blu ray movies for 5 bucks!
I Love Wally World!
there are two wall-marts that i know of where i live, and they're 45 mins. apart.
i rarely ever go in there. Probably been there twice, both to buy oil for the car, both times with my Dad. To my knowledge
he's never gone back, I've sure never gone back. There is a reason.

I prefer Target.
i'm from nyc so i haven't recalled going to a walmart previously. but now that i'm in school, there's one down the block and i love it;especially during those nights where you're up at 3am with nothing to do
I think the cvs/walgreen effect is worse.

It's even more annoying that CVS and Walgreen are built across the street from each other.
people reaaalllyy need to stop shopping at Wal Mart...I'm not gonna start preaching but just know that Wal Mart is one of the entities corrupting anddestroying the country
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by NyZiNFaMoUs

none at all...

no walmart in NYC FTL !
i'm pretty sure it wont be long til one pops up haha

in toronto we got a few but they are fairly spaced out...

i doubt it

the politicians in NYC are very anti-walmart particularly Bloomberg
they tried to do it here. But my city voted against it. Thank goodness. It was to be a Super Walmart too. 24 hours.

there is already a walmart 2-3 minutes away and yet another one 10-15 minutes if you wan variety. None are 24 hour though.
Originally Posted by shoefreek23

I cant agree with all this negativity,there is like two walmarts by my house within like 5 miles of each other and I've worked at both em,one as my first job ever and now my current job,I enjoy the job security I have there bein one of the only businesses to make a positive increase in sales since november,I get paid more than i feel i should for doin next to nothing as a photolab associate,i get to check out hot chicks all day and look at there pics:smile:!and i can go to work blazed,plus we get a 450 bonus check every 3 months!and we got the lowest prices on everything,and i can get anything i want there for any price because i can just get a friend to override the price,try getting any new xbox360 game for 10 bucks!new release blu ray movies for 5 bucks!
I Love Wally World!
There IS no job security. What wal-mart does is over-saturate the market with stores, then close down some of them once the competition has dieddown. All the workers who were formerly employed would then be laid off
shoefreek, u sound like ur working your way up to assistant mgr.

but coppin stuff for cheap ftw, its convient for me.
They call are Walmarts here " CLUB MART "

Mayne Walmarts is is like a club, that place is pack day and night every one of them full of pretty women and ugly dudes just like as club...
from Little Rock and there are like 2 I know near my house. One of the stores is a Super-WalMart and the other isn't. My parents usually shop at theregular one.
I live in Seattle and the closest one I can think of is like 20 minutes south of Seattle in Renton, WA.
None near me. I do have five or six walgreens around that I can get to within 10 mins. Up the hill is the freeway too, so it's all downhill and two pairsare like five blocks within each other.
I wanna say there's 4 Wal-Marts in a 5 mile radius around my house. Good old American capitalism at its finest.
Theres one down the street from my house, one in downtown San Leandro which is a 5 minute drive, another one in Oakland that is a 10 minute drive, and anotherin Union City. That one is a 20 minute drive.
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