How Old Were You When You First Got Drunk or High?

Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Originally Posted by emmmmy

High - 15 (good times) been a chronic smoker for many years. No more ganja for me tho. Sober Livin 

*%$$$ how you gonna post right below me, with info pertaining to my question, and not answer it...

Well to me it;s because I don't really need it anymore.. I used to do that to deal with boredom and to be happy for that moment.. and plus the high isn't the same anymore. Even if people offer me weed i'd turn it down. And that's coming from a guy that used to smoke 5 - 6 times Everyday Lol. I can't front, those where some good times though lol. I'm an occasional drinker now 
Never been drunk

1st (and only) time I got high is when I ate my friends medicinal candy bar cause I was hungry. Didn't feel anything for an hour, went to Little Caesar's, ate the whole pizza and then it kicked in.

I couldn't answer any questions, the glasses on my face and my eardrums REALLY hurt, "Shooter" by Lil Wayne made toooo much sense, "Walkin On Ice" by Twista and Gucci was epic, my eyes felt like sprinklers and I was hallucinating letters of the alphabet. I went to sleep and woke up still high the next day, the high probably lasted about 18 hours.

Really have no desire to ever do it again.
Originally Posted by Futuristic

Never been drunk

1st (and only) time I got high is when I ate my friends medicinal candy bar cause I was hungry. Didn't feel anything for an hour, went to Little Caesar's, ate the whole pizza and then it kicked in.

I couldn't answer any questions, the glasses on my face and my eardrums REALLY hurt, "Shooter" by Lil Wayne made toooo much sense, "Walkin On Ice" by Twista and Gucci was epic, my eyes felt like sprinklers and I was hallucinating letters of the alphabet. I went to sleep and woke up still high the next day, the high probably lasted about 18 hours.

Really have no desire to ever do it again.
at this dude and Moe Fab.
"You got a strong resume B"

I just got high this year. so 16.
Originally Posted by skylerof209

1st time drunk/buzzed 18 yrs old. never even had alcohol till i was 18.

23 now; i dnt rly drink anymore. couple sips of sumones beer here and there.

1st time high - 22yrs old

didnt even hit weed for 1st time till i was 22 on superbowl sunday 2011(didnt get high tho)
 1st time i was high was in October 2011 or so with my friend aaron on the way back home from a stripclub(nvr again) 

im a weedhead now so idk if that was such a good weed thou.

Son you've smoked for 3 months and you're a weedhead? What the hell is a weedhead?
Probably around 15 for me to get drunk/high for the first time. I haven't really smoked like I used to as I got older. Half the time it just makes me antisocial. Being drunk and high is > then just being high tho
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by skylerof209

1st time drunk/buzzed 18 yrs old. never even had alcohol till i was 18.

23 now; i dnt rly drink anymore. couple sips of sumones beer here and there.

1st time high - 22yrs old

didnt even hit weed for 1st time till i was 22 on superbowl sunday 2011(didnt get high tho)
 1st time i was high was in October 2011 or so with my friend aaron on the way back home from a stripclub(nvr again) 

im a weedhead now so idk if that was such a good weed thou.

Son you've smoked for 3 months and you're a weedhead? What the hell is a weedhead?

Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Originally Posted by Checks McGee

to these people saying they lost the desire to get high...why? 

yes, im a poet.

real life...
ill answer that for you...


so like, the first time i blazed was 17/18? (22 now) anyways... i didnt start smoking alot (not even that much like once a week...)till like a year ago.... slowed it down after (in june... stopped in september)...

any ways... i worked at macys and became friends with this dude... he blazed all day everyday... before work after work etc 

(we worked a morning shift before the store opened and scanned closed to make sure the signs on the rack were right....)

i blazed a few times with him after work whatever.... he got his card and copped me a lollipop.... took it and was cool chillen, because i didnt feel it till i got home...

another day he got me a cupcake... 4 dose... i took half... it was our lunch... i was SO GOD DAMN LIT... I COULD NOT FUNCTION ....

our lunch ended... the paranoia set in... couldnt even comprehend what the manager called me and told me what to do... they sent me and him to a stock room to scan some stuff... and i could not stand, i got floored and yacked... he picked me up... tried to get me back to life by scaring me and saying he was going to get the manager (he wouldnt hes from the hood, oakland)

any way i got up to walk and just left work (we did what we want there and was already looking for a new job) i drove so STONED that i dont know how i did it... i yacked at a stop light... got home and slept from 12pm to like 12 pm the next day... i was done... ( luckily that dude was there if not i woulda gotten fired and sent to the hospital

after that the experience of being high wasnt the same and i would get paranoid faster and just think like man this is what ive become, my life aint going no were ( im in college and got a job and do aight in life)... straight paranoid status... 

the high just wasnt the same... it wasnt fun like before were id be happy and giggling... just stuck, thinking and then get hungry... (which was bad because i was always dieting and id break my diets sometimes)

stopped smoking after the second time i popped a pill because of how wack smoking is compared to it... ive only popped 3 times now though...
drunk like 9 i think, idk i was a little kid and my grandparents let me drink a grip of home made cognac. 

started drinking on the regular when i was 14 same with smoking. 
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Moe Fab

10 for both
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

High - 13
Drunk - 7
Crack Cocaine -15
PCP - 14
Extacy Pills - 13
Meth - Yesterday 
 Im 16 

Being born in the hood , crackhouse ftw
Damn B, you got a strong resume. I done all those too

Crack - Gross, jittery feeling

Dope - I like the "up" feeling but HATE the comedowns

E - I love being thizzed out

Sherm - Best drug ever (other than tree and drink) it makes you feel like an astronaut walking on the moon but I always feel possessed on it (like the                   rules of life don't pertain to me)

Heroin - free based it feels like drunk and high and shermed x 100

I've tried every drug under the sun except acid, too bad I'll never try it because my drug experiment days are over.

the sad part is jp is just trolling, you're either dead serious or trying to hard for e-props.
 either way. 


this is a stupid thread, not that I'm any better.....but pointless thread is pointless...

Seriously tho , I was trolling and dude made it awkward for me 

Serious stuff tho .

I smoked weed , not stress . Nothing weak .. I smoked West Sides Best ! , I started off smokig on some real good ! When I started 9th grade ? 14 ? I cant remember when or what happened , Ive smoked way to many times to remember

The first time I got drunk ? 14 ? 
  I got drunk of 4lokos , I had 3 4lokos when they cracked , I thought they were weak so I chugged them like whatever 

Actually experiencing a buzz ? And not knocking out right after ? Wayy to many times to remember 
first time i smoked bud was when i was 21

i dont drink but i have in the past so i dont remember when i first had a drink
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Moe Fab

10 for both
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

High - 13
Drunk - 7
Crack Cocaine -15
PCP - 14
Extacy Pills - 13
Meth - Yesterday 
 Im 16 

Being born in the hood , crackhouse ftw
Damn B, you got a strong resume. I done all those too

Crack - Gross, jittery feeling

Dope - I like the "up" feeling but HATE the comedowns

E - I love being thizzed out

Sherm - Best drug ever (other than tree and drink) it makes you feel like an astronaut walking on the moon but I always feel possessed on it (like the                   rules of life don't pertain to me)

Heroin - free based it feels like drunk and high and shermed x 100

I've tried every drug under the sun except acid, too bad I'll never try it because my drug experiment days are over.

the sad part is jp is just trolling, you're either dead serious or trying to hard for e-props.
 either way. 


this is a stupid thread, not that I'm any better.....but pointless thread is pointless...

Dead ### serious. But why is it sad? They didn't ruin my life and I never became an addict.
Different strokes for different folks.

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