How serious is Benzo Addiction? Advice on my situation

Oct 29, 2006
So I found out yesterday my younger sister has been taking Xanax bars and Klonipins, and said that she thinks shes addicted but not really because she can't get them all the time. 

Not sure what to do now, I mean I know tons of people who functionally use these drugs, but its different when its your family. She is about to graduate high school and has already enrolled in a college for the fall. I just feel like she should deal with this before she goes off to school where she will have no supervision. My parents will bug out when they find out and that may not be the best thing because she will likely backlash and just become more isolated. I have felt sick since I found out and just don't know how to deal with this. 

What would you do in this situation?  
benzo addiction is no joke. people become accidentally hooked on that. get her help.
my roommate started gettin into that. that's why we're no longer associates 
It's definitely not what you want your sister to get into at college. Be very positive with her about going to college, make sure that she knows what's important in staying away from heavy drugs when she's away from home. I'm not one to ask about parent advice though.
As a former benzo addict, I can shed some light on this.

First off, is she dependent? (Meaning does she hurt and feel withdrawal when she doesn't have pills?)

How long/ often/ much is she taking? If she's taking more than a bar (2 mg) a day you should be worried, and she is most likely dependent.

If she's taking more than a bar a day she will most likely need to go to detox. Kicking benzos is dangerous and requires medical supervision. You can have seizures and even die if you try to go cold turkey. I was taking 4-6 bars at one point.

She may be able to taper off, but it really depends on a lot of factors like I said. She will need to receive some kind of medical attention, even if it isn't inpatient.

PM me if you have any other questions.

Benzo addiction is very serious and it really does negatively affect most people lives. If she needs something for anxiety, there are much safer options than benzos.
Glad I'm not hooked on them. I can definitely see how people can get addicted. I love me some bars but after gettin jacked while I was on it I will never drink on Xanax again. Instant blackout. ++$% sucks. Best of luck to your sister. Drug addiction is no joke. Just be happy she came out and said that she might be getting hooked. It's a good sign if she's reaching out for help
wow i thought this was about cars. looks loke youre in a sticky situation since shes leaving soon. all i can think of is try to fill her head with how bad it is before she leaves. maybe go to extreme lengths and make up situations where she'd be able to see first hand failures. she might not listen, cause shes a young fish going into college but its worth a try.
Benzos and alcohol two drugs where there is a real risk of death from withdrawal.
i work in a rehab and the only dangerous withdrawals are from alcohol and benzos. seek professional help to help her downward titrate off the drugs.
How does a benzo addict look....?
can we get some pics of your sister? Just for reference of course...
You can die breaux....

If you truly cared about your younger sister you would tell your parents and get her help immediately
Originally Posted by OneDirection

How does a benzo addict look....?
can we get some pics of your sister? Just for reference of course...
Reaching for lulz 
Originally Posted by Prada G

it is basically not ignore this. it is only going to get worse
You're confusing benzos for opiates. Benzos are for anxiety, opiates are painkillers.

Have you noticed a change in your sister's attitude recently? Maybe it seems like she doesn't really care about anything?
How many bars daily? If she is physically dependent, Cold Turkey is a no go. 
How serious is Xanax addiction? It's one of three worst withdrawals. The way out is painful, both mentally and psychically, but it can be beaten.
SWIM has been about a lot of bars, and has been sober almost a year, and SWIM was on a fatal daily dose.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Benzos = Handle bars??

among other things.

benzo addiction @!*%%$% sucks btw. an dee covered the important things and I would PM him with more questions.
as far as I know she may not be a daily user yet, but she was talking about purchasing more than one bar at a time.

the thing about this is that I didn't find out that she was using from her, I found out indirectly so I don't want her to think I am out to get her if I tell my parents, because lord knows I haven't always been the best role model. But I never messed with pills or hard drugs. I am truely worried for her, especially going off to college, I've seen so many kids go off and fail out after 1 semester.

and yes, I do think her attitude has changed and that she shows little interest in things. But I have brushed it off as the senioritis that all high school seniors endure when they are close to graduating.

I've decided I am going to tell my mother tommorow and hope for the best. Its going to be tough to watch this unfold with my college graduation and her hs graduation happening in the next few weeks.
Yeah don't throw her under the bus yet talk to her about it first and go from there

A kid a I used to do buissness with was popping 6 a day really depressed but you would never know it kid was pushing major weight had a sick place nice clothes nice car to many shoes and things that your everyday high schooler shouldn't have turns out he was popping 6 a day blew all his money screwed so many people over he said $:$/&/$ it and tried to kill him self........... It didn't work and now he's back to doing people wrong to get his fix
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