How to keep your shoes fresh/clean/icy?

Jun 2, 2012
Hello Nike Talk members, I would like to know how to keep your shoes clean/fresh/icy. Do you just your shoes in your ziploc bag? and every 4 months take them out so they can breath then ziploc bag again? How do you guys keep your shoes fresh?

ohhh.. so u one of those new members that joined for the yeezy II's.... hey.

i dont keep them fresh and clean.. i just clean them once in a while..

im too lazy to box them.. i leave them out.

f it.
Originally Posted by DaulDierce

Originally Posted by Skateboard

Wear them, stop being such a ninny.

what the f is that mean...
Noun:A foolish person.
Synonyms:nincompoop - simpleton - fool - nitwit - booby - noddy
Plastic bags breh. You can whuuurr 'em like this to break necks


If you really want to go all flashy goo goo you can do this two

Why is it "cool" to not wear your shoes anymore?
That's the "new" thing.
Just wear your shoes.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Plastic bags breh. You can whuuurr 'em like this to break necks


If you really want to go all flashy goo goo you can do this two


this. works like a motherfather charm
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